
Dry Ice by Marianna Jameson, Bill H. Evans

peachykeenxyz's review

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This is a first reads giveaway from Goodreads:

The premise seems bit silly at first- at least it is the way the back cover describes it, but once you get into it, it doesn't seem laughable and it's quite well written. The writing is sophisticated, which I love. This is no Stephenie Meyers, this is legitimately good writing.
It did start out a little iffy and I felt like reading it was a chore, but as I got deeper into it I really enjoyed it.

You will also never think of weird weather the same way. I'm now paranoid that there's a massive corporation behind every hurricane and tornado- not to mention that Dry Ice's release coincides with the very strange weather of this 2011 and 2010. Gosh, I've gone and scared myself.

It's hard to know exactly what's going on because there's just so much action packed into it, though. It's been a while since I've read something with so much going on.
Evans also does a good job with using tone to portray what these world events are like for the people experiencing them. When the setting is TESLA, all of the events seem very distant and there is no compassion towards the victims of the disasters. Then, however, the author cuts quickly to someone experiencing that disaster in real-time, bringing it to life in a very believable way.
My only gripe with this cleverly-crafted flip-flopping tone is that sometimes the cold, remote attitude of TESLA's scientists towards their work seeps into other parts of the story- for example, Tess and Nik tell each other about their families, and the wording makes me wonder if I'm supposed to care. It's like, is this important? Is this supposed to be dramatic or what, because it's as cool and impassive as if they were remarking on the weather that day. (if they weren't weather-manipulating, high-octane scientists, that is)

The characterization was very well done, too. The characters' quirks and personalities were distinct without being overdone, and I was very happy with the slight amount of romance: not enough to detract from the story or make it into a romance novel by any means, but definitely juuust enough to add a little bit of spark.

All in all, a well-done book. I wouldn't have picked it up if it hadn't been on Goodreads, but I'm happy I read it nonetheless. It did not waste my time.

dsneediii's review

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This is a very intriguing read. I came to aquire this book through goodreads first reads. I enjoy fantasy more than other genre but this book was able to grab my interest and then ran wild with it. The authors that wrote this book did an excellent at keeping the readers attention throughout the story. At every turn of the page you will be like what will happen next, will Tess be able to out smart Greg, will TESLA create the most destructive catastrophe ever encountered. Over all this is an enjoyable read, you will never want to put down this book down.

flosmith's review

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I appreciate firstreads giving me the opportunity to read and review this ARC.

I must say that I really enjoyed this book. It was such a fun read. This was a sci/fi thriller based on the premis that man has been able to control the weather and then weaponizing it. This is a conspiracy theorist's dream come true and I'm sure many of such will say this is based on real technology.

This book is set in Antarctica where special technology has been placed to control the weather. The genius behind it has gone rogue and the company has ousted him and replaced him with a woman who has been his nemisis. In his anger he enters code in the system that takes everything over and unleashes his fury on the world causing mass disasters. The people that are left behind have to try to stop the destruction before the system takes them out as well. This is certainly a thrill ride that keeps your attention and makes this one book thats hard to put down.

lisaeliza's review

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This book is too hung up on the technical details and doesn't focus on character or plot. It's an interesting premise, but when the characters are cardboard and their motivations cheesy and wafer-thin, it just doesn't hold the reader's interest.

artemishi's review

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On the one hand, I like the concept of this novel, the idea of weather being wielded as a weapon. And I like the amount of solid science in this novel. Unfortunately, I didn't like how this book flowed like a shallow blockbuster end-of-the-world summer movie. I didn't care about any of the characters, and the doom and gloom aspects of the novel were ultimately distracting. To me, this novel has potential but requires some more work. My copy is an ARC, so maybe it will be improved by the time it's released.

I received this ARC through the Goodreads First Read giveaway.