
Just Another Day at the Office, by Hedonist Six, L. Moone

elylibrarysec's review

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Rating: 3.5 Stars

This is a short story that has been told in parts. So if you’re looking for a place where you need to stop than that should help.

Jonathan “John” Hall hates the task he’s been given. Catherine “Cath” is like a lot of us – she just wants a job that she can do well. You know when an author does a good job with her characters when one of them can send shivers down your spine – and not in a good way.

There were times when John had my sympathy but then I started to wonder if it was a little misplaced. There’s a scene where something happens and Cath seems to brush it off. That’s the point where you know this tale isn’t realistic. I would hope that a woman would step up and say something, especially when she wants a connection. It was at that point when things went south for me, which then turned into disappointment. I know this is a work of fiction but the story just seemed so unbelievable. The only character that I could see as believable was not even a main character.

I certainly wouldn’t consider John book boyfriend material – in part because of his behavior. In John’s favor, he is one of a kind and not someone I’ve read about before. I wouldn’t call him a hero by any means but he does speak to Cath’s heart. He was definitely an unexpected surprise. Maybe part of that could be my fault because I developed a preconceived notion when I read the title and looked at the cover. Cath was not perfect either. And maybe that’s something we can take away from this – even people who are not perfect can find their other half. And maybe because they’re not perfect their story doesn’t have to be either.

I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

zachfortier's review against another edition

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I just finished reading a copy of Hedonistic6’s another day at the office. I asked the author if I could read Another Day at the Office in exchange for an honest review. She took the risk of a possible harsh review and sent me a copy. I had no idea what to expect from the author but given the pen name “Hedonistic6” I was hopeful her writing would not be another analogy filled unrealistic portrayal of adult relationships. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I was happily surprised the author had to courage to make the relationships portrayed in Another Day at the Office as real, painful, and heartfelt, as they would be in an actual nonfictional account. The writing is very mature and captivating, there are no smoldering volcano erupting analogies that make you wonder if the author has ever really had the courage to order a drink at a pub, much less write about real adult relationships. Another Day at the Office is a tasteful and well-written account of an adult relationship that is fostered in an office environment and has to deal with real world office politics. The characters are incredibly well developed, to the point you actually care about them, but not to the point you want the author to move on. Another Day at the Office is a very well balanced, entertaining and masterfully crafted story. I highly recommend this author, and I will be looking for her other works. Pick up Another Day at the Office for yourself and prepare to be entertained by an excellent and well-written story.
Edge Steele

isalavinia's review

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I absolutely LOVED this!

Normally, I don't go for contemporary romance for the following reasons:
- amazingly gorgeous people falling in boring love
- they're too damaged to trust love or to be in a relationship, but they're going to torture us through it anyway
- the guy is always a modern day prince charming, I honestly think they're going overboard and becoming weirdly specific, it can't be long until we see "The Billionaire Dom Jaguar-Shifter Sheik Body-builder's Pregnant Girlfriend" hit the stores
- I can't connect with the characters at all, they're always overdramatic, every day there's something dreadful that makes their love impossible
- Almost none of the events are even remotely realistic

Not this book!
We meet Cath, who is having a job interview with her creep of a future boss and takes a peek at the yummy guy sitting in another office.
That guy is John. John is overweight and has been going through a bad break-up. He lacks confidence. He was taunted and bullied throughout his school years for being overweight.

Here's the thing, I don't mind chubbier guys at all. Oh, I'd take the muscular guy, the skinny guy, the whatever guy - as long as I found him attractive and we had things in common. As long as we clicked. As long as he was nice, trust-worthy, and I liked him.

This is something that usually only shows up in reverse in contemporary romance: the chubby new girl that all men suddenly want - and that's great! People get so much crap thrown at them, they need these feel good books! And honestly? In real life I assure you there is always someone who sees that chubby girl and loves everything about her - because that's how love works. You love everything about a person because you love them. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

So it's nice to see some chubby men get appreciated as well. And John was so sweet, so honest, so earnest! How could anyone not want him?!

His romance with Cath was completely believable and really, really hot!

I need to get my hands on this author's other books!
