its_a_w's review

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Every chapter was vivid. A great starting point for further reading on biology/botany/evolution.

rawrwar's review

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Incredible read!! Learned so much!

Can't wait to do a night walk.

archerkel's review

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This book was better than I expected. It had the scientific information, but was narrated from a naturalist's perspective and musings. If you want to learn about rain forests, this is an excellent starting point. Highly enjoyable as well.

livialane's review

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each chapter felt like being at the symphony; two biologist conducting the gentle subtleties and roaring tempos of the rainforest to make one beautiful song. maybe some scientific insights are now obsolete, but its outdatedness should serve as a testimony to the rate of discovery that is taking place beneath the canopy.
this book was a real treat to experience in the cloud forest of ecuador, and i'm not sure the experience would've been the same if i couldn't touch the bromeliads or listen to the frogs while reading about their very nature.
in the conclusion we are reminded "if the tropical rain forests are all cut down, we will never know what we have lost...
the demand for export goods from developing nations is a major factor in the continuing decimation of the tropical rain forests. your desire for an inexpensive banana to slice over your breakfast cereal produces economic pressures on tropical nations that are most easily relieved by clearing another patch of forest for a large banana plantation."