
Find Us and Other Stories by Elford Alley

crystallovesbooks's review

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This book was the first book that I’ve read from this author and it was so good. I enjoyed every single story, if you enjoy horror and you’re looking for a quick read I would highly recommend this book.

storyphoria's review

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From the opening story of a post apocalyptic horror to the closing tale of grim revenge with that sweet southern gothic flavor, this book promises “spine chilling terror”. Can it deliver on that promise?

In all, if you are a fan of horror and dark fiction, if you enjoy short collections of short stories that are perfect to blast through and savor between your other doorstopper novels, I highly recommend any of Elford Alley’s collections. Even though this is his debut collection and I feel the collections he’s put out after have only gotten better and better, this collection is absolutely worthy of a spot on your shelf.

Having read all of his collections, this one wasn’t the BEST of the 4, but it’s still very enjoyable, 3.5 out of 5 stars.(Rounded up to a 4 stars on Amazon/Goodreads)


jferrell526's review

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Horror at its best.

When reading horror, the best leave you hanging with just your imagination. This collection of short stories does just that. Don't read them at night unless you plan on listening for things that go bump in the night.

shanehawk's review

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A varied bunch of horror stories with something to like for everyone. Alley teeters the fine line between definite horror and ambiguous horror. The former answers every question a reader may have, possibly leaving them disappointed with those answers. The latter answers almost none of a reader's questions and can leave one disappointed and wanting more of a defined story and ending. With being right down the middle, Alley provides his readers with enough answers to satiate their appetite while allowing their imagination enough room run wild and fill in the blanks. This is the horror I like.

Standout stories for me included: Find Us, The House Beyond the Creek, and The Orb Weaver.