
The Blood Alchemist by Becca Andre

mdlaclair's review

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This was a nice read. I really like the chemist aspect of this book. I did not love it as much as the first book. However it still was a nice read

bananatricky's review

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Wow, another great book.

After the end to the last book Addie is pretty much friendless and homeless. She makes a deal with a VERY unexpected person.

Also, there is someone out there killing magical people.

And James's idiot brothers can't keep their noses clean.

I enjoyed this book, I had my suspicions but the identity of the killer(s) was well hidden.

My only (mild) criticism is that Addie seems to cry A LOT and I have difficulty believing that Addie is 42 at times because she acts like 22 - I have the same problem with Rowan.

Looking forward to the next instalment.

beardybot's review

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Incredible. I worried that Addie would be crippled by the first book's finale, but by the end of this one all fears were dealt with. Becca Andre writes such powerful, convincing, personal characters. I'm sure many aspiring novelists would be inspired.

lacunaboo's review

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This is a really fun dark paranormal series with some great characters.

The Blood Alchemist tells of more of the (mis)adventures of Addie, the "addled alchemist"; Rowan, the Lord of Flame, along with his fellow Elements; and other various members of both the New and Old Magic factions. I absolutely LOVE James, the hellhound "sidekick". And we get a new(ish) character to get All The Feels about in this installment in Addie's new "lab assistant."

There is plenty of action in these books, and sometimes the action scenes are bit too much for me, but overall the Final Formula books tell a really fun story with wonderful characters and evolving relationships.

helensbookshelf's review

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I was hoping for this to be a little bit more than it was. The first book I enjoyed but I thought it was a little too overly complicated with too much explaining. I wanted this one to pick up the pace and have a more impressive story-line but I found it a little dull.

The characters and the action seemed re-hashed from the first book with nothing new and no villain that I could really point out. The mystery of who was committing the murders was poorly explained and kind of got forgotten about in all Addie's angst.

After the ending of the first book I was expecting more of a redemption ark too, but it seems that Addie tried to heal a few burn victims and that was it, all is forgiven. Though I'm not sure why James is angry with her, I would have thought that Rowan would take more convincing to move past what Addie did before her memory loss. And it was also disappointing that Era was never told, they treat this poor 23-year-old woman like she is 10!

There was a lot I liked in this too, Addie rebuilding her lab and working with a lich was quite fun and the initial murder investigation was interesting but I think it lost its way towards the second half. It needed more alchemy, more murder story and more Addie and Rowan!

Despite this I'm still invested in the series, Addie is a likeable enough character to keep me readying. Hopefully the next one will be the one where it picks up a bit.