
Witches' Forest by Catherine Barraclough, Mishio Fukazawa

squishies's review

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Brief premise: Duan Surk is pretty much your typical \smart\" character: intelligent and quick-thinking, but is... physically disinclined. His brother, on the other hand, is brawny and had joined the army for Adventuring (or something or other).^^^^Missing and aspiring to be like his brother, Duan becomes an Adventurer... but finds being one (and levelling up) quite difficult. ^^^^He faints from hunger in Olba's camp, a Level 13 Adventurer, and manages to convince Olba to let him tag along the Quest he's currently on: killing the evil twin witches.^^^^They run into Agnis (and her snow leopard K'nock) who turns out to be a princess determined to make the same evil twin witches reverse the curse they cast on her mother (who was turned into a songbird).^^^^Translated from Japanese by Catherine Barraclough^^^^
^^^^This is based on a RPG called Fortune Quest, which I thought would be interesting.^^^^While the plot was interesting and I liked how they wove the elements of RPGs into the novel, the writing was... quite like an average fan-fiction piece. Characters are stilted, dialogue stiff, and general narration was rather clunky.^^^^That was kind of a really big turn off, but I really wanted to know what happened, even though it's quite obvious what would happen - I just wanted to know *how* lol - so I persevered through the rather yucky writing style.^^^^Agnis is such a damn princess (yes I am aware of the irony), but she doesn't have to be that way! Ugh, she rather grated on my nerves.^^^^Duan's okay, but his infatuation with Agnis is meh.^^^^Check, Duan's flying lizard with low-level healing/curing spells, is cute but annoying^^^^And Olba's... he's okay too.^^^^Not too sure if I want to read the 2nd book... might just read the sypnosis... Hmm... ugh.. Agnis is back in it. Bah"