
Hard To Handle by R.C. Boldt

upallnightbookaddict's review

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Another enjoyable read from the lovely Boldt. This one is another one that left me wondering why it took me to long to read. 

I loved getting to see this side of Zach in this book. In the previous book, we are left thinking he is just a sarcastic and obnoxious man. While I didn't dislike him before, he wasn't the Zach we get to know in this one. I was most certainly rooting for him.

Laney annoyed me a bit in this book. She was so dead set on not letting her walls down. I found myself wanting to shake her until she came to her senses. The push and pull she had with herself and Zach did prove to be a good slow burning romance.

This book not only kept me entertained, but it also pulled at my heart some. I have one book left to read in this series, and I can't wait to get to it. 

javalenciaph's review

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Read the full review on Bookaholics Not-So-Anonymous.

Note: This ARC was provided by RockStar Lit PR in exchange for an honest review.

Laney and Zach were introduced in the first book in the series, Wildest Dream, and it was clear even then that there was something brewing between the two of them, although they did remind of two elementary school children who were wasting so much time getting on each other's nerves to see all the other possibilities staring them in the face. There's a lot of back and forth that goes on and theirs is an enemies to lovers story that also becomes a case of self-preservation in the eyes of Laney, no thanks to what happened to her and her family when she was a child. The temptation to smack these two, especially Laney, popped up more than once, but they really did have to battle through their issues and fears in order to get to their happily-ever-after. Overall, Hard to Handle was a good sequel and it gets four stars. ♥

scvallese1's review

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Another great book! I really enjoy these characters. I felt like I got to know the whole gang a lot better in this book, especially with the animosity between Laney and Zachary! A definite reread!

rme2020's review

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I didn't think it would happen but I loved this story more than the first book in the series!! What a fun group to get to know!!

jenn703's review

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This could be read as a stand-alone, but I highly recommend reading the series in order. I enjoyed getting Lacey and Zach's stories. I almost felt like the back and forth between Lacey and Zach was a bit much in the middle, but the ending made up for it. It was nice how the other characters were factored in so we could follow their story as well. This is definitely a fun, light-hearted series. I would enjoy reading more from this author and the characters who's story has yet to be told.

*Reviewed for Kylie's Fiction Addiction
*Copy of this book received in exchange for my honest review.

staceybroadbent's review

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Laney and Foster grew up without a father. One day, he just decided that family life wasn’t for him, and he left. Hearing their mother cry herself to sleep each night, set in motion Laney’s rule to live by; don’t allow a man to get inside your heart - they only bring heartache.

Zachariah Mayson knew from the first moment he laid eyes on Laney, that she was the one for him, but when he tried to talk to her, his words got jumbled and he ended up insulting her. From then onwards, Laney wouldn’t give him the time of day. They had the same group of friends, though, so they developed a love/hate relationship - mainly hate. They would sling insults at each other all the time.

Watching Raine and Mac get married brought up some emotions that Laney had pushed down. She wanted someone to look at her the way Mac looked at Raine. But that was silly, right? Laney doesn’t do relationships.

I loved getting to see both Laney and Zach’s perspectives, and see what was going on through their heads as they flirted with the idea of something more than hate. I loved seeing Laney’s walls slowly come down, and soften her. I loved seeing how much Zach adored her.

This is the second in the Teach Me series, and I thought it would be hard to top Wildest Dream, but I actually think Hard to Handle is my new favourite! I love that this series focuses on a different couple each time and I can’t wait to see what happens with Lawson - he is by far my favourite character! He has all the best lines, a true smartass.

R.C. Boldt is definitely becoming one of my go-to authors!

RC Boldt’s Teach Me series gives us a closer look at just how thin the line is between love and hate…

Fifth grade social studies teacher, Laney Kavanaugh, is no stranger to being left behind – her father taught her that at a young age. That’s why she always has her eyes wide open when it comes to men. She’s determined she will never again be the one left behind. She doesn’t let sex blur what they’re really doing; it’s always just sex.

