
Rended Hearts, by Riza Curtis

aligroen's review

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A Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words Review An Alisa Review:

Rating: 4 stars out of 5

This was an enjoyable story. While I say that there seemed to be a lot of background information that felt glossed over or not really given, I felt like I was tossed into a world that was historical but not and a lot of prejudices that we were just supposed to accept.

Gabriel has been running for what feels like forever, we were never really told when his mother died so I’m not sure how long or how old he is, and just when he starts to have a place that feels like home he is thrown another curve ball. Simon has been quietly leading his pack for years hoping that someday he will find his mate but that seems hard when he doesn’t leave his pack often, I mean Gabriel has been in town for two years and they had yet to meet. Gabriel doesn’t really accept their connection until late in the story and tries to protect Simon and his pack but it backfires.

I liked the story but didn’t feel like I really knew the characters or what they were doing. Simon was simple with the wolf’s mate bond and connection but Gabriel pushed and didn’t seem to understand their connection. Gabriel went through a lot of changes that I didn’t feel were described to me.

The cover art is nice and I like the “starry” wolf.

cadiva's review

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Lots of promise but the execution lets it down a little and it ends rather abruptly without any real rounding up of the narrative.

I liked Simon and his pack, I liked the take on magic and how Gabriel's powers worked, I liked the relationship between them, but the coven threat element of the narrative really didn't work for me and neither did how it all got resolved without really any "proper" explanation of how Gabriel did it.

There's the bones of a good story but I think it actually needed a bit more time to percolate as it's quite a short book and it doesn't have a lot of groundwork laid down first. There's a bit of exposition without letting the reader "see" what's going on.

#ARC kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.