
Tarnished by Karina Cooper

mmmmmmmbooks's review against another edition

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I know it's set in like 1800 England, but I'm so beyond "women wearing PANTS?!"

island_reader's review

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It was excessively boring. 

debjazzergal's review against another edition

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Decided to go outside of my comfort zone and try steampunk. Didn't really enjoy this book. Book just seemed to end without any resolution.

lizzy_22's review against another edition

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3.5 stars, I wanted to like this a whole lot more than I did. The setting and rich descriptiveness of a steampunk London both below and above 'the drift' didn't make up for characters that felt shallow to me.

While we get quite a bit of background on Cherry herself the rest of the people who surround her were curiously underdeveloped. There isn't much romance to keep things humming and the nature of the relationships she does have with the men in her life were disappointing, well with one exception, but darnit was that almost predictable and uninspiring since I never got to know him well enough to feel something.

Good plot and setting will bring me back for the second book, Gilded, but I hope for 'more'.

masquerader888's review against another edition

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This review also posted at A Bookish Compulsion

I very much wanted to like this book, and in the end was saddened by disappointment. The entirety of this book seemed more of a set-up for future volumes than a story in and of itself. I also found the plot proposed by the cover blurb to be a bit misleading in regard to the personal goals of the protagonist. Instead of being motivated to gain funds for scientific experiments what we witness throughout the book is motivation spurned from an intense opium addiction; the money needed to buy more of this drug in its various forms. While I do not have a problem with this as a basis of motivation, and indeed it was even somewhat compelling thought this work, it was not the story I was lead to believe that I was going to read.

There were some strong elements to this book; the world itself I found truly fascinating. The idea of a steampunk world having air pollution is nothing new, but the concept of building up and having a London above the drift of smog, fog, and other unmentionables was intriguing, as was the societal split of above and below the drift. However, the sporadic integration of elements ranging from London fashion to scientific experiments to magic just didn’t gel for me.

Sadly, as I had to actually force myself to finish this book I can only give it two stars.

sirensaria's review against another edition

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I liked the book well enough, I guess. I just wasn't that impressed with it as a whole. There were parts of the book that were absolutely amazing, and some characters (*cough* Micajah Hawke *cough*) that were simply too good not to love, but the whole thing didn't really pop out to me. The worst part of the whole book, was the start and stop action. You'd get some action, and then it would slam on the breaks, and then the next parts would be filled with complete randomness, leaving me going, "What the hell just happened?!" I realize that Cherry St Croix, the main character, pretty much led two lives. That does NOT mean the plot has to be rather jerky in its flow.

I liked most of the characters. They were very real and believable. I honestly have to say, Fanny drove me NUTS, but that was her personality. Cherry St Croix was a very believable, real, actual character. She wasn't drop dead gorgeous, she wasn't the smartest out of the bunch, she was just a rich girl who no one in society (save one weirdo Earl) really wants to associate with. And she has faults up to wazoo. I LOVE that she has faults, and that she really owns up to them. She's straight out with using opium and laudanum (which technically is partially opium). The only reason why she hides using it from her staff is because she doesn't want to worry them. AND, she doesn't take it for the reasons most people did, she took it to be able to sleep without nightmares. All in all, I love that Cherry is a very raw character that has more than her fair share of faults.

The whole premise of the book was very interesting. It had a bit of Mary Shelly-ness, if that's really what I should be calling it, with the bits of galvanism. I also love the rather AU-ish aspects, so that Karina isn't quite tied down with the "it's not scientifically possible" shebang. And yet even with the AU-ness, it's still very realistic, which amazed me. I have to give Karina credit, she really can write a book.

Like I said, I liked the book, but there were aspects that were lacking. Not sure if I will read the sequel or not yet, but I'm considering it. I guess I might read it for Micajah Hawke, who totally stole my heart.

leelah's review against another edition

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2 stars read for me.

I love Karina Cooper and I love steampunk. I had big hopes for this one, but it just wasn't what I expected.

I always lower my barrier for first book in series because it's hard to build a plot and introduce a character and world-building at the same time. I can't really peg what went wrong here...everything seems to have something that could have been more developed or done the other way. I'll try to explain.

