
Bottom Line by Abbie Zanders

jigsawgirl's review

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I knew this book was not going to be about the Callaghan family. I was looking forward to a book delving more into Aidan's life and personality.

I didn't feel like I got any of that. Aidan seemed to alter his life to match with Mary's. He never seemed to expose he to what life with him would truly be like. I thought it was disingenuous, setting her up for failure.

I also thought his take on the Callaghan's was interesting considering how intertwined their lives seemed to be and that was the place he took Mary.

I was surprised at Aidan's reaction to Mary's non-secret. I didn't feel it was a real secret because they hadn't spent enough time together for her to bare her soul, and he was also keeping something from Mary. This was not behavior I expected from someone who was supposed to be a Dom.

Many women have had the experience of getting that call asking them to come back for further testing. It is terrifying. I just didn't feel it in Mary's case. That whole situation felt like the BDSM aspect, just part of a story that could have been left out.

Also, I didn't understand why Mary let people treat her the way she did. Maybe I missed something and Cam had a lot of family left in that town. Even if he did, it sounded like the marriage almost ended at the honeymoon because Mary immediately became a caregiver. Her neighbors seemed to have too much control over what she did. Kind of weird imo.

This was an ok read. The major difference between them was not mentioned or dealt with until almost the end of the book. Even then, it wasn't really addressed. The other major issue didn't seem to me to have the importance it could have had. Finally, I was not sure of the purpose of the BDSM aspect other than it was referenced in Kane and Rebecca's story.

Not bad, but not a favorite.

diloretobeth89's review

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Aidan and Mary

An amazing slow burn of sweet love. Aidan meets Marry and knows she is his heart, regardless of him not being a Callaghan

christine757's review

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Well written

Overall the story was good. But I felt the dramatic part was rushed to little bit. Still I like the characters and how she chose to write them

lolamoon's review

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Far less frustrating than the previous seven in this series.

booksinastorm's review

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