
Defying Gravity by Kendra C. Highley

booklovershangout's review

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Cute, sweet and fun. This was light quick reading and definitely lifts your spirits. I enjoyed the writing and the characters and would definitely recommend.

madithecloud's review

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funny lighthearted medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? No


catiinha's review

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*I was provided a copy by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

If there’s one thing I’ve been learning in the last few months is that Entangled: Crush has some of the cutest young adult romances out there and this one was not an exception. This book was full of cuteness and I loved it. Also, a little disclaimer, this book is the second book in a series but you don’t need to read the first one. I didn’t read Finding Perfect and I really didn’t think I was missing something important for the story itself. (however, I missed the cuteness between Paige and Ben so I need to read the first book soon).

I really liked the main characters in this book. I really liked Zoey. She’s this girl who is the popular girl at her high school but she only feels like herself when she’s back at Aspen without all the make-up and with the only person who really knows her, Parker. Zoey was just the normal 18 year-old girl who doesn’t know what to do with her life, and to be honest, who in the hell knows what they want to do with their lives at 18?? Almost no one. That’s one of the reasons I really liked Zoey, she looked real with real teenager struggles. However, I did get frustrated with her sometimes, especially when she was flirting with Luke and couldn’t see that he was the wrong brother. When I read the blurb for this book I was scared that a love triangle with two brothers would throw me off but it didn’t because in the end it didn’t play as a love triangle. Yes Zoey was interested in the wrong brother for a few chapters but I think it was more lust than anything else and also the fact that it was the safest option because choosing Parker could mean losing her best friend.

Parker was just amazing. I loved him so much. He had to be in the shadow of his older brother his own life. Everyone thinks that Luke is the most awesome brother and the best at snowboarding but the truth is that Parker is better than Luke in every single way. I loved how much he cared about Zoey and how important she was for him.

Parker and Zoey's relationship was just the cutest thing ever. I loved to see them together and to see how important they were for each other… and don’t even make me talk about a certain towel scene. That scene was so funny and intense at the same time. And can we talk how they’re moms were the biggest Zoey/Parker shippers out there?? I LOVED THAT!! I also loved that the parents where a part of this book. In young adult normally the parents are somewhere else doing I don’t know what and the kids can do everything they want but it was good to see good parents for once.

The only character I was unsure about was Luke. I understand why he did some of the things he did but there are other things I couldn’t understand. Luke was the typical player who gets all the girls he wants. He also has to be always the best in everything (even when he isn’t because Parker is way better than him) and he’s really competitive with his brother. I didn’t hate look but I didn’t like him too (okay, I hated him a few times but I overcame my hate by the end of the book XD).

Being my first Kendra C. Highley book I didn’t know what to expect but I loved the writing and I loved that it was told in both Zoey and Parker’s POVs and that their voices were pretty distinct. The only reason why I didn’t gave this book a higher rating was that the book was a little bit predictable and that sometimes it remind me of another book I read a few months ago.

Overall, this was a great young adult romance. I loved the characters and the story and if you love cuteness you need to read this one as soon as possible because it won’t disappoint you.

sarastar's review against another edition

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This was quick, sweet read. It took Parker long enough to get Zoey. Sweet summer read. Though I know not a thing about skiing this book executed it so well. It was fun and romantic.

merlin_reads's review against another edition

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 Zoey Miller lives two lives. Back home she's super put together, super popular, class president, all-round Miss Perfect. But every winter vacation she comes back to Aspen and it's here Zoey lets out the person she really is - the laid back, sporty girl who just wants to hang with her two best friends, Parker and Luke - brothers, who have known Zoey since they were infants. However, this year something changed. Zoey comes to Aspen with a plan - make Luke notice her in a more than friend sort of way. The only problem with that is Parker has the exact same plan for Zoey.

Yup, this book has a love triangle: 2 brothers and a girl.

Overall, I found this book adorable. Zoey, for the most part, is likeable. She's fun, sweet, cares about her friends and is trying to figure out where her future lies outside of high school and this bubble that she's created. The Zoey I didn't like so much was the fake one that surrounded Luke. For someone who spends most of the book complaining about having to be someone she's not back home and how those people only like one side of her, she certainly becomes the perfect little snow bunny just following Luke around. It really didn't make sense as to why she would fall so hard for the superficial shallow brother knowing what we know about her.

