
Weapon X #3 by Greg Pak

saaraa96's review

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I wanna see which Hulk they mean.

sans's review

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Seriously, Marvel? Seriously? You're forcing a crossover event in the first 3 issues? Have you not learned your damn lesson yet? We don't need to spread stories across all your goddamn titles.

I'm THIS close to calling it quits on Marvel again. I had hopes. I really did. Maybe I was just being naive, but I really hoped these titles could stick to their own damn lanes for at least a few months. I've already dropped all Avengers and Captain America related titles because, wow, no. I'd hoped the new batch of X titles could pull me back into the house that Marvel built but...there's too many. And every other week is a stupidly high publishing rate. It's expensive already and you're pushing your books out at double the rate that's normal and now you want me to start caring about your new Hulk character? No. I just can't.