
Infinite Days by Rebecca Maizel

ladyaylesworth's review against another edition

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I made it to page 222 before admitting to myself that it wouldn't get any better, that the characters went going to get interesting, that the plot was going to stop being flat and uninteresting.

xestibalizx's review against another edition

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Lenah es una vampira de cinco siglos mimada, caprichosa y algo infantiloide. Si quiere algo, lo tiene que conseguir, cueste lo que cueste y da igual cuanto se lleve por delante con tal de conseguir su objetivo. Su último antojo es ser humana de nuevo y da igual si por ser así se lleva la vida inmortal de su amor más querido. Abandona así su vida inmortal, su clan de vampiros y la vida de su amante.

Intentando vivir su vida humana lo máximo posible, se mete en el maravillosos mundo de Justin, el chico popular más guapo. Su vida comienza a tener sentido hasta que su ex-amante co-gobernador de su clan para vampiros super poderosos asesinos decide buscarla. Una reina nunca puede abandonar a su pueblo. Y Vicken no va a dejar que Lenah sea al excepción.

¿Nunca os ha pasado que odiáis profundamente un libro porque odiáis un protagonista? Pues a mi me ha pasado con este. Aún no puedo creerme como Lenah puede ser tan arrogante, mimada y egoísta. No, me niego a creerlo. Es como una niña pequeña, todo lo tiene que tener.

lorilaws's review against another edition

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Have you ever read a book and thought, "This is exactly what I have been waiting for"? You just didn't know it. That's the way I feel about Infinite Days. From 10 pages in I knew I was going to love it. That feeling solidified with every page I turned. And when I turned the last page, I wanted more. Right away. I wasn't able to get Lenah, Justin, or Tony out of my head for days.

A part of me that I didn't realize was there, was longing for some evil vampires done right in YA. I grew up reading Stephen King and Anne Rice, and although I love nice vampires, it's good to see truly evil ones every once in awhile. Infinite Days alternates between present day human Lenah and the evil Lenah from the past. And there's no doubt about it that she was evil! Maizel's vampires are a work of art. Just when you think the world of vampires has been exhausted, something completely original like this comes along.

Lenah was a incredible protagonist. Her voice was so strong and clear. Her emotions were conveyed so well that at times it was absolutely heartbreaking. I became very attached to the secondary characters very quickly. Tony who was a bit quirky but had a huge heart, and Justin who loves Lenah unconditionally. Even Rhode, who we don't get to see that much. It was almost impossible to not love him, because Lenah loves him so much.

The writing was brilliant. Rebecca Maizel's words flowed so smoothly that that it's easy to forget you were reading a book. My eyes were glued to the page. My only complaint, and a very very minor one, at times it was a bit repetitive. I'll account that to the fact that there was so much information about the vampires to take in. Like I said, though, that is a very minor complaint. Maizel's writing will suck you in and not let you go for days after you finish the book. Trust me!

Overall, I loved this book. Can you tell? It was exactly what I wanted in a vampire novel. You won't find any fluff in it, or airheaded girls. This is a sweeping epic journey through history and a vampire's emotions. Read it! I beg you!

shubba_the_emo_reader's review against another edition

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3.5 Stars
Before I review the story itself I HAVE to review the book cover. 5/5STARS, this is got to be one of the most beautiful covers I have seen this year. This picture does it no justice. The Hardback itself has the image of Lenah on it and its very shiny. The dust cover is white and transparent so you can see Lenah coming through from underneath. It has pretty embossed silver flower design that is subtle yet very eyecatching. I just love the cover!!!

So for the story. Well honestly, I was a little disappointed in this book. I had real high hopes from reading really great reviews. It is very very slow and doesn't really get going until half way through the story then it is quite good. I seem to find myself more interested in the flashback stories then the characters present story.