Until Zach.

Zachariah Mayson, fifth grade writing and English teacher, has been the bane of Laney’s existence from the moment they met at their shared elementary school. She can’t stand him. He gets under her skin like no other and is always utterly obnoxious in his attempts –and successes–in getting a rise out of her.

Until the wedding.

The night of their friends’ wedding, Laney gives in to a moment of melancholy, knowing she’ll never be able to let her guard down enough to let a guy close, let alone someday get married. She and Zach end up having the hottest night she’d ever experienced, showing her another side of him, a softer, sweeter one he’d hidden from her until now. Because now, he hoped she was finally ready to “see” him.

But when you’ve always guarded yourself against falling in love, can you let go of the past in order to embrace the future?

cheryls's review

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This second book in the Teach Me series is about Zach and Laney. They've always acted like they didn't like each other. Smartass remarks always flying out of their mouths whenever they were in range of one another. Until one romantic day when their friends, Mac and Raine, got married. Since Laney was little, she never wanted to be married. She always thought whoever she loved would leave like her father did. She'd always drilled it into her own head and when the perfect man came along, what did she do? She left him first! Will she ever realize the HUGE mistake she made before he walks out of her life forever?

Amazing story! This one really gave a hard tug on my heartstrings. Yes, I cried! Seeing the pain in Zach's eyes made me want to give him a BIG hug and let him know it would eventually be ok. I love this series! So excited to see who's falling next!

Received a copy in exchange for an honest review.
I was not compensated for my review.
I was not required to write a positive review.
The opinion expressed is my own.

triciab04's review

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So I kind of love a good enemies to lovers story. I like the playfulness and the build up of frustration that ultimately turns into some explosively good times in the bedroom lol. This was exactly what you get here in Hard to Handle. I found the juvenility of Zach and Laney's back and forth frenemies banter to be a nice contrast, and a rather comical one, to their spicy bedroom romps and dirty talk later on.

Zach was sweet. The way he poked at Lacey, like an adolescent that pulls a girl's hair and calls her stinky because he likes her, was comical and also a little sad. He really pined for her. It was actually rather endearing and refreshing to have a contemporary romance where the guy doesn't start out as a womanizing toolbag. I thought it was kind of cute that this whole enemies thing started because he found himself putting his foot in his mouth when him and Laney first met because he was so enamored and thrown off by how beautiful he found her. It was sweet really. Zach consistently stayed sweet too. It honestly became sad to see him downplaying his growing feelings for Laney so he didn't spook her into running away. It felt like a nice change of pace to see this kind, sweet guy fall head over heels for the no commitments, fly by night girl. I was rather disappointed with Laney's behavior on a few occasions, but I could understand her thinking in the beginning. She eventually started coming around though, and that made my heart happy!
I think one of the best things about this series is the close friendship all these characters have. This is a fun group of friends that feel like family. That alone makes me want to keep coming back for more.

Well, that and the fact that I am still dying to get the full story on Tate and Miller. Although now I really want to see Lawson find someone special too. She'll have to be something extra special to keep up with him!
I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

abailey410's review

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This book was so fun and funny to read, but as the story progresses you get to see a whole other side to it. The story was so beautiful and full of heart that I could not put it down. I had to see where Zach and Laney's story took them.

My Thoughts
We first met Zach and Laney in Wildest Dream. They loved to antagonize each other and fight all the time, at least that was the impression that was given, so I was excited for their story. It was refreshing to get Zach's side of the story and learn that he didn't hate Laney at all. All of his bickering and fighting was a front for his true feelings. I loved that he acted like that little boy on the playground that pulled your hair because he liked you. It was also refreshing that Laney was the anti-relationship person in the relationship. I loved these two together, from the constant fighting to the tender and sweet moments to the super steamy moments. I highly recommend this book (and series) and look forward to whatever RC Boldt gives us next.

ARC provided by Rock Star Lit PR for an honest review.