World building: Well, majority of steampunk novels are set in Victorian London. I don't mind that, I love that setting. But if you read several of them, you start to notice some overused cliches. I loved Karakash Veil and Midnight Menagerie in downside London. That was new, chinese influence sounded promising.Everything else was...lazy. Steam machines, fog, googles, Queen...yawn.
Characters: Main character Cherry could have been awesome. Her background is interesting. She is mad scientist's daughter, she spent part of her childhood as part of travelling circus, where she learned gymnastic and conning tricks. Unfortunately that part of her life wasn't all fun-they also made her addicted to opium and it's hinted she had to prove herself useful to stay alive. She was there until she was found by her guardian, man who control her fortune until she becomes of age. Now she is trapped between two world: one world where she is a Collector for Menagerie and has use for her skills and upper London where she's trying to become proper lady and part of high society. And when I say she is caught between two worlds, I mean it literally. It's like she can't decide what she is. She is risking her life for money she has plenty of. Ok, she needs it to feed her opium addiction, but from what I gathered when she didn't have opium she managed just fine. She frowns on high society rules and etiquette, but when she is rejected for lack of it she feels hurt and suffer. Parts of it were like reading historical romance novel. And she had several tstl moments that I really dislike with my characters. I didn't even understand role of her guardian, we didn't get to meet him. I guess he will be more revealed in future moments. Love interests are story on their own. We have two love interests. One who disappear unexplainably in the middle of story and whose actions are still a mystery to me and other who is your usual seductive and dangerous guy and who also disappears at some point. Then there is this bad guy who has special interest in heroine and you're not sure on whose side he is....Honestly, I don't know what to think about it. Love triangles are not my favorite thing if they are used as plot devices...
Plot: Hmmm...plot starts at the middle. Like everything before that was just a big introduction to main story.But I wouldn't be surprised if you lose all strings. Cherry is searching for killer.No, she is searching for professor. No, she is losing her time trying to get her money from Micah... I have no idea.
Since I'm big fan of Cooper's Dark Mission series and reading great reviews about [b:Gilded|15782111|Gilded (The St. Croix Chronicles, #2)|Karina Cooper||21498397], I'll give this series a second chance. There is a potential and I know I could like this...I have fate in her.:)

cmira2027's review against another edition

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This is my first favorite read of 2013.

kylek's review against another edition

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If you like steampunk, murder mystery, action, some romance, and a bit of magic, then you'll definitely enjoy this book.

The pacing throughout this novel was spot on, never a dull moment. Even when Cherry was out in London society instead of collecting, there was still enough going on to keep you interested at all times. Romance was believable and even though there are 2 guys she is attracted to, the triangle was well written. It didn't take away from the novel and both guys still remain a complete mystery, specially Compton. I'm pretty sure he is involved in what happened to Cherry very closely.

The reason this is a 4 star and not a 5 is Cherry herself. She started getting on my nerves by the end of the book with her inability to believe in magic. She just HAD to explain everything away even when it was happening to her. She is a scientist she should have more of an open mind specially when it's staring at her RIGHT in the face. And the kidnapping of Betsy she could have handled that a bit better. She does realize her mistakes but it was pretty annoying to read how she was acting. I'll still be looking forward to the next in the series, I must know who that collector is, have my theories but really want to confirm it.

A thanks to Avon for the ARC copy!

imjustcupcake's review against another edition

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I liked this book well enough. The second half was a lot better than the first. The first half was very slow, kind of hard to get through. The second half took off, had lots of action and adventure.

If the mysterious collector isn't who I think it is, I will be very surprised. The author still has the ability to change who it is, but as far as I am concerned with the information that we are giving in this first book, it can really only be one of two people. I am leaning more towards one.

I was a little put off by the random almost sex scene that pretty much marks the half way point of the book. It just felt a little weird. Then the idea of magic (alchemy)...some of it...just didn't feel all there. There were quite a few points in the book where I found myself thinking "what?" at.

It will be interesting where Cherry's next adventures take her.