Reviews by Russell Hicks, Matt Cubberly

msgabbythelibrarian's review

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Oh my thoughts on this book are varied.

It's a great take--I mean, Christmas has gone commercial and the reminder of its heart is so crucial. Readers will recognize drones, cyber attacks, etc. It's truly a 21st Century tale.

But I really hated it. Okay, so hate is a strong word. Yet for a book that promotes heart....I didn't feel as if this book has it. The writing was stiff. I wasn't engaged in the story. It felt disjointed. The write-up was more promising than the finished product itself.

There will be a place for it in the library collection. But will I add it to my own--that would be a no.

**Thanks to Edelweiss and the book's publisher for an ARC of this book!**

kailey_luminouslibro's review

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Santa has retired, and the elves use to handle delivering all the Christmas presents. Cyber Scrooge hacks the system and Christmas will be cancelled unless three determined elves can find Santa, the missing sleigh, and the reindeer.

This story is funny and entertaining. I like the mystery as the elves search for the sleigh and try to find Santa. There is also some great humor when they find the reindeer, but the reindeer have grown fat and are too out-of-shape to pull the sleigh.

I love the positive messages about preserving your heritage and not losing personal connections in a faceless technological corporation. The elves and Santa working together is what made the magic of Christmas so special, and they begin to realize that nothing can replace a personal connection, especially when it comes to Christmas.

The story line is great, but the writing confused me in a couple of places. There's a scene where everyone is standing, and then it says that someone stood up. Um, weren't they already standing?

There's another scene where some random person helps the elves to repair the sleigh. Who is that dude? What's his motivation? What's his name? Why is he helping? How does he know how to fix the sleigh? Who are you, nameless character with one line?

In another scene, the elves ask local children to help the reindeer to get back into shape. How are they getting them back in shape? Feeding them less? Riding the reindeer around? Herding the reindeer up a mountain path for exercise?

I just wish things were explained a little more. It's kind of random. I'm being nit-picky though, and I'm reading this like an adult who needs things explained. A child would not notice these things and would just enjoy the story.

One of the things that annoyed me is the present tense writing. That always gets on my nerves. It's just a pet peeve of mine. It probably would not bother other people at all.

Overall, this is a delightful Christmas story! Don't listen to my bah-humbug criticisms.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a free and honest review. All the opinions stated here are my own true thoughts, and are not influenced by anyone.