
Charlie's Boys Series Boxset Books 1-3 by Kristin MacQueen

tkbarber_author's review

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Addoring Addi: Such a sweet story

Addi & Wes are just about perfect together. There were several moments that warmed my cold dead heart, and I teared up more than I care to admit, especially later in the book.
Addi went through a pretty rough event that shifted things for her, and she doesn’t trust easily. Wes built walls and a persona to protect himself from ever being hurt again. Addi saw straight through that, from the get-go, throwing Wes for a serious loop.
Despite the fact she’s living with all these guys, it’s NOT a reverse harem book, and there’s no cheating. The guys are funny, and honestly, they’re all totally believable as a little make-shift family. (Not all families are blood!) Even when they all get thrown a heartbreaking curve-ball, they band together, fiercely protective. I can’t wait to read all their individual stories!

Keeping Kendrea : Another sweet, sweet romance
I was ready for Nick's story the second I met him in Adoring Addi. Kendra's back story is rough, and you really can't help but sympathize with her line of thinking. I enjoyed the ride, and the little twist, and was SUPER ready for the ending, which absolutely did not disappoint. Super sweet couple, sweet romance, and I'm looking forward to the next!

Overlooking Olivia
What an adorable, heart-felt, swoony little story. I just love these two together. It was such a different kind of story, too, with the deception and watching their love grow all over again. This book's even better than the first two. There were a couple angsty twists in there, a great supporting cast (as usual, Ms. MacQueen doesn't fail to pack in the important extras) and a truly sweet, perfect little ending. Can't wait for the next one!

BONUS SCENES! OH man, I had no idea I wanted these, but I'm so glad they were included! Perfect little additions!