
Beauregard and the Beast by Evie Drae

ltcreads40's review

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Love a good retelling!

Bo and Adam had a sweet friends to lovers romance. Granted their friendship was a total of two months but still, Bo working as Adam's PA, they became close quickly. Adam was incredibly sweet beneath his Beast persona and was nothing but patient with Bo. This was an adorable but steamy read with a perfect happily ever after.

nz_elle's review

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Adam Littrell is an MMA fighter who has earned the nickname The Beast and he's known for being surly and never so much as even smiling for his fans.  Bo Wilkins is his new live-in personal assistant.

I really liked both characters.  I loved the singing and the creative non-swearing, in particular.

As he bent to pick up the throw pillows they'd tossed off the couch, he belted out the opening lyrics of "Hot Patootie, Bless My Soul" from Rocky Horror.  Complete with Meat Loaf's high-pitched hoot at the beginning. Bo's head materialized around the corner like a prairie dog popping out of its hole.  His hands covered his ears. 
"You promised."

From the blurb, I was expecting the conflict to arising from Adam's difficult nature, and the fact that he can't be distracted in the lead-up to defending his championship title.

Still, despite the confusion muddling his ability to think, he knew Bo was right.  They had a professional relationship that couldn't be tainted by all the dirty, sexy things he wanted to do to Bo.  To do with Bo.  Hell, they couldn't even do the un-sexy things his brain kept conjuring up.  Like having Sunday brunch and laughing as they reminisced over their adventures the night before.  Or curling up on the couch and reading together.  Or snuggling in each other's arms for an afternoon nap.

The distraction issue was hinted at for a while, but eventually it seemed that Adam just wasn't that worried about it. 

In regards to Adam's personality, apparently that's a 'public persona' that his father created for him, and the real Adam is sweet, silly and thoughtful.  That kind of sets the scene for the whole book.  Bo and Adam are both lovely guys.  Really sweet.  The whole book is kind of sweet.  With a really nice level of humour.

"Bo, I know we're not at the 'I'll help you hide the body' stage of our relationship, but have we at least reached 'feign ignorance'?"  Adam grunted when Kyle bucked beneath him.  He repositioned so his body covered Kyle's, did some sort of scissor-kick with his legs, and three seconds later, Kyle was on his stomach with both arms trapped behind his back.  "Because there's a distinct possibility I'm gonna murder this son of a bitch." 
Hearing Adam insinuate they were at any stage of a relationship sent a giddy wave through Bo's belly.  He grinned.  "My loyalties are with you, boss.  Just tell me where to find the shovel."

The author's style was very easy to read.  Overall, it was the kind of sweet, easy read that makes a great holiday read.  Personally, I wanted a bit more conflict, but I'm happy to recommend this for those who like a lighter read.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

chelle_thebelle's review

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Happily Ever After

As a romance reader and the world’s biggest sucker for fairy tale retellings, it’s no wonder I was drawn to this book. A flash of happy recognition went up every time I recognized an element of both the original story and the Disney movie, yet the original story throughout kept me hooked and kept me from putting it down. This was a wonderful debut, and I’m excited to see what stories, fairy tale and otherwise, Evie Drae has to tell.

valerieullmerauthor's review

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I wasn't sure what I was expecting with this boss/assistant read, but I was delightfully surprised by Bo and Adam's story. Bo, who's taken care of his sister since he turned 18, takes a job as Adam's assistant by Adam's feisty manager and friend. The attraction between the two men is instantaneous but Adam isn't one who would take advantage of his employee and Bo is worried about his sister's future. I loved the interaction between the two men, especially how Bo would take care of Adam and worry about his injuries and his diet. The story went to unexpected places, but in the end, I loved how the two men understood how much they needed each other. Sweet!!

ofbooksandromance's review

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3 “You know who I am.” Stars

A beauty and the beast retelling with an MMA fighter? I was so sold on this book. And I really really enjoyed it for the most part, hell I even loved most of it.

Brief summary:Adam AKA Beast is an MMS fighter and he needs a new assistant, so he employs Bo. And then they fall in love.

