
Pokhran - A Novel by Uday Singh

tintin_loves_books's review

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Even the biggest victories can hide the darkest failure. 'Pokhran' by Uday Singh is an engaging read encompassing the thin line between fiction and reality. The 'Smiling Buddha' nuclear test and the disabled life of Chaitanya start the novel. This test gave and hid a lot, especially for Chaitanya. Can he uncover it all? Will life give him a chance for justice? Or will everything crumble around him once again? 

I wasn't expecting this storyline to go as it went. When I read the title of the book, I expected it narrate the scientific struggles leading to the success of 'Smiling Buddha', but I was so pleasantly surprised when it displayed a wholly different narrative. I was in love with the in-depth research by the author, and his courage to write a novel about something lesser known by most people. I liked the characters a lot, they were well-formed. I truly appreciate the idea that one's inherited disabilities can in no way stop one from achieving heights. While I will feel a little different about the nuclear test now, I love that it wasn't a negative narration about it. It was more about what right can be done from the wrong. 

I couldn't shake off the feeling that some sections didn't showcase the required intensity, and it wasn't as explored. There were also a few typos here and there. 

Overall, I must say that this is one of the best reads of this year. It captured my attention and I couldn't stop myself from completing it in one day. 

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preethijoseph's review

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This story is set in Pokhran and hence gets its name from it. This is a place near Rajastan which is famous for the nuclear tests particuarly the Smiling Buddha project which helped India emerge as a nuclear power. Everybody talked about the succesful tests but the failed tests and what happened to the lives of the affected inhabitants of Pokhran were tragically buried secrets .One such person is Chaitanya the protagonist of the story . He and many other such children born during the period had disabilities caused due to the radioactive fallout from the nuclear tests. The struggles that he goes through in life for survival and the hurdles he faces how he finds a motivation to live is what this story is about. His father is one of the other important characters of this book. This book has a lot of emotions in it. The author has done a great job indeed.

Eventhough this is an imaginary story its based on true life happenings and quite well researched. It is very well narated and thoughtfuly written. Also fact paced which was good except for a rushed up closure. Definietely an eye opener on diff issues in the society and a must read . I am a sucker for historical fiction and really liked reading the forgotten history of Pokhran .

My Rating:  3.5/5

ankitakhataniar's review

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“Pokhran” is a 194 pages long realistic fiction novel by Uday Singh, which tells about a singular story of a victim of nuclear fallout at Pokhran. Chaitanya is a quadriplegic who is determined to uncover the conspiracy hidden in the experiments conducted at the place. The schemes seem deep-rooted as those involved are willing to go to great lengths to keep the secrets covered.

If you liked the plot till here, you are not the only one. I picked up the book based on the blurb. Even the starting seemed promising, but honestly, most of the story turned out to be based on Chaitanya’s life. It started with details of Pokhran experiments that gradually nose-dived into an individual’s life. The plot does touch several vital topics like dirty politics, gender inequality, power-hungry people, even though the main focus is the aftermath of the nuclear fallout in Pokhran and how one guy tries to make things right. There are some riveting concepts in the story. The plotline where Chaitanya devises his plan to do an expose is well narrated. The characterization is well done. I like Zara’s character and the work that she had undertaken. The author has written the protagonist’s character so well that readers can’t help but sympathize with his situation.

I found a few errors in the book that were frankly overlooked editing, and the spacing on some of the pages was quite erroneous. In a paperback, such errors can be quite troublesome. I hope that these shall be rectified in the next round of publications. Apart from that, the book was quite an excellent read. I would not say that it thrilled me, but it was an absorbing work by an author. Recommended to readers who would like to read a laid back realistic fiction book by an Indian author.

booknerds_cornerrrr's review

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adventurous challenging dark emotional hopeful informative medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix


