
Menu for Romance by Kaye Dacus

leasummer's review

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First Reads Review. **Christian Romance** I missed that part, so if you are Christian and like to have God, Bible verses and prayer in your romance novels this book is for you.
Set in Louisiana, Meredith is surrounded by her family, is 34, has never been on a date and has been in love with the chef at the family corporation she works at for eight years.
Of course Major, the chef, has also been in love with her for years as well. He has a family secret that he doesn't want anyone to know, that he thinks could ruin any chances he has with ever finding love that lasts.
The book is a bit long, with side stories involving a house, a puppy, a lot of family, and John Wayne.

ladrumm's review

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Another winner! I'm really enjoying this series by Kaye Dacus and am looking forward to the next installment, due to be released in February. This was a light, easy read, somewhat predictable but still enjoyable. Finished this one in 24 hours, just like I did the first. I'm in love with the characters and look forward to seeing what happens in their lives.

daphself's review

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A few familiar characters arrive in this book, courtesy of Stand-In Groom, but the story centers around Meredith and Major, Major Daniel Xavier Kirby O'Hara to be exact.
I'm a John Wayne fan and I really enjoyed the way the love of The Duke was incorporated into the story.
This is a very sweet romance with a happy ending, a really good entertaining happy ending.
Kaye Dacus never fails to bring a smile to my face when reading her books.
Menu for Romance is a definite winner in romantic interludes and there were just enough foreshadowing for the next book in the series.
I recommend this for anyone who wants a good, clean, sweet, and happy romance to read.

blissbooksandjewels's review

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I do believe that I have found the author who can consistently provide me with my contemporary romance fix! Now, I've only read 2 of her books so far, but I stand by my first statement because both of those books have been THAT GOOD! Her Brides of Bonneterre Series has everything I love in a contemporary romance: the heart-stopping kissing scenes, the fun (but at times, flawed) characters, and a good dose of Southern charm.

Now, most books that try to have a Southern flair either get it right or get it wrong, and unless you're from the South, you might never know which bucket a book falls in. Pleasantly, Menu for Romance fell into the "got it right" bucket. :o) If I'm not mistaken, Kaye is a from the South, so she's certainly stuck to the all-important writing rule of "write what you know." Bonneterre is a fictional town in Louisiana that has an old-South charm. There's a great love of family and friends there, not to mention the beautiful plantation homes that make one "ooh" and "ahh."

Then, there's the Southernisms....things that I immediately noticed because they are already prevelant in my family (particularly obvious in my redneck brother). A man is not called a man, but a "fella." You don't say "everyone"--you say "y'all." You come out of the womb with a John Wayne movie in your hands. And your tea better be "so sweet that if you run out of syrup, you can pour it over your pancakes" (borrowed that line from Christian comedian, Mark Lowry).

So, with all that Southern loveliness floating around, it should be easy for a couple to fall in love and start a relationship, right? Well, almost. Falling in love was obvious to everyone except Meredith and Major...which caused me to get a tad frustrated, but I was still understanding. See, Major has a family secret that would be utter mortification if it got out to his friends. And even though he's known Meredith for 8 long years, he's never been able to share this secret with her, his best friend. So, he tries to put her out of his mind and his heart until another "fella" comes a'courting. Equally, Meredith tries to move on past her 8-year crush on Major until she sees a certain woman making goo-goo eyes at him. But God had other plans in mind for these two, if only they'd just open their eyes. Trust me, it was well worth the wait once the light bulb came on for both Meredith and Major. :o)

So, if you're a Southern gal like me, and love a great romance, then may I wholeheartedly recommend that you get yourself down the road to Wal-mart and buy yo'self a copy of this book! (For those non-Southerners out there, most everything can be found at Wally World in our small towns.) And if they don't have it at Wal-mart, then get to beggin', borrowin', or stealin' (well, maybe I shouldn't encourage that last one). No matter...get yourself a copy of Menu for Romance and the book before it, Stand-In Groom. You'll be really glad that you did. :o)