However, this is a very good twist on the vampire story. I have never read anything like it because this is the story of an EX-Vampire lol. The characters have their good points and bad. Lenah who is the main character I didn't really warm to her as a human but during her flashback I really liked her and her vampires because they are proper vampires, killing, drinking blood and evil like vampires are meant to be. Lenah falls for Justin, who I didn't like at all. There relationship just got on my nerves. (not very good at explaining without giving away spoilers). My two fave characters are Rhode (Lenah's maker) and Tony (Lenah's best friend). I found them really easy to connect with.

I would really love to have prequel of this all about Rhode and Lenah and the other vampires that would make a real interesting story getting to read about how vampires are meant to be.

Overall though, its a quick read and that doesn't really have any suprises you kind of knew what was going to happn. However, there is one part I didn't except and I cried my eyes out so much. And as I said once the story picks up its is quite good.

I will pick up the next installement Stolen Nights because Infinite Days leaves you on a cliffhanger that you just need to know what is going to happen.

kchew's review against another edition

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Infinite Days is about Lenah Beaudonte who recently became human... again. You'll follow her around on her discovery of the 21st century and what it truly means to have friends. At times you may even question how we act today because of her innocent views on todays society. Infinite Days takes you on a journey of discovery and at the same time makes you think.

I had no idea what to expect when I received this book and now all I can say is, wow. Rebecca Maizel has not only captured my attention, but also my loyalty. I will be reading all of her future books and hopefully... a sequel to Infinite Days.

Lenah has become one of my favorite female heroins in a novel in a short time. She is a smart character who will also make you laugh and will teach you things. Following her on her journey of re-discovery was not only interesting, but also fun.You will want to read this book over and over.

The book grabbed me from the start and didn't let go, even at the end. I felt the pain and sorrow, the joy and happiness, and the confusion and curiosity on every page. This is one of the best books I have read in a long time.

Overall I will probably read the book again (which I don't usually do) and I recommend it to everyone. Rebecca Maizel gives vampires a makeover and adds in love, discovery, and makes a breathtaking novel.

emleemay's review against another edition

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I actually won a hardback copy of this quite a while ago and I have to admit that, as much as it is nice to win anything, I was a little disappointed that I didn't get one of the other available books. This book has never appealed to me, I've passed it so many times in my local book stores and never felt any inclination to pick it up. So I was definitely surprised when I found the book to be enjoyable on the whole and I spent a lot of the novel thinking I might give it a four star rating. What stopped me was countless annoying little things that gradually built up and resulted in me having to knock a star off the rating, one or two I could have easily disregarded but eventually there were just too many to ignore.

The positives are plentiful and the story really interested me; Lenah has spent five hundred years as a vampire (part of which was spent as queen of a coven) but now she longs to finally become human again, to have the chance to feel alive and experience the world with human senses and emotions. This requires a sacrifice from her maker - Rhode - and the story opens up where the ritual is being completed. Lenah's past as a vampire is told in flashbacks, whilst at the same time she tries to fit into a modern day boarding school, come to terms with technology and slang terms (part of the ritual involved her spending the last hundred years underground) and generally convince everyone that she is your average sixteen year old girl.

Because she was previously a vampire queen leading a coven of male vampires, Lenah is not like many of today's young adult paranormal heroines. When they are studying Kate Chopin's [b:The Awakening|58345|The Awakening|Kate Chopin||1970518] in class, she states that she "doesn't like to be controlled" and it's true that she never lets herself be. Yes, she has a crush on the school stud, but when he appears to insult her she tells him where to get off. At last! I liked Lenah, I liked the historical references and I liked Lenah's friend Tony. I also liked how the ending left me with excitement for book two without being overly cliffhanger-ish.

Now for what I didn't like. Rhode was meant to be the love of Lenah's life for hundreds of years and yet she seemed to get over him very quickly. In fact, she didn't really seem to care that much at all. And on the subject of love interests... well, there were so many in this book you could drown in them. Forget love triangles, this is at least a love pentagon. Was it really necessary? In fact, I can tell you the answer to that one: no, it wasn't. But I think worst of all was the horrible mean girl stereotyping. You know the kind... she's pretty, she's blonde, dates the hottest guy who our heroine has a crush on... and, naturally, she's a complete bitch. Apparently, she has to be a complete bitch in order for it to be okay for Mr Hotness to leave her for Lenah. At one point while they are still going out, sexy guy - Justin - openly ignores her to flirt very obviously with Lenah. When Lenah points out that she is watching, Justin says "I don't care"! Really? Because, you know, those pretty blonde girls obviously don't have feelings so what's the point in wondering whether you might hurt them or not? This pissed me off.

