
The Gatekeeper's House by Eva Pohler

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As I’ve come to expect with Eva’s books, ‘The Gatekeeper’s House’ blew me away. We return to Therese and Than’s story right where the last book left off, but it takes absolutely no time at all for the action to kick in. From that moment on, it is impossible to think about stopping- once you’re in, there’s no way you can escape this amazing story that Eva has created.

Throughout the last three books, we’ve seen the main character, the lovely Therese Mills, grow and develop as a character. This book is no different as Therese continues to adapt into her new life, as her loving nature and her incredible strength continues to shine through, more importantly, you get to see Therese’s worries and flaws as well. And while we aren’t all goddess, I think Eva still manages to write a character that you can really connect to. Despite her new powers, she is ultimately still a teenage girl trying to find out where she belongs.

Without a doubt, my favourite part of the fourth book was Hip. The last three books has sort of lacked Hip, and if you’ve read any of Chami and I’s previous reviews you’d know that we adore Hip more than anything else. But you really get a chance to see the real Hip in this book. While he seems like his usual cocky self for a while, as the story goes on he shows himself as actually a really genuine guy. I really like how he develops- it’s not an instant change, it’s been built up in all the previous books but this one is honestly Hip’s time to shine. If you don’t love him by the end of this book, well I don’t even know what you’re doing!

The plot of this particular one is just insane. Honestly, there are so many twists and turns that you just never see coming. Everything is crafted to perfection. I think we’ve mentioned this in all three of our previous reviews, but Eva is insanely brilliant when it comes to tying everything together. She never misses a single detail, and while other authors may forget things from their previous books, Eva never does. It’s honestly amazing, and I have no idea how she manages to remember all this stuff! And I can’t even begin to describe how much effort Eva puts into these books, not just in her writing but in every single aspect. I don’t think there is a more dedicated author out there.

If I were to suggest only one series ever, I would definitely suggest this one. You will fall in love with all the characters, even those that you hate with a passion. You will fall in love with the extreme attention to detail that Eva pays to everything in this series. I think you’ll just plain fall in love with this entire series. It is just, honestly, amazing.

I’d like to thank Eva for sending us her books to review and for making our reading experience so wonderful. There aren’t nearly enough words to describe how thankful we are.

mloucks's review

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This has become one of my favorite series. The books just get better and better. I love how the story is developing.