
The Last Flight of Poxl West by Daniel Torday

minervareads's review

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pennifer's review against another edition

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Generally good book. A few $100 words that were even repeated no less - seemed a little unnecessary and I usually welcome that sort of thing. The "present" plot line felt a bit stilted, felt like it only existed to facilitate the denouement.

sagek's review against another edition

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*I received a free copy of this from a giveaway on Goodreads.
**This is also posted on my blog: Library of Books.

Elijah, a young Jewish teenager, adores and idolizes his “Uncle” Poxl, a long time family friend. Poxl makes time for him, usually taking him to museums and plays and every time Poxl divulges and discusses his life during the war. However, you should know that this is a story within a story, and saying much more on the plot or structure could possible ruin this book for other readers.

I will admit that the beginning was slightly boring, some parts intriguing me and most others leaving me to feel like this book just wasn't for me. It took me a while to actually get through the beginning, but when I did it was definitely worth it. The last half of the book I ate up, I was enjoying it so much. There is just something so tender and raw about the writing that really allowed me to immerse myself in the story. I saw a pattern in Poxl, the hurt in Elijah, and even the guidance from Elijah's Hebrew teacher.

The characters were all very likeable, each with flaws but the knowledge that they weren't perfect. And yeah, at first Elijah saw no fault in anything, not really, but you could tell as he grew and as certain situations happened that his mind and eyes were opening, that his perspective was growing. And as he grew, as he learned and saw more, you see how maybe at one time, someone you knew or even yourself felt as he did. But you grew. It made him a more connectable character, and I definitely loved his parts played. And then you look at Poxl and you learn of his faults, of his troubles and how he is a rough edged person, someone who can't let go of the past but can move forward even if only a little. You see how much passion he had, how his pattern continued even after the war, even after his first love, his second, his mother. And maybe you see yourself in him too, even if only a little. Because while Poxl's experiences were his own, memories and relationships and emotions are everywhere, in everyone. Regret plays a huge part in this book, as well as mistakes. We can all connect with that, and maybe that's why I enjoyed this book so much.

I don't know. It's hard for me to really say why I enjoyed this book as much as I did in proper words. So I'll just leave it at that. If you like stories of war, of male coming-of-age stories, or even just books that will make you think, then I recommend The Last Flight of Poxl West. It's a great read.

cwiegmann24's review

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Ugh, I did not like this book very much. The dual-narrator did not work, in my opinion. There wasn't enough back and forth to get Eli's perspective.

I didn't like how Poxl's story was written. There were so many parts that were glossed over - something very important would happen and there would hardly be two sentences about it, and then we have another three paragraphs about how he should be thinking of Glynnis and yet he's thinking about Franciose.


When it finally came out that the story was fake, it made sense to me. There was such a lack of detail on the intense points of his military career that I wasn't all that surprised. I kept wondering how he could just leave out and detail into his training or his feeling leading up to the bombing mission. It was sad that his nephew held him in such high regard, and then was let down, but I didn't feel all that bad for him. I hardly had enough story to gain a connection to his character, so it didn't mean much to me.

I never seem to connect much with WWII stories, and it's sad because I do think that the setting is interesting. There seems to be a lack of detail in this story, and the fixation on Franciose is very repetitive.

Overall I feel like this book lacked focus and lacked enough storyline, so the author filled some empty spaces with more pining for Franciose. It became boring and the twist didn't do enough to save it.

dmendels's review

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I wasn't sure whether to rate this 3 or 4 stars...probably should be 3.5 but that isn't an option on GoodReads.

Anyway, seems like I have read a rash of WWII historical fiction. This is a pretty good book, with an interesting twist, but suffers from comparison to other recent reads: Life and Life and, All the Light We Can Not See.

zachkuhn's review

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Loved the first 100 pages and then it collapsed.

shannonrose's review

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Wow. What a novel; very well done.

borisfeldman's review

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A superb book-within-a-book. Jewish RAF pilot pens his WW2 memoirs. Worthy of all the glowing reviews.

marinazala's review

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** Books 134 - 2015 **

This books to accomplish New Author Reading Challenge 2015

3,2 of 5 stars!

I read in English but the review is written in Indonesia Languange

Ampuunn.. dari awal novel ini cukup Gloomy dan dark ya menurut saya. Isinyaa tentang kesedihan, kehampaan dan penyesalan yang datang terlambat dari Leopold Weisberg/Poxl.
Spoiler Mulai dari Ibu dan tunangan Poxl yang meninggal, Ayahnya yang dibawa paksa ke kamp tahanan Nazi, rekan2 RAF Bombernya yang pada meninggal, yang paling Meh banget itu ketika Poxl yang gak bisa move on dari Francoise yang ia tinggalin begitu saja di Rotterdam.. bayangin saja 6 tahun tanpa kabar berita dan tiba2 nongol begitu saja di kehidupan Francoise yang sudah bersuamikan William di London. Itu asli ngeselin banget..mungkin beda kali ya satu purnama di London dan Rotterdam? LOL

Buku ini juga mengambil tema Perang Dunia Kedua yang menurut saya menarik untuk diikuti apalagi ketika pas Tentara Jerman menembaki Rotterdam dan london tanpa ampun. Betapa gedung dan banyak mayat yang bergelimpangan terutama di sekitar tahun 1941-1942. Disini juga dikisahkan ketika Poxl memutuskan untuk menjadi tentara yang melakukan pengeboman di wilayah Jerman yang menarik untuk kita baca