The brothers were like night and day. Luke, as I said before, was full of himself, rude, and just not a nice guy. Can you tell I didn't like Luke? The only reason her pursues Zoey is because he wants to beat Parker at everything. (How Zoey doesn't see through his charade is beyond me.) Then there's Parker. Sweet, adorable, Parker. He's been in love with Zoey for years and when he decides to make his move, suddenly she's chasing his brother. I felt really bad for him but at the same time, I wanted him to man up and tell her what was going on.

These books are just like candy. Short and sweet following the formula we all know. Despite this being set in the winter, it's a perfect read for day at the beach. And I dare you not to fall for Parker. Another plus, even though it's a series, you don't necessarily have to read them in order to understand the plot. Each book is it's own. Also, side note, I want to learn how to snowboard now. 

saschadarlington's review

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Zoey has known the Madison boys since forever. Her mother and their mother were sorority sisters who stayed friends. Now Zoey lives in Texas with her extremely rich parents and the boys live in Aspen. Two times a year Zoey and her family go to their vacation spot in Aspen and Zoey and the boys reconnect. But this year things are going to be different. Zoey has a huge crush on the oldest Madison boy, Luke, who is a player, but she thinks he’ll turnaround and be different with her. Meanwhile, Parker, the younger Madison, thinks it’s time he tells Zoey that he’s in love with her.

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theestherhadassah's review

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DISCLAIMER: I received an e-galley of this book (via NetGalley) for honest review.

Firstly, when I first read Finding Perfect, I could not get enough. That book ended with Zoey getting ready to leave on her Christmas vacation. And . . . we catch a small glimpse of who she might be interested in. The thing is, you don't know exactly who she is thinking about, because she thinks about both brothers.

Defying Gravity begins with Parker Madison, Zoey's childhood best friend-slash-her other half of a PB&J sandwich. That's right; he's the PB, she's the J. Parker is anxious for Zoey to arrive, because he has not seen her since last summer and that is when he believes he had begin to feel things for her differently. The problem is he doesn't want their friendship to go down the drain. No one wants that to happen.

Zoey has a crush on Luke Madison, Parker's older brother. He's a total player, but she wants to see if she can get him to notice her anyway. Mind you, Luke is hot. Of course she's going to try and flirt with him.

Christmas vacation is moving smoothly. That is, until Zoey starts to notice the other Madison brother a little more. The reason is because Parker is trying to get her to see HIM. Parker doesn't want Zoey to go after Luke. He wants her to come after him. He wants her, and he's finally not afraid to show it . . . Thanks to a bet created by Luke.

Luke can see that Zoey has some interest in him, but he also knows that Parker has been in love with her for more than a year. He was basically giving Parker a push, but also Luke likes to one-up Parker. Everything is contest, everything is a trophy to be won. But not to Parker.

Zoey means everything to Parker, and when she starts noticing him, he starts to get bold.
SpoilerAfter hanging out with Parker and his snowboarding buddies, she comes back to her family's cabin and is sitting in her room looking out the window at Parker's room. Their rooms are right across from each other. So they can see into each other's room when the shades are open. Parker comes out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel. Zoey starts to see her best friend in a new light. As if she weren't confused enough. She came back from seeing Parker in his element and can't help feeling butterflies, but she doesn't how to take it.

So, Zoey is gawking at Parker's amazing muscles and chiseled physique when he catches her staring. Her mouth is wide open. I imagine she was drooling, even though it is not necessarily mentioned. And he starts to laugh. Her cheeks are burning, but she can't seem to look away. Suddenly, Parker does something unexpected.

Parker grabs his towel at the seem and approaches his window with a hint of mischief gleaming in his eye. He stares at Zoey dead in the eye . . . and starts to lower the towel, letting it graze below his hip. Ya-huh! Magic Mike anyone? Zoey cannot tear her eyes away. And right when the towel is about to reveal the nether regions, the shades snap shut. Boom.

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nataliesboooks's review

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I love BFFs who fall in love, so I was all set to love this one, but I just....didn’t, mostly because of how wishy-washy Zoey was about her feelings. She’s back and forth between the two brothers constantly, and it made her seem really fickle. Luke’s motivations were strange to say the least, and Parker was the only character I really liked. He seemed way too good for Zoey.

I feel like this is the second book I’ve read about two brothers that like the same girl which is just an odd concept to me. Isn’t that against the bro-code?

dani_reviews's review

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Disclaimer: I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Rating: 4.5 stars

I'm a firm believer that there is no such thing as a completely unbiased review, so I want to preface this one by saying that I've been stressing hard recently about a few things. This external stress can make me really hard to please sometimes, but, in this case, it made me love this book so much more. Defying Gravity helped me do just what the title says. While life was pulling me down, Zoey and Parker raised me up. I felt like I was floating giddily above my problems, and all I can say is thank you to Highley!

