
House Dick by E. Howard Hunt

mehlsbell's review

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Been looking forward to seeing what the infamous E. Howard Hunt wrote; his grasp of plot and character and irony and morality and criminal underworld impacting politics, etc. Not so much of the political here, it's really focused on the few characters' interconnected lives and romances, but still a good gnarly little paperback.

ericwelch's review

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Taking this along on a trip. Most of us who lived through Watergate rather despise E. Howard Hunt and Gordon Liddy and Chuck Colson and all those cretins, but apparently Hunt had quite a career as a writer of noir pulp fiction, a genre I rather enjoy, so we'll see how this pans out.

The story revolves around a house detective (dah!) working at the Hotel Tilden. Pete Novak is the classic hard drinking, babe loving, honest-to-a-fault, cigarette smoking, gumshoe who gets caught in the middle of a double- or triple- cross. Babes, jewels, mafia, police, fakesters, murder and mayhem all nicely plotted in this very quick, enjoyable hard case novel.

Hunt should have stuck with writing novels instead of poking around the Watergate,