
Broken by Angela B. Chrysler

ceena's review against another edition

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--I won this book in a goodreads giveaway --

This is a hard book to review for me, for a few reasons one being because I've never read a book like this. I tend to stay away from true stories or sad heart wrenching tales.

But also because, How does one explain liking a book yet hating it at the same time? Finding it entertaining yet wishing I was reading something else? --this is my dilemma.
The tragedies in this book are real and they read that way. There are times I felt like gagging or crying. When I had to stop reading for the night I knew I was awake enough to keep going but, I knew the farther I went in the harder sleeping would be because I tend to dwell and return to the last things going through my mind. No one wants to dream of rape or torture.

This was a very interesting book though and I feel it has changed me but, I'm not sure how. It is like I got half of what I need and I'd need to read it again to understand myself more-- which is weird for me because I haven't experienced any of the things in the book. Yet, I understand more than I did and I can't stop thinking.

There are a few really great lines/thoughts here. Little treasures I wanted to underline or come back to later. Some really great words.

After this i really want to read more from this author.

Recommendation: complicated. I won't go out of my way to tell people about the book but If conversation permitted it I would talk about it and want to talk to others about it.

prettypieceoffiction's review against another edition

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I finished this book a coupe of days ago. I had to take a few days to really process and think what I wanted to say about it. Broken is the real story of a woman that has lived a life filled with abuse. It is difficult to comment on the events of the story, as these are not works of fiction but someones raw and emotional story. I am very glad that I had a chance to read this book and read first hand the accounts of someone that also deals with mental illness. I think it is really hard to capture the complexity of mental illness and the author has been able to give words to feelings and emotions that are so hard to explain to others. I have to say that some parts of this book were hard to read as the warnings do say. At the end of it though it is an excellent book that will haunt you with its honesty.

I received this book in exchange of an honest review.

itsallaboutthebooksuk's review against another edition

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Oh my goodness, this is one of the hardest books I have ever read. Hardest, as in it took me a while to read as I kept having to put it down so I could get my head around what I was reading. Hardest, as in the subject matter’s really messed with my mind and hardest, as in sometimes I just couldn’t believe what I was reading.

Broken is Ms Chryslers memoir but it is written like a novel with the story being told through her protagonist—Elizabeth, in a kind of interview style in the present but we’re also taken back to when the actual events happened. The subject matter is not for the faint hearted, there’s animal abuse, torture, violence, strong language and graphic rape scenes and none of these have been dramatized and makes for a heart wrenching read.

I often had to stop and take a moment to remind myself that this wasn’t one of my usual reads like psychological fiction, this was real life. What I was reading was true, this really happened and I think I found it hard because I’m not sure I would be strong enough to go through what the author has been through and then write a book about it. Deep down I honestly just wanted this to be fiction. I take my hat off to Ms Chrysler.

Having never been in any of the situations mentioned in the book this was an eye opener, don’t get me wrong I’m not all fluffy clouds and bubbles, I watch the news and know there are some nasty vile people in this world, it was an eye opener because I found myself so emotionally invested in Elizabeth. I was so absorbed in her story that I just wanted to reach out to her, it was like I was reading about a friend. I couldn’t believe how emotionally involved I got with her story. Quite remarkable really and that’s all down to the way it’s written, the realness and the no sugar coating approach.

I could probably ramble on all day about this book so I’ll stop now and say that I do highly recommend this book, but as stated above, there are a lot of unpleasant topics through out the book that may be triggers to some people who have had any of the experiences mentioned. If you do take the chance to read this remarkable story then make sure you have a few hankies at the ready, be prepared to have your heart in your mouth and the wind completely knocked out your sails.

Once you have read Broken you will get the chance to go to the authors website where you can read side notes, follow the authors healing progress and learn about her diagnoses.

Many thanks go to Booklover Catlady and the author for the copy in exchange for a fair and honest review.

liviani's review against another edition

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This book is not for the faint hearted. A very difficult and uncomfortable read, if you're fine with this then I recommend it.

It is a raw recording of the author's harrowing life from early childhood to adulthood.

'Broken' is as the title suggests, a broken life full of shocking twists and turns. There is always another vile person appearing in her life.

This is as real as it gets and for that I was completely absorbed. You will feel the range of emotions she goes through, the fear, the anger, the vulnerability.

One minor point; I felt like the ending of the book was somewhat rushed. I need to remember that this is a raw recording of events however and this must be taken into account.

itsallaboutthebooksuk's review against another edition

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Oh my goodness, this is one of the hardest books I have ever read. Hardest, as in it took me a while to read as I kept having to put it down so I could get my head around what I was reading. Hardest, as in the subject matter’s really messed with my mind and hardest, as in sometimes I just couldn’t believe what I was reading.

Broken is Ms Chryslers memoir but it is written like a novel with the story being told through her protagonist—Elizabeth, in a kind of interview style in the present but we’re also taken back to when the actual events happened. The subject matter is not for the faint hearted, there’s animal abuse, torture, violence, strong language and graphic rape scenes and none of these have been dramatized and makes for a heart wrenching read.

I often had to stop and take a moment to remind myself that this wasn’t one of my usual reads like psychological fiction, this was real life. What I was reading was true, this really happened and I think I found it hard because I’m not sure I would be strong enough to go through what the author has been through and then write a book about it. Deep down I honestly just wanted this to be fiction. I take my hat off to Ms Chrysler.

Having never been in any of the situations mentioned in the book this was an eye opener, don’t get me wrong I’m not all fluffy clouds and bubbles, I watch the news and know there are some nasty vile people in this world, it was an eye opener because I found myself so emotionally invested in Elizabeth. I was so absorbed in her story that I just wanted to reach out to her, it was like I was reading about a friend. I couldn’t believe how emotionally involved I got with her story. Quite remarkable really and that’s all down to the way it’s written, the realness and the no sugar coating approach.

I could probably ramble on all day about this book so I’ll stop now and say that I do highly recommend this book, but as stated above, there are a lot of unpleasant topics through out the book that may be triggers to some people who have had any of the experiences mentioned. If you do take the chance to read this remarkable story then make sure you have a few hankies at the ready, be prepared to have your heart in your mouth and the wind completely knocked out your sails.

Once you have read Broken you will get the chance to go to the authors website where you can read side notes, follow the authors healing progress and learn about her diagnoses.

Many thanks go to Booklover Catlady and the author for the copy in exchange for a fair and honest review.