
Sweet Texas Fire by Nicole Flockton

erinann78's review

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Reviewed for Nerdy Dirty & Flirty
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jemifraser's review

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This was fun! A marriage of convenience between two strong personalities leads to a load of fun. Great story!

100_pages_hr's review

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Boring. Not sucked in. 

deannasworld's review

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Unfortunately, I did not give this book much of a shot. The premise of the story really wasn't for me and I didn't read much of it before I gave up. It is an enemies to lovers story and it's not one of those tropes that I enjoy. There also seemed like there was going to be a lot of drama llamas in the story and I simply was not up for that. That said, from the little that I had read, I thought the story itself was well written enough. For someone who doesn't mind the trope, I think they would enjoy this story.

Deanna's World

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allingoodtime's review

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3.5 stars

In this series, each story is written by a different author. This one is written by a new-to-me author. I really enjoyed the way she wrote the connection between Charlotte and Gage, as well as Gage and his brothers.

One of the things I loved about this story is that it delved into Gage’s dad a bit more than the first book did. While the underlying theme to all the stories is their dad and his will and the reason he did what he did, I felt it wasn’t delved into as deeply in the first story as in this one. It was a bit like having a love story within the love story. Very sweet and made me even more curious about what the last story will hold.

The big explosion in the relationship between Gage and Charlotte is very obvious, seen from miles away. I almost felt as though the things Gage did weren’t really in line with his true personality. But maybe that’s the point, him finding his true self. Blood over money, love over land, etc.

Regardless, I liked this book a lot and feel I’d like to check out some of her other stories. She already has a bit of a library so I just have to decide where to start.

**I received an ARC of this book courtesy of the publisher. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and given freely**

You can read more of my reviews at All In Good Time.