
Bite Marks by Jennifer Rardin

flossssy's review against another edition

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The bad guys are at it again except its the gnomes and they plan on blowing up NASA in Australia (Weird i know considering i live there and we don't have one) and to top it all off Cassandras past comes back to bite the crime fighting team in the ass because she cannot protect herself anymore because of a snag in the contract.though there is some funny side to this book Cole's main person mission is to touch a kangaroo and won't stop until he's done it and falls for a demon at the same time. We see more of simon and find out more of his story as well as Cassandras.
Unfortunately i sort of snoozed through this one but every series has their bad books. Of course when Jazz finds out that she's being inhabited by Lucifer's main demon King Brude who plans on usurping the dark lord using Jazz as his queen the shit hits the fan and shes torn between keeping the embarrassing knowledge to herself and possibly being found out when Vayl is passionately taking her clothes off or telling them the truth and facing the shocked faces of knowing their comrade in arms isn't able to be trusted anymore.

breezy610's review against another edition

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it was good. Jaz has to fight off a possesed demon in her body and Vayl helps her. Oh baby, love scene glary. too bad they are any sex scenes in this book.

bookwyrm76's review against another edition

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If you are a fan of the series, it's super satisfying. If you haven't read the series you will be a bit lost.

yodamom's review against another edition

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Another awesome book in this series. Jaz, Vahl, and the gang head to Australia to save NASA and find that Jaz has been possessed.You will not believe who. Bergman designs a robokitty that steals the show. Between the kitty and Jack there are some hilarious scenes. A new character, a female demon bring a nice twist to the gang. I love this group of characters, their history's, their loves, their baggage !

amym84's review against another edition

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Bite Marks is probably a little weaker than the previous two installments. The whole team is back together again and this time they are headed to Australia to help NASA from being taken over by Gnomes. Besides NASA our group is also dealing with the reemergence of Cassandra's demon (the one who helped her out of servitude all those centuries ago) and Jaz's mind being taken over by voices (King Brude).

For me, there was just too much going on here. And the events take place only over the course of a day. While still fast paced, I just felt like we were getting off track by dealing with and switching what we are dealing with so much. I don't even think it was explained why Cassandra's demon showed up in the first place. They talked about how she had to be summoned, but who summoned her? It's one thing that seems to get lost in amonst everything else going on.

Then we have Jaz's "voices" or King Brude. He appeared in the Thin in the previous book and instantly decided he wanted Jaz as his queen. I just wish Jaz could have a break. She's already got a lot going on in her life in general with her job and everything and now she has to worry about someone controlling her through her mind. I would much rather prefer that Brude was on outside force to deal with instead of in Jaz's mind. I also didn't really care for the way he was linked to the original conflict, it almost made everything too easy.

While it seems that there was a lot that I didn't like, I still enjoyed the book. Just not as much as the previous two books which I thought were great. I liked that the whole crew was together this time. I liked that we got to see Raoul on a more personal level. It started in One More Bite and I like it that Raoul is not just this spirit entity anymore. We see him converse with Jaz and everyone else he even strikes a deal with Cole which proved to be pretty interesting.

This book really felt like a set up for the next book in line [bc:Bitten in Two|7861871|Bitten in Two (Jaz Parks, #7)|Jennifer Rardin||7290248]. Not all of the problems started in this book are solved as they have been in previous installments. Therefore, they carry over into the next book. Only two left until the end of the series. I'll be sad to see it end. Until Then!

mamap's review against another edition

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my enthusiasm is waning. yes, vayl loves jaz - accept already! and the book doesn't really stand on it's own feet and opens the way to at least 2 more books. blah. i don't want to keep waiting on the next one.

vikingwolf's review against another edition

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Again this was a better adventure which I was pleased about and the entire team is back together AT LAST which I'd been hoping for. Gnomes in a cult in Australia worship their God on Saturn and are getting annoyed at NASA messing with its rings and decide to destroy the program. The team are sent to investigate so the last thing they need is Jaz being possessed and Cassandra's demon locating her at last.

I so much liked the cult of gnomes story. OK so it sounds a bit dumb but it was a fun idea and better than some what happened in books 3 and 4. This book had plenty action scenes and daft humour which the series was in need of I think. I liked Bergman's new smart cat robot invention which leads to some amusing scenes with it and Jack. I also liked seeing Raoul's obsession with train sets which gave him a bit more of a human side. Readers have had mixed views about the voices in Jaz's head but I found thatr Granny May in particular was pretty funny. There was also a shocking and unexpected twist that took me by surprise but I won't spoil the book by talking about it.

*sigh* Why does Cole even exist? I thought all that crap with him chasing Jaz was over with in the last book but no, he's still trying to win her away from Vayl. Look you dumb muppet, it's never going to happen so leave the girl alone! Seriously he is like a deranged stalker and if I was Jaz I'd be reporting him for sexual harrassment. He drives me round the bend. I hate Cole so much and I'm fed up with him. Can't he just die or something? The other annoying thing was Jaz refusing to tell everyone the rather important detail about being possessed. You are working with a team of paranormal experts Jaz so for once in your dumb life, let them help!

Despite Cole, this was another good book and it was great to have Cassandra and Bergman back at last. Why can't we have them instead of Cole spoiling things? Grrr. Or have Albert on the team again! Albert and the gnomes had so much potential in my head! Anyway, a good story to enjoy as we go into the last two books in the series.

inmyhumbleopinion's review against another edition

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I enjoy this series. Quick, snarky dialog. A hot vampire. A lethal female lead. A dog. A cat. What more could you ask for?

xvicesx's review against another edition

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Fantastic work from Rardin once more. Jas and Vayl are still as steamy as ever and you can't not love the crew. <3

eb00kie's review

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It is a quick read, an easy read but it starts getting boring. It's the sixth book and the same idear over and over.And it's not like you can kill some important character every now and then to raise a rating.
It's like "Boo, Pete died" yadda, yadda, yadda "Boo, I killed a civilian" yadda, yadda, yadda "Vayl is hot". Hell, we already know that!