BUT... I like the story and I like the protagonist. And for that I am still going to check out [b:Stolen Nights|8590082|Stolen Nights (Vampire Queen, #2)|Rebecca Maizel||13459622] and see where the author takes us next.

bobbyomega's review against another edition

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You know that moment when you read a blurb of a book, get excited, actually read the book and feel so disappointed upon finishing it? This book had so much potential, yet it failed to deliver. Sigh.

Where’s the part when Justin and Lenah fall in love? No, I do not go out, see a hot guy doing crazy things in the sea and fall helplessly in love with him. Gosh, how many people would I be so passionately in loved with then? Oh, and especially when he goes on to call me a ‘whore’. Likewise for Justin. “Oh, pretty babe spotted. Who cares if I’ve a girlfriend? I LOVE HER.”

Lenah… god. I’ve never met a show-off bigger than her. “Alright, my great lover of all time just sacrificed himself for me, and I can’t let that sacrifice go to waste. I’m gotta keep a low profile and- oh, hi, I can speak 25 languages. Disect a cat, no problem. Oh, I see a hot boy. I love him.”

Justin just felt like some piece of paper. Man.

Tony? Tony’s worse. He felt so boring. They don’t do anything together at all and Tony’s already in love with Lenah. Seriously? And my god, he freaking takes 200 pictures of her. If I ever walked in to a room with a boy holding 200 pictures of me, I kinda doubt I’d get over it. Pretty traumatizing. And he goes on bashing about the Three-Piece ruthlessly, and later hooks up with Tracy. Again, seriously?

And, the Three-Piece? What the hell was the point of having them in the story? I don’t know where to begin. They’re pretty much annoying, irritating bimbos without much of a mind. They actually copy one another’s outfits. I thought dressing identically was cool when I was like… six?

I kinda liked the beginning at first, with the flashbacks to Lenah’s vampire past. But the more I read, the flashbacks got lesser and the stupid, cardboard interaction between Justin and Lenah increased. Wait, actually there’s so much more to complain about. Such as how irritating and fake it was whenever one of the character said something in Latin and Justin’s quick acceptance of Lenah’s vampirism.

I’m also wondering why the hell did Viken put Lenah into an unnecessary hundred year hibernation when he could have just woken her up earlier to prepare her. And how the hell did he not manage to get rid of all evidence, especially something as crucial as the name of the new boarding school where he’d enrolled Lenah in.

Oh, and how I wish there was more on Viken (sorry if I got his name wrong lol) and pretty much the rest of the coven. Halfway through when Suleen made an appearance, I was wondering if Suleen was part of her coven because there was hardly anything about them at all and I had difficulty remembering their names.

Still, I’m contemplating reading “Stolen Nights” because I’m reaaaally interested to know about Viken and Rhode. Nope, not about annoying Justin and Lenah.

mollbrownlee's review against another edition

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The plot of this story had so much potential but I found it very childish, boring and unrealistic.

bookishwonderlandco's review against another edition

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I was shocked when I finished this book and realized it was better than I ever expected! This was an amazing book, I was completely captivated by the first page! It was a shocking and a really interesting new take on vampires. I really enjoyed reading this book and I can't believed how good this book turned out to be. The end has left me quite shocked and I just am speechless. This was an incredible book, I really came to love the characters and I was shocked over and over by events in this book, I was constantly turning the page drooling for more! This was a really great book and I am so excited to read the next!

breezy610's review against another edition

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pretty good. i wasn't sure at first because the book started off kinda slow, but then it got addicting after hitting a certain point in the story. now i really can't wait for the next book in the series.