
Bloodborne: The Death of Sleep #1 by Aleš Kot

davramlocke's review

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Dear Bloodborne,

You were a true curse to me. I spent many, many hours struggling with you, feeling the various ways in which you chose to torture me but yet loving it for reasons that remain unclear. I quit you, almost a year ago to this day, and I still, somewhere in the back of my mind, feel a sense of uncompleteness at the beasts left unslain, the nightmares left still roaming.

Imagine my surprise at finding, and enjoying, this short graphic novel that shares your name, if not your narrative structure. I generally do not expect video game tie ins, in novel or movie or television form, to be very good. Games have a very specific structure that do not often lend themselves to alternate-form tellings. But when someone decides to break away and write something in the spirit of a game, capturing what makes the game so good without trying to completely imitate the game, that is when you have a winner. This is a winner, and I'm excited to see where it goes despite the fact that the narrative seems wildly different from that of the game.

Thanks for listening,


ps: That one moment, you know the one, the surprise moment about midway through - genius.