
Oberon #1 by Milos Slavkovich, Ryan Parrott

verumsolum's review

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This rating surprised me. The first page had a weirdness ("Sir Thornberry XVI") that just felt wrong to me. And then we mention fairies. And anything with a fairy in it really has to push on my natural inclination to put the book down. I usually find it tough to suspend my disbelief enough to accept the story I'm presented, if there are fairies in it. And, on top of all that, I almost always hate issue #1 of comic books. (If I don't hate it, it I usually seem to like it less than the series that follows.)

But this issue presented to me an interesting story. I don't understand everything yet. (If I did, there probably wouldn't be a reason for issue #2!) But it did its job of pulling me into its world and making me want to know more. And lucky for me, this drowned in my to-read pile long enough that I have issue #2 ready to read right now!