
Fear the Fever, by Michael Garrett, Jeff Gelb

innae's review

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Another winner in the Hot Blood series. Sometimes I read a story and wonder...WHY do I read these books? and then the next story I say...oh yeah. I can't say I enjoyed all the stories, or that I understood where all the authors were going, but many of the stories were entertaining. I have to say my favorite was Restin' Piece. Oh, and a couple of Colorado girls had contributions to this edition in the series, so that is cool (Patricia D. Cacek and Lucy Taylor)

tometrinket's review

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The Hot Blood series are tales of erotic horror, which is the best combination ever. When something as personal and sensitive as sex is mixed with horror, what could possibly scare you shitless more? So I set out to explore them all, all 13 books of the series, thus Project Hot Blood.

First, some info about my rating system. The level of paranormal of each story is one to five, one meaning it surely can happen in real life, five meaning it’s utterly something paranormal. The level of sex describes how graphic is the sex in each story, one to five, one being tame a bedtime story told by a nun, five being a detailed script for a hardcore porn movie. My rating’s from one to ten, it’s based on the balance of horror and erotic, so getting five in ‘level of sex’ doesn’t automatically mean an above average rating from me. It’s based on the wtf-ness of the ending, how freaked out I am, how nightmare-generating it is. One being rubbish, ten being masterpiece. It’s time to move on to the seventh book in my Project Hot Blood. Let's begin.

The Five Percent People
Lucy Taylor
Betrayal and some kind of cheating seem to be the big theme of this chapter, not my most favorite topic since mixing it into horror, it’s usually quite predictable. The first story is one such story. About a naive woman who believe over and over again her casanova of a boyfriend who would claim that she gets 95% of him and those other women, they were just the five percent people. I know, right, what a load of bullshit.