
Made by J.M. Darhower

seai's review

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this book. this book, this book, this book is it for me.
It feels like for the first time, I can truly feel a character. Like I can imagine him as a real person. This isn't just a love story. This is a life story. And it meant everything to me. Perfect definition of anti-hero. Perfect illustration of compartmentalization to me.
My only five-stars reviewed book. Won't talk too much about the plotline or anything else, because nothing can do it justice. Corrado is not a comfort character. He is just himself, there's not other way to say it. And I fkg love it.

kayla_llbr's review

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"Everyone was good at something. Some people painted. Others played music. Corrado just happened to be good at murder. He accepted that. He embraced it. That was who he was."

For those of you that haven't read Sempre and Sempre:Redemption what are you waiting for? This series is one of my favorites and it holds a special place in my heart. So imagine my joy when I saw that JM Darhower was releasing a novella (a LONG novella) about Carrado; the Kevlar Killer. Sure, his title does not incite feelings of warmth or happiness but surprisingly that is exactly how I felt after I finished reading. I knew it would be good because JM is the principessa of Mafia stories but I didn't imagine that Made would gain a spot on my list of all-time favorite books.

"You define honorable as someone who follows society's rules. I define it as someone who make their own rules. Honor isn't being a's being a leader."

From the beginning of this series Carrado has always been one of the most fascinating characters. His name alone incites terror in the hearts of many. There is no way to romanticize what he does and that is exactly why I love this book so much. So many stories that revolve around hit men or assassins always border on excuses and justifications for why it is the way they are. There are no such misgivings here. Carrado sleeps just fine at night. The strength of this novel is how it shows that good and evil aren't necessarily black and white. Carrado is a character that is cloaked in shades of gray. There is a level of humanity present in Carrado to where I found it impossibly hard to not care for him despite the work that he does. Maybe I wouldn't want to stand so close to him in a room full of people, but the depth of who he is, what he believes in, and his loyalty to the family is admirable. Carrado really is a man of honor. But while Carrado is the strength of Made, the heart of this novella is the love between Carrado and Celia.

"Your light is the only thing in this world not tainted by my darkness."

The relationship between Carrado and Celia has always left me curious. You have this cold-blooded killer that scares the bejesus out of everyone but yet with Celia he is loving and tender. Seeing how they met and fell in love was one of my favorite moments of this series, by far. The love and devotion Carrado and Celia had for one another is exactly why I am a romance reader. By the time I was down to the last three chapters my emotions got the best of me and I finished this book in tears. I was so choked up that when I called my friend to talk it out I could hardly speak. I may cry from time to time, but it's been a long time since a book has touched me so deeply. I took all my friends comments about Made being the best book ever lightly but trust me when I say this is one of my favorite books of 2014, and top 10, easily. It took me a full week to finally have the courage to put my feelings out there and no matter what I say about this book, it will never be enough. If I could give this book more than 5 stars I would.

ac223's review

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This review can also be found at:

If you haven't read the first two books in the Forever series, there will be spoilers below.

Oh I loved this just as much as Sempre.. Corrado is cold, and calculating. I couldn't ever figure out where Celia's devotion came from, but Made makes things really clear. As a hit man for Cosa Nostra, his job requires him to be ruthless, but very few people ever see the man that Celia sees. He has loved her since he was a child, and will continue until the day he dies. Made is 530 pages starting when Corrado was a small child, and spanning the remainder of his life. Darhower gives us a glimpse of all the things that happened before Carmine & Dominic came into the picture. Antonio as Don that Sal could never live up to. Ericka Moretti is more callous than her husband could ever dream of being, making it easy to understand where Katrina gets it from. Vincent's love for Maura, and all that took place for them to have their short time together. Love, love, loved it!

kayleebooks's review

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This was such a sad book, i hate sad books. But for this one I’ll make an exception.

This book is mafia centered. But it’s not mafia like the bound by or twisted series, it’s not mafia like the made series, it’s not mafia like any cliche mafia books. I’ve never interacted with the mafia obviously, but if someone asked me what the most authentic mafia book I’ve read it’d be this one.

Antonia and Vito where characters you were hated to love because they were no where near perfect but in a way they were perfect for Carroda. They were obviously flawed and terrible people but when they died it’s sad because Carroda was sad.

