
The Peco Incident by Des Hunt

katrinaschaffede's review

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Good book, but quite a short story instead of a fiction novel.

pandemoniumpizza's review

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The Peco Incident is set around Dunedin, New Zealand a place that is quite close to where I call home but not quite there. I’d actually visited the Albatross Colony and the underground fort on a school camp once so I was quite familiar with this part of the book which seemed a little odd at first but I got used to it and it added a touch of realism to the book.
The Peco Incident is really good in that it deals with birds and the outbreak of a bird flu epidemic among the protected birds around the Otago Peninsula. One thing I really liked about The Peco Incident was that it introduced us to some of the bird life around the Otago Peninsula and it gave some background information into the birds.
The story moved along at a really good pace. I could quite happily sit down and read through the entire book because I wanted to know what happened next. As the story unfolded I was more surprised by the plotline as I had no idea how events were going to unfold.
The Peco Incident is original in its execution and is a highly entertaining novel. I thought it had all the right elements to make it a really enjoyable novel and it was extremely well written. Des Hunt is a really good author and I look forward to reading more books by him.