This book had so many nice things:

First, god did I love Adam. He was one hell of a man. He seemed so strong on the outside (which gave him the nickname) but inside he just was a very very sweet guy hidding beyond the tough guy persona. I just really loved everything about him.

Second, I also loved a good boss and employee trope when it’s done well. And it was done so well here. I loved how it took them a long time before acting on the fact that they want each other, because they tried to keep their relationship profesional. I loved how they talked about how they boss and employee dymanic wasn’t there when it came to their relationship and that they were equals. I also really loved how they aknowledge that they had feelings for each other and how they didn’t lie to themselves about it and all. I loved that even if they knew they couldn’t be together, they still didn’t hide their feelings.

Third, Adam never really had someone care for him and I loved how Bo did it for him. Bo was such a good man and always did everything he could to take care of Adam and he listened to Adam and gave him what he wanted. It was so cute, I loved it very much. Also I really loved how Adam took care of Bo in return and kept offering to do things with him because he knew that Bo would love them. These two were so sweet together.

Fourth, I always love good banter and it was so so good in this. I absolutely loved it.

Fifth, I really loved seeing how their feelings for each other developed, it was such a natural progress and it all felt very realistic.

Sixth, I really enjoyed how the things keeping them apart were realistic and it never felt like fabricated drama, they had real issues that were hard to deal with and I really appreciated it.

Seventh, I really enjoyed the vibe of this book, it really felt like I was reading a fairytale, most of the book had a really magical feel to you.

Now i’m sure you’re wondering why I only gave it 3 stars if all I have to say about it is positive things. You see, something happened, the typical break up at 80% happened and when it came the time for them to re-unite, instead of being magical like the rest of the book, it broke my entire enjoyment of the book and left a really sour taste in my mouth. The thing is, the really romantic make-up sex, that should have left me in a pile of goo, didn’t work for me, because it was mentioned, on page, that Adam had a concussion. And he was wobbly on his feet and could barely walk, and bam, they had make-up right after. That just didn’t work for me. I couldn’t enjoy the make-up sex because I knew that Adam should have been in the hospital instead. I know it’s a small niggle but it really took me out of the story and I couldn’t get back into it.

I really enjoyed this book overall, I just wish I had enjoyed the ending as much as I enjoyed the rest of the book.

I received a copy of this book in exchange of my honest opinion

sandidev's review

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Fantastic debut book

I really enjoyed the debut novel by Evie Drae. It was very well written and I really enjoyed the premise. It is a retelling of Beauty and the Beast and loved all the similarities between the two.

Bo and Adam are great MC’s that are easy to love.

I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series and definitely recommend this book to all.

liza5326's review

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I thoroughly enjoyed this debut novel by Evie Drae. It was a sweet and sexy retelling of Beauty and the Beast. There was plenty of snarky humor and sweetness to go around. No and Adam are perfectly matched and Lulu was a great addition, where little sisters can sometimes be annoying. I look forward to more from this author. I enjoyed her writing style.

robazizo's review

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3.25 stars. Cute, but the characters could have been more defined. I didn't really get a good grasp on who Bo and Adam really were. The reason for their separation was also not that convincing.

katmoreid's review

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Beauty and the Beast is a childhood favorite of mine, I can't resist a retelling. I really enjoyed Bo and Adam's story. I always love when a LI helps a man open up and be comfortable being himself. Adam stopped putting on the Beast face all the time and got to enjoy life as himself. I loved that. I wasn't expecting to cry but I did, when Adam cried, I did too. Great book, 4.5 stars!

tag_gregory's review

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An adorable modern fairy tale! What a sweet, sorta goofy, odd couple. Beau is the nervous, bookish, and earnest young neophyte who easily sweeps the world-weary ‘Beast’ off his feet. Meanwhile, Adam, who the MMA world knows in his professional persona as ‘The Beast’, is secretly this kind-hearted diva who loves musicals and shopping. There’s no way this can work, right? Especially not with all the troubles thrown their way by family and work considerations. And, even though you know there will be a happy ever after, (it is a fairytale after all), this pair is so adorable you’ll want to keep reading so you can celebrate that ending with them. Definitely recommend.