Carroda deserves literally everything in life.

zerosixjune's review

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Rating: 4.5/5 ⭐️

This story had been on my list after I read Carmine and Haven’s story. Corrado was a character I liked throughout the series. He had a mysterious side. He was there the most to protect the people he loved. I loved that the whole story focused on the mafia life from Corrado’s perspective. For once, I didn’t read something about arranged marriage or extravagant lifestyles. Instead, Corrado showed the life he endured. I could see things like family, love, and loyalty. I feel like I just completed someone’s diary.

ezichinny's review

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Sempre and Sempre Redemption are among my top 5 my favorite series and Corado Moretti was my favorite character. Honestly, I already fell in love with Corrado in Book 1 so I didn't even need his background to see the gold man behind the Kevlar Killer. It does help though to understand the man who would be King. To get this insight to the man who seemed to be so brutal and cause terror in the hearts of many, was quite a thrilling ride.
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I enjoyed it immensely. It was sad, it was happy, it was nerve racking and it was kind of redemptive. Most of all, it was cathartic. I really enjoyed seeing the role he played in Vincent and Maura’s life from his perspective. I loved watching the evolution of his relationship with Celia. Most of all, I really appreciated his journey through life from his awful parentage to his rise in La Costra Nostra. Seriously, with his upbringing, it was almost a given where he would end up.
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It was the life of Corrado Moretti, the nitty gritty of such a complex character. This dude was a bad guy, but he was also good in a way. He is probably one of the best developed characters that I ever read in a series. I love how a cold-hearted Don also turns into a soft teddy bear with is bellisima Celia. This is a man who was student of the life because he knew when to be a soldier and when to a Boss.
La Costra nostra photo LCN2_zpsdijmvdzq.png

If you are fan of this series, then this book is a MUST read…but you have to read if after you read Sempre and Sempre Redemption.

ikovski's review

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God I didn't read Sempre, and this is not even a fucking romance but I'm bleeding.

I'm a fan of mafia romance, and read most of them. But this is the second novel I read about a mafia man, about his life, the way he love, kill or fuck, from his childhood to his old age (the other one is El Diablo and it's fucking the best) and I realized I'm fuckin' lovin' it. Usually I don't read stories like,,, if romance is lower than the other genre (it still has romantic elements, he loved one n only woman ffs and fighted for her but that's not the point).

She says this novel for fans, but it didn't felt like that, was not written to be written, just bc it's asked.
Also, although not knowing anything about the series (it's kind of standalone if u ask me but ppl says u should read this after reading the whole series) and even not wanting to read main books, when I finished I wanted to keep reading. Darhower made me bleed.
Because Darhower is a great writer. She won't let you go. She won't let you down. It's more than worth it, doesn't matter if it's completely a romance or not.

Bu I need some explanations, I asked my friend but answers didn't satisfy me. I really don't wanna read love story of teens I'm sorry but if can't get out this messy state I'm in I'll probably have to.

Corrado is a beautiful man inside n out. A wounded, abused but honorable man. Celia, the woman he love one of the greatest heroine I've read. They are a dream couple. I wish I could read more of them.

“Are you cold?” Antonio asked.
Corrado glanced at him, sensing the impatience in his voice. “No, sir.”
“Really?” Antonio asked, raising an eyebrow. “You shivered.”
“Your teeth were chattering.”

I'm like... I feel like... Like need aftercare cuz I'm still in subspace.

whiskeyinthejar's review

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3.5 stars

duchessrin's review

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4.5 stars

Review to be posted soon.

theromancedove's review

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All of the stars.

Oh god my heart
my soul
my life

I've found it, the best book I have ever read.

Guys I'm so stunned I feel like a zombie...I just read the last page and I'm.....I'm.........


I can't tell you how much this book has changed me it has changed me irrevocably..its not even a book to me

This was not a book...I was alive
I felt every single word, lived every single moment felt every single drop of blood

in my review for sempre redemption I asked JM to make me fall in love with her again
she didn't...she sliced me open and stitched me inside of her..I'm her now

is she even real? are you real JM Darhower? what is this magic you wield?

god I felt every moment guys I was consumed this book consumed me I cried so much I laughed I cringed I danced i was stupidly happy...I felt Italian JM made me think I was Italian
it wasn't about the romance
it was everything I was on the edge of my seat whenever he went to do errands when he was a soldier
when he killed when he robbed
when he came back home to purge himself with him wife...every decision I was there I was living it with him
I could practically smell chicago
I was in chicago in the 80s I was really there..she made me be there
in the beginning when he was alone, abused and unloved..those very first chapters...I was clutching my tablet to my chest and wailing like a child..this story had me so strongly I have never in my life been so consumed so worried, panicked I felt EVERYTHING
god the love he had for Celia ..just thinking about it heart isn't the love that we're used to reading all these book we read nowadays...its deeper so much fucking deeper thats why I had enough it wasn't in every page but when it was god it filled me so full
I'm crying that last page..guys I can't
this is the best book I have ever read in my whole life
the best story I have ever experienced in my whole life
it wasn't a book
it was something else
I'm not going to label it
it has to be felt
experience this guys
experience this series