
Cocky Bastard by Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland

shaunnah511's review

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I loved the first part of this book. I loved the twist/reveal! I did not see it coming at all, I was legit slack jawed upon reading it. I loved Chance and Aubrey in the beginning part of this book. They were fun and sweet and hilarious! AND THE GOAT, oh my god, I'm glad the goat stuck around - a fun, unique story element!

Everything kind of went downhill for me after the second part began.

I didn't like the way the fallout from the twist was approached. I really don't like love triangles (which I would say is present here). I can stand them, if they feel genuine, like if a character clearly has reason to have feelings for two people - but I don't think that's what happened here.

It took way too damn long for Rachel Aubrey to "get off the plane". Also, I didn't like who Chance became in the process.

smitch29's review

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I thought this was a great read. It was intriguing and fun and well written. I just didn't fall into an obsession with the story like I'd like my 5-star reads to do. It didn't quite blow me out of the water. Yet, it was still a solid read.

It all started with a chance encounter (sorry, didn't even intend for that pun to happen), when Aubrey meets Chance at a rest stop along her route to California to start her new job. Things happen so that they end up traveling together and start up an interesting relationship. Chance is rather cocky, but he also has the annoying habit of pointing out truths Aubrey isn't fond of facing. She's got all her guards up after being burned a few too many times. She's not acting nicely, and yet Chance isn't running in the other direction. Nor is he running towards her either. They both feel the connection, but his lack of action confuses Aubrey and makes her question some things.

Their road trip together turns out to be just a small part of the story, but it sets a great foundation for the rest of the novel. After spending some time apart, Chance and Aubrey have to figure out if they still have the same connection and if it's worth taking a chance on.

I really liked the way the authors split the POVs. All of the road trip was from Aubrey's perspective. Then the rest of the novel (except the epilogue) was seen through Chance's eyes. I was refreshingly different from the frequently seen chapter by chapter switch between main characters' perspectives.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book, especially all the amusing eccentric personalities.

gitanita's review

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bookishplansandthings's review

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jenrich26's review

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Such a funny and enjoyable book. The first half which is told by Aubrey was wonderful. I laughed so much and loved watching this story unfold. The 2nd half is told by Chance, it was a bit more drawn out and not as humorous but really good and it surprised me.

jaycebeth's review

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Never judge a book by its cover!!!!! Loved this one Vi-Nelope!!!

karenfausto8's review

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Me imagine una historia diferente, cliché y aburrida. En cambio, para mi sorpresa, no lo fue.
Tuvo todo para dejarme llevar y terminarlo hasta la última página.

—A veces, se necesita perder todo para darte cuenta de lo que realmente necesitas.

Casi me hace llorar, no se, tal vez con un final infeliz. No lo soportaría. :(
Creo que hasta lo hubiera dejado de leer de ser así.

—Relájate. Estoy bromeando. —En realidad no—. Mira, mi punto es, que puedes convencerte de que esto es inocente por ahora, pero dudo que Dick quiera que pases tiempo con un supuesto amigo cuyo objetivo final es robarte. Soy un amigo que también pasa a tener llave de tu casa cuando él no la tiene. No creas que no entendí eso. No nos equivoquemos al respecto, Aubrey. Alejarte de él es mi motivo ulterior en caso de que no hubiera dejado eso claro. Soy tu amigo, por ahora, pero eso no es suficiente para mí. Nunca lo será. Te quiero a lado de mí cada noche y frente a mí cada mañana en la mesa del desayuno.—Enojado conmigo mismo por la pérdida de mi compostura en lo que se suponía iba a ser un viaje tranquilo por tarta, tiré de mi cabello y miré hacia abajo a mi plato vacío. Mi voz bajó—. Lo siento. No puedo seguir fingiendo como la mierda.

Morí con el sentido del humor de Chance. Cada cosa que decía con un poco de engreído, lo hacía ver chistoso. Fue el personaje que más me gusto de los dos.
Además del más dedicado, a mi parecer.

raven168's review

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*Sigh* You'd think by now I'd have learned to just stay away from any sort of contemporary romance book. Far, far away. This one especially was painfully unbelievable. I hated both of the main characters. Chance was not a cocky bastard, he was a rude, pushy, asshole that had absolutely no filter or couth. Aubrey was just stuck up and annoying. I also had to question if she actually had any brains in her head a few times. I don't care what each one repeatedly said about their chemistry, there wasn't any between them. They had absolutely nothing in common and Aubrey just went along with Chance's flow because he was too hot for her to say no to him.

Obviously a minority here, but this book was not good. There were so SO many things wrong with this book. Right from the start we get Aubrey agreeing to let this absolute stranger into her car because he says he's not a serial killer and who else would change her tire for her? The other creepy guy in the parking lot? Oh, I don't know, maybe a goddamn tow truck service or something! Obviously they have them if someone is coming to get Chance's motorcycle that won't start. Then there was this entire ordeal with a fucking goat. Are these people that stupid? Like, really? They have never heard of animals that faint when they are startled? Or is it just because I'm not a city girl that I know this? Then they rush it to a vet!? I just...what!? But it gets worse. They take the goddamn goat on the road trip with them! A goat! In the car! And a car that was already packed to full because Aubrey was moving across the country with everything she owned in the car already. These people astound me. When they were almost to their destination, they decide to take a little side trip to Vegas. Which would have been fine except they get wasted, fake married, and Aubrey is determined to have sex with Chance. Also would have been fine except the stupid idiot that she is, truly thought that sleeping with him would get him to stay with her and they could be together. He had been telling her, since the beginning that they could not be a couple. Repeatedly. So why in the world would she think that sex would change that!? Also ridiculous...these two had been traveling together for a week. A week. And somehow Aubrey has fallen so far in love with him that she is depressed for months after they part. And it takes her years to even move on. So stupid.

Part two is a time skip of two years and told from Chance's point of view. Gawd was he a sap in this part. I will say that I never even thought that the real reason he couldn't be with Aubrey was what it was. So at least that was something unexpected. But when he finally is able to do what he wants, the first thing he does is look her up and head to her city. And proceeds to become a super stalker. He watches her go to work every morning, and leave every day. He finds out where she lives and takes it upon himself to start taking care of her lawn. Eventually he starts paying for her breakfast too. When Aubrey finds out that it is him, and that he's back, she's not freaked out at all by what he has been doing. No, she again finds herself unable to push him away. By this point, Aubrey has moved on and has been going out with a guy for at least 7 months. She says she doesn't want to hurt him, but she lies to him about where she is going and who with when she goes out with Chance. Now, for a woman who was moving across the country because her boyfriend cheated on her, it was really surprising that she didn't see this as cheating. Because it was.

Of course these two get their happy ending, but by then I didn't care. I didn't think they belonged together and I didn't believe how they ended up there. So glad I got this when it was free.

iggyebab's review

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I love when I'm reading a book and discover it is indirectly connected to another book. I read another book by this duo where a main character meets an Australian man walking a goat on a leash and I wondered how the hell did that happen? Now I know.

I loved Chance and his attitude. I do think he could have handled some things better but these books wouldn't be as good without a little drama. Aubrey was sweet but not terribly original.

caldreads's review

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3.5 stars.