
Dirty Defiance by Brenda Rothert, Chelle Bliss

taniamg's review

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I loved Jude and Reagan in Dirty Work and loved them even more in Dirty Defiance. It’s been 5 years now since they’ve been married and they are both still stubborn but oh so freaking steamy and hot!!!! Their love is still going strong and they are still butting heads but still so very in love.

Jude still worships the ground Reagan walks on and she’s just like a schoolgirl in the presence of her husband in the bedroom but they are still a power couple. In this book we see their marriage tested several times because of their stubbornness and careers but towards the ending I see a side of Reagan that I really loved. Jude was his alpha steamy gorgeous self from beginning to end and their banter was still going strong.

I still think there’s more to this power couple especially after the way it ended. It didn’t end in a cliffhanger BUT I still think it was left open for more of them which I would not mind reading about.

jbsco's review

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I loved book 3 in this series! Jude and Reagan still heat up the pages, even after 5 years of marriage! Jude is now running for Governor and the little time they get together is getting smaller each day. I love how they work through their political differences, demanding jobs, slanderous innuendos, her sleazy father the realization of what matters most...their relationship. This is a drama filled, hot and steamy end to a fabulous series, an ending that satisfies (in more ways than one)everyone!!! Just get it now!!!

lifeinthebooklane's review against another edition

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An amazing sequel to Dirty Work

When I signed up to review this book I thought I had read Dirty Work, I hadn't but luckily it was on my kindle so I read that yesterday. I'll state right now that to enjoy Dirty Defiance you need to have recently read Dirty Work. If I hadn't done so I don't believe I would have enjoyed this book as much as I did. I would have felt neither a connection to, nor the connection between, Jude and Reagan.

Dirty Defiance is set several years on from the end of Dirty Work and examines what happens when pursuing a life in public office means you can't always keep your promise to put the love of your life first. Just what will Reagan and/or Jude have to sacrifice, and will it be each other?

Oh my I didn't think it was possible but I do believe that Jude was even hotter and more alpha in this book! Reagan was just as strong in this book, and felt stronger even than Jude did. Neither character was perfect, but the choices they made when scared or angry were such very human and believable reactions that my love for this couple just grew.

This has a different feel to it, quite simply because it isn't a 'falling in love' read but a battling through the trials of life story. It was still totally captivating with it's excellent writing, good pace and unexpected little plot twists, in fact I enjoyed this more even more than DW. Nor is it as long a read as DW but then we didn't need any world or character building, so this is entirely plot focused.

This is a duet of books (or trio if you want to include the related Dirty Secret.) that I am only to happy to recommend. Their quality makes them stand out from the crowd and you really need to be adding them to your TBR list. Well done and congratulations to the authors for producing such a wonderful book.

jams0606's review against another edition

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***received an ARC for honest review. Reagan is a b!tch! Poor Jude, she just confuses the poor guy. Ugh she’s ridiculous. Hated this entry.

jothompson37's review against another edition

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Dirty Defiance happens five years after Dirty Work. Jude and Reagan are still as hot as ever, their love just as fierce, and their battles bigger.

I liked seeing a snapshot of what their life is like. The conflicts are still prevalent, just of a different nature. Some within the confines of their marriage, and others because of outside forces. These two were made to be on the same team though… Team Titan.

You ladies make U.S. politics hella-interesting!

bighairbibiliophile's review against another edition

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Let me start by saying I LOVE JUDE!! What Governor's race would not be complete without scandal and a whole lot of sexiness! Jude and Reagan have been married for 4 years and Jude is now fighting a tough battle for Governor. He is in for a difficult race. But that wont stop him or back down. He wants this position and he will fight hard to get it.

Jude is still the boss in the bedroom, and Reagan is still is perfect for him.

A solid 5 stars for Jude and Reagan Titan.

mags_louise's review

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Jude and Reagan are back and are as stubborn, and hot for each as ever. Which made for a brilliantly entertaining read. That was packed full of sexy shenanigans, dirty politics, arguments and plenty of making up. And I was hooked from the very start and just couldn't put it down. And would happily recommend it to others.

cupofteabookblog's review

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I have read several of Chelle Bliss books and loved them so this was a no brainer to pick up to read. I am new to Brenda Rothert but after this book I will be looking up her books to start reading! This book is the third in a trilogy but I have not read the first two books and I was fine. But I have already bought them to read next!

This was my first political themed romance novel and it was a blast to read. Jude and Reagan are an odd political couple. He is a Republican running for Governor and she is a Democrat lobbyist. They met when they were running against each other ( which is what the first book Dirty Work is about) Anyway they are both alphas that clash a lot but that is what makes them click. Underneath all the clashing is two people who love and respect each other and are trying to navigate their relationship. This book has several twist and turns and I was surprised several times. I loved that they surprised me with several plot points, I was never sure how the next scenes would turn out.I love their dynamic and there are some serious steamy love scenes. I really enjoyed this book, I have not read many books that we get to see the happily ever after and the normal struggles to build and maintain a relationship. I would love to see more in this series and cant wait to read book one and two!

nean's review

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After being away for weeks, Reagan expects Jude to come home and they would jump into bed, not the slow torture that he decides to punish her with.
Lately whenever they talk about his career ends up with them both angry, with him running a campaign and Reagan focused on his career. Reagan doesn’t like who Jude is associating with while his campaigning and he knew how he would react yet did anyway.
The campaign is stressful for them both, neither wanting to back down in an argument, they are drifting apart and arguing, although their make-up sex is phenomenal.
Reagan wants her own career and to follow her dreams, although when they are hit with not one but two blows, which leave them apart while they work them out.
Watching Jude on television with his campaign, Reagan realises what she really wants and hopes that she can that convince Jude that it is. At the end of the campaign is the pressure going to tear them apart or drive them together.

elylibrarysec's review

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Regan Titan loves to tease her husband and she gets to reap the rewards. Jude Titan loves to tease his wife and maybe watch her suffer just a little bit. All that teasing doesn’t make a marriage though. I felt this more of a political intrigue than a romance but that was fine by me. I got to see their romance in book one of the series. There’s a conflict that our authors have created that eventually you see that Reagan’s thoughts put the nail on the head.

With everything going on in DC right now you need to put that aside so it doesn’t spoil what you’re reading here. It does add a little bit of realism to the story though. Our couple shows that being in politics can be hard on both the husband and the wife. As you read their conversations they just seem so real plus we get an inside look on how they try and process their personal lives as Jude is on the campaign trail. A sad point for me was that they still seemed so independent. I’m not saying that they should lose their identity but expected some mutual respect for what they do.

I like both these authors separately and as a team. They compliment each other very well. I can’t tell which author wrote what and that’s the way it should be. It’s also what makes for an enjoyable read. You don’t want to sit there and pick through a book and say so and so wrote this part and so and so wrote that part. If I did that I probably wouldn’t have enjoyed what they wrote. And I might not finish because of all the energy needed to pick everything apart – where’s the enjoyment in that.

This book is listed as a standalone but if you want to know how Regan and Jude met, you should read Dirty Work and then go ahead and read this. The first book came out in 2016 so some time has passed and what a great incentive to revisit them and then find out how their story plays out. I will say that I liked the ending but it just didn’t seem like an ending. It left me hoping that even though the trilogy is over, that maybe we will see them or some of the secondary characters again. But if not that’s ok because I can revisit them at any time.

I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.