
The Truth About Riley by Henrietta Clarke

nicola949's review

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This book is gorgeous. It is a heart-felt story of how one man's love finally convinces another of his beauty.

Through a series of telephone conversations and over a period of months, Cameron and Riley share their thoughts and feelings and develop a deep connection. It is so easy to like both Cameron and Riley. Through conversations we learn that both men are intelligent and witty and kind.

But Riley is a haunted by his own face in the mirror and can't believe anyone would be able to see past his scars. It is so sad and heartbreaking to read of him referring to himself as a monster. However this made it even more beautiful when Riley finally starts to understand how Cameron sees him..."You're just the same as everyone else, Cam's voice said in his head. You're not a freak, not an outcast. You just need to find the right person to walk through life with. Your load may be heavier, but you don't have to carry it alone."

I appreciated the slow journey of the relationship, sure it was frustrating for the two to take so long to meet, but it made their final getting together so much more meaningful.

There are some very special romantic moments in the story and some beautiful 'firsts' - first touch, first kiss - but the most romantic element to me was towards the end of the book where Cam used songs to send special messages to Riley, messages about love, support and inner beauty. Click here for the songs

The ending was wonderful as the trust and love shown by Cameron ensures Riley finally realises the truth and what is really important to him.

The author closes the book with mention of a continuation of Cam and Riley's story in 2014 so something to look forward to! Yes, I would like to see more of them, particularly as they are now actually in the same room together! But I do feel that this book can be read very much as a standalone. The ending didn't leave me feeling that anything was missing or unresolved.

I now publish all my m/m reviews on my blog so if you want to see all my m/m reviews in one place come visit at Because Two Men Are Better Than One!

wickedwitchofthewords's review

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I just finished the most wonderful story about 2 guys falling for each other in the most unlikely way...
I absolutely adored this story!

ancientshadows's review

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This is absolutely one of the best books I've ever read. It was written magnificiently<3

nnof's review

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This fizzled before it ever really got started.

Cam was supposed to be this great and understanding guy, yet he constantly pushed and prodded Riley outside of his comfort zone. Meanwhile, how was Riley not in therapy?

We never learned what Riley's life was before the accident, what the accident actually was (kitchen stove gas fire presumably), or what his real job was. Drew mentioned something that writing was half of Riley's income. What was the other half? Why would Riley's face before the accident be all over the internet? Was there a resolution with Isaac?

aframel24's review

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I want more Riley and Cam.

karlijnmerle's review

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Deep sigh. Hard to describe my feelings right now. The end is killing me. Where o where is book 2? Please, give me!

"There's something about lying in the dark with someone baring your soul, you know? I think, in a way, it's my safe place. If I've had this conversation, then when the walls start closing in, I can shut my eyes and I'm safe in the dark, knowing I'm not alone because there's someone else's voice right there with me. I don't think there's anything in this world more lonely than light and silence."

What I love about this book?
- Riley
- Cam. So full of hope, understanding and love.
- Carlotta. Everybody needs a mom like Carlotta.
- their phone conversations
- their movie-date
- their dates through the phone
- the songs Cam sends to Riley, 'True Colors'.
- the nicknames Buttercup and Munchkin
- the phone conversation with Riley's niece

I think I understand why some people say their phone conversations are too long. But I disagree with that. I think that they are perfect and let us see how Riley is so full self-doubt. He thinks he is not loveable, that he is disgusting and everyone is scared of his face. But during the phone calls he slowly falls in love with Cam and his feelings make him doubt. He is used to his own disgusting feelings about himself, so when Cam keeps saying he likes him (is even in love with him) he don't know what to do anymore. It shows us how such an event can haunt people. Yes, it is three years ago but it never left Riley. He deals with the pain everyday and such a thing isn't easy to solve. It takes a long time and that is reality.

Now I really want to read book 2, I can't wait because I need to know how their life will look like after Riley takes of the blindfold.

"You're just the same as everyone else, Cam's voice said in his head. You're not a freak, not an outcast. You just need to find the right person to walk through life with. Your load may be heavier, but you don't have to carry it alone."

kumabear's review

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shazov's review

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This is one of those books that leave an impression on me. I wasn't sure what to expect, and was a little worried that it could be rather angsty, which wasn't something I was really looking forward to.

But I needn't have worried. Riley is a fantastic man, scarred both inside and out by the fire.His self esteem has taken a real hit and he struggles to understand how anyone could ever love him. Cameron is no saint however lol. He definitely has his flaws; he's a workaholic, he gets impatient and cranky at times with Riley's evasions. But together these guys have a chemistry that leaps off the pages of the book.

Yet, it's a slow burn book. In fact there is very little sex in there at all. But I didn't miss it. The story was such that I didn't miss it. And to be honest, the ending came too soon for me lol. I wanted more! I hope that the sequel that was promised at the end comes out soon.

veritytease's review

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I guess this is one of those reads that should have been perfect for me, was liked by my GR friends but ultimately missed the mark. I don't think I've read an MM romance with a disabled character that I haven't given 4 stars to, but I had issues with this book from the start.
Although the premise of this book is interesting, I had issues with how the MC's relationship started
Spoiler Seriously? a creep calls you thinking you're a gay sex hotline and 2 minutes later you're telling him details of your failed 4 year relationship? Not buying it!

I struggled through the first half of this book, but enjoyed the second half considerably more. It is basically a spin on a romcom like You've Got Mail and it does have some seriously adorable moments, laced with some seriously ridiculous ones. All in all, good, not great.

scarlett_r_90's review

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Really enjoyable book. Riley was so sweet and insecure, and Cam is adorable. The relationship between the two was really cute, and a great read! The ending was a bit abrupt and I'd have liked to see more post!reveal, but it said there is going to be a sequel?