I read another book recently – a "YA" contemporary (though I'd argue it's NA) – where the romance was there in words and sentences, but it wasn't there in emotions. I couldn't feel the love in that one. I can tell you... I felt this one. Boy, did I feel it. I was completely swept off my feet by Parker, and the chemistry between him and Zoey was intense. There were scenes where I stopped breathing, including the near kiss mentioned in the blurb. GAH. When they finally kissed for real, I just about died.

I could relate so much to Zoey. I haven't read the first book, so I didn't know anything about what she was like in Texas, apart from what she shared in this book. Back in Texas, she put on a show: the popular president of the student council with her life together. However, in reality, that was all an armour, and she didn't know who she was or what she was supposed to do. Girl, let me tell you... I just turned 25, and I still don't know. She's given advice by someone to go to college and try a few different classes to see what sticks, and all I can think is that that is what I should have done, instead of committing to something someone else said I'd be good at (I wasn't) and would be practical and guarantee me a job (not in this economy, it won't). So yeah, I was completely there with Zoey on the whole "figuring your life out" stuff.

Luke? Psh. No thanks. I can see what others might see in him, but I was Team Parker from 2%, though that may have been for superficial reasons... :D (Land Rovers beat Jeeps.) I loved how sure and devoted he was, and I am such a sucker for guys who know their feelings and will work hard to get the girl. Also, HELLO TOWEL SCENE. OH, and how hot is it that he could do tricks on a snowboard? Bear with me while I daydream...

aristocats happy giddy smile sigh swoon

I usually don't like snowboarders. I'm a skier. The damn boarders are always sitting around on the slopes, getting in people's way. AND YET I WAS IN LOVE WITH PARKER. But anyway, back to skiing. This book made me feel so nostalgic for the days when my family would go skiing. I could almost feel the biting cold, the crunch of snow beneath my ski boots, the bench of the ski lift as it swung around and scooped me up. I've been down a couple of black diamonds, but I always much preferred the gentler greens and blues, as I was a relaxation skier, not a speed demon. (That was my brother.) For that reason, while reading about Zoey zooming down black runs and enjoying it, I felt sheer terror, but also exhilaration because I could experience them through her without actually risking falling myself. (I do not fall, thank you very much.)

Overall, this was an excellent YA contemporary with a delicious romance between a girl trying to figure out who and what she wants and the boy who knows who he is and what he wants – her. Highley is two for two with me, the first book I read being Sidelined, and I'll definitely be following her work from now on. This book was better than therapy!

See this review in its natural environment, Dani Reviews Things.

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hoffnungswolke's review

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Defying Gravity!!! First things first: I received an ARC of this book from Entangled through NetGalley.
The book came out july 25th. Check it out if you want something cute and fun.
Book summary: Zoey Miller lives for her holidays in Aspen. Her time up on the mountain with the Madison brothers, Parker and Luke, is everything. But for the first time, it’s not enough. This time, she’s determined to win one of the brothers’ hearts. But the brother she has in mind is a renowned player, with hordes of snow-bunnies following him around Snowmass resort. And the other…well, he’s her best friend and knows she deserves better. Namely him. And he’s going to win her heart.
This is the second book in the Finding Perfect series. To read this, you don't have to read the first book. Zoey was a minor character in the first one, now she is the main character.
I really loved Zoey in the first book (and actually wanted to have a book dedicated to her), so I was really happy when I saw that this was going to be a story from her point of view. We also got some mentions of Paige and Ben, who where the main characters in the first book, something that I really enjoyed cause I loved these two adorable idiots.
In this book we met the Madison brothers, Parker and Luke. And they couldn't be any more different from each other, except their love for snowboarding. I really loved Parker right from the start, he was kind, sweet and funny, AND so obviously in love with Zoey. I loved their friendship. They basically grew up together and you could tell, the chemistry between these two were off the charts. And then we have Luke, the older brother, and no, he wasn't my cup of tea. It's not even that he's a player, cause you know, to each it's own, but I found him really annoying. I couldn't see what Zoey saw in him (thank god in time, Zoey didn't either).
Other things that I really loved about this book:
- The setting. Aspen. I loved the focus on snowboarding and I think those moments were really well written.
- The mom's!!!!
- Parker's friends and wish we could have seen more of them. Especially Shawn.
- The fact that everyone who saw Parker and Zoey together thought they were a couple and were obviously rooting for them. I love things like that.