
We Will Build by Michael Anderle

jadedkitty's review against another edition

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Earthakins ftw

I can't wait for the next in the series. Very capturing... has me behind on other things I should be doing.... Sp very glad I downloaded the first one. Thanks for being awesome. I plan to send a copy of the first one to my bff.. He always says given a choice I would likely save the world and let humanity do what they will... I think he would find Bethany Ann quite interesting.

pjonsson's review against another edition

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According to the author this is the first book in the second arc of The Kurtherian Gambit series. This is where the series slowly starts to take on a more serious science fiction character. As can be seen from the book blurb we are now starting to talk about getting into space and having bases on the moon.

I am actually looking forward to this. The Queen Bitch in space with a whole universe of baddie’s arses to kick. Scary thought indeed. However, we’re not really their just yet. Luckily the author is not rushing things so there are still plenty of vampire (and werewolf) business going on back on Earth.

In one sense you could say that the book is more of the same. More of the Queen Bitch, more of the fun bantering between all the members of the team and of course more of the ass kicking.

However, at the same time the story moves forward, the characters evolve, new asshats pop up for a round of educational spanking (some of them for a life long lesson…all five minutes of it), new team members are introduced and most importantly Bethany’s master plan progresses.

I do not think that I have read any book series before that managed to keep the core values and the same formula for so long and still keep me interested. The author makes the story and characters evolve in a way that it is new and old at the same time keeping the good parts that make the series what it is while adding new situations and new problems to solve, either by engineering or good old violence.

In this particular part of the story the author throws in a vampire bitch wannabee that needs to be dealt with and a few minor problems such as how to put a base on the moon. You know, just the usual stuff in a days work for a Queen Bitch. The latter little issue turns out to finally put the media spotlights on TQB industries which of course opens a new can of worms (translation: lots of new story opportunities for future books) for Bethany.

So, as usual, a really good and fun to read book.

megansendlessreads's review against another edition

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Another amazing book! There's more characters, more action, and a lot more to love!

lordsith77's review against another edition

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I am so effin' loving these books. They're fun, and exciting and just great entertainment. The author's notes at the end, just add to the laughter and understanding of certain things.

suzjustsuz's review against another edition

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This one was back to its former goodness, having dialed back on the revenge-porn-political-statements, and was a lot of fun. There was large forward movement in the long arc.

It's notable that the story is requiring a lot of people as it continues down the long arc and I realized in this book that there are so many secondary and tertiary characters now that I can't keep track of them all. I haven't found it to be too critical, though, and just pay attention to what is happening in the story without worrying too much about keeping those characters straight. It works for me.

I have to mention that my eyebrows raised when
a prostitute named
J.L. Hawk cropped up in the story, and what happened to her. I kept thinking "I wonder if he realizes there is a [a:Jordan L. Hawk|6519692|Jordan L. Hawk|] author?" Then in the author's end notes I discover that he met Ms. Hawk at a book/ author event, discovered that she was in some sort of back and forth with another author in which they use each other as characters and do heinous things to them as such, and that Michael Anderle told Jordan he was going to do the same to her. He did so with her permission, so I guess the answer to my question is "Yes, he knows." I like that, it adds another sort of fun to the series.

niebieskie2's review against another edition

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So this 8th installment was great as all the other ones. I love that we have finally shifted focus and are branching out. I cannot wait to read more. I'm going to go look for the John Grimes novel that Michael was talking about. I seriously love the characters in this book, I don't know if I'd be ok if anything happened to some of them. In the mean time I'm enjoying the great insults they lovingly throw around. Gets me all warm and fuzzy.