
A Heart In Two Cities by S.J. Campbell, Angela Peach

corrie's review

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When you read the blurb for A Heart In Two Cities those two lines don’t give you a lot to go on. And after reading the story I understand why Angela Peach and co-author S.J. Campbell left their info so sparse. There is a big chance that if you say too much, you’ll give the plot away and that would ruin the story. And now I have the same dilemma writing a review.

So even though I can’t give you a blow by blow I can tell you that this novella is a dense read and not an easy one. Like Lov2laf said in her review - despite both Nick and Nikki fall in love multiple times during this story (or at least they think they do) - this is not a happy happy joy joy love story.

As you can expect with a Peach story, nothing is as it seems. There can be small easter eggs pertaining to the clue if you read carefully, but overall you just have to let the author guide you through the story. Also, as I have come to expect with a Peach story, there were some scenes that really shocked me. Don’t get comfortable.

I got the twist in the end because of something I picked up earlier in the story. I agree with Lov2laf it was kinda anti-climactic, but on the other hand it’s not like there were a lot of alternative plot options available. You can make of the ending what you want.

So, there you have it. Four paragraphs where I said basically nothing. Maybe there’s a career in politics for me after all.

Many thanks go to the amazing Lov2laf for lending me this book (and clearing some Amazon hurdles for me to make it all possible). I appreciate you so much!

f/f - triggers for graphic physical violence

Themes: two women, two countries, one seems happy, the other miserable, one is successful, one is failing, how are they connected? That’s for you to discover!

3.6 stars