यह किताब 1974 में पोखरण में किए गए परमाणु परीक्षण पर आधारित है | परमाणु परीक्षण के माध्यम से यह पुस्तक आशा और आशावाद की भावना का भी प्रतिनिधित्व करती है, लेखक ने लैंगिक असमानता, सामाजिक असमानता और सांस्कृतिक और धार्मिक भेदभाव आदि जैसे विषयों को भी छुआ है। 💗
यह "स्माइलिंग बुद्धा" परियोजना के वैज्ञानिक संघर्षों का वर्णन करता है लेकिन एक अलग कहानी की मदद से| यह आपको अतीत की यात्रा में ले जाता है| ✨
आसपास रहने वाले लोगों के बच्चे रेडियोधर्मी तरंगों के कारण गंभीर विकृति या अक्षमताओं के साथ पैदा हुए थे | चैतन्य उनमें से एक थे| 😇
किताब में कई उतार-चढ़ाव हैं लेकिन आप हमेशा यह जानने में रुचि रखते हैं कि आगे क्या होता है| ✨
इसने इतिहास, राजनीति और कई सामाजिक-सांस्कृतिक मुद्दों से के प्रति भी आवाज उठाई है| 😇
यह एक दिलचस्प पठन था| अगर आप हिंदी किताबें पढ़ने की कोशिश करना चाहते हैं तो मैं पूरी तरह से आप लोगों को इसे लेने की सलाह दूंग!  कुछ शब्द लोगों को समझने में मुश्किल साबित हो सकते हैं! 😇

readwithshashank's review

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mysterious reflective medium-paced


Picked this audible book, more for the name, and partly since remember having heard about it from a friend. It’s a good fiction read/ listen, but except for the setting being in Pokhran, there is nothing much from the location or the nuclear blasts. There is a slight connect but could have easily been a different setting and event so don’t pick this up for a Pokhran connect. If anything, an ingenious thought from the author to use the venue for our nuclear tests as the title - must have caught more attention than otherwise.

Pick it up as a good book from another young Indian author. It didn’t have a boring phase and had good character building wherein different people had their share of limelight. The star of the show is Chaitanya (or Chaitu) who’s born with a few physical disabilities, but does not let it affect his life. His father and sister have an important role as do his friends and love interests.

Won’t say more but I doubt it’ll be a boring read for anyone so if you wish to pick a new author, I’ll suggest you consider this book.

dhairya_bajaj's review

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The book follows the tragic life of Chaitanya, who was determined to expose the truth about the nuclear fallout that affected the lives of several people without them knowing it. We hear about such tests sporadically but never get to know how it disrupts the lives of people around them. Every bit of this story stirred a different kind of emotion in me. 

Here's a list of some of those emotions:

Resentment towards his father for not letting him live a comfortable life.

Guilt, after realizing why his father did what he did.

Sympathy for Chaitanya, because he had lost so many loved ones in his life.

Love for the relationship he shared with his sister and friends.


Rage, because there were typos in this book and a reader doesn't like that!!!!

Utterly devastating! I devoutly recommend this book to everyone.

singh_reads_kanwar2's review

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This book is about a successful story of nuclear bomb test , and the dark hidden secret of the success that some radiation leak out of it, as author show us characters of Chaitanya who is born with disabilities due to radiation, The guy with whom god never did a justice but life is biased on him. He has loyal friend , who motivate, a lover who doesn't see his disabilities , a sister who is another mother to him , a head strong father who want to make him ready for the life and not want him to live dependent life. Life have initial set back at very young age to him, his mother died giving birth, lost a friend to corrupt society action, lost father to corrupt society action and false and cheaters, lost love to riots, lost his life to a misunderstanding. But he was a positive man, he create computer for nuclear power tests, a software for a community help, his dream to build a dream city without corruption and based on perfect design of cities, but all didn't die a fulfilled death.
Author show how discrimination is done to people who hold prejudice against another community. How politics destroy the future and talented people career. How every person who is labelled criminal is not bad.

aanchi3's review

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This book is following Chaitanya, a person who’s life has been deeply disturbed by a well know nuclear test. The ‘Smiling Buddha’ nuclear test, widely known for it’s success, had a devastating impact on the people of that areas community.
This is a story of a boy, who lost this mother and was born with disabilities. All this was the aftermath of that successful test. It is about this constant struggle through life and against the government.
The whole concept is so unique and appreciated. The first part was good, but later on it became dull. I was not hooked till the end. The narration was not smooth, you had to concentrate a lot when it came to the timelines. Read some unnecessary details and that was a little boring. The ending was very hasty.

dhruv1996's review

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I actually have a mixed feeling about this book. While on one hand there are points that I loved and then certain elements just confused me. This is a story about Chaitanya who had to face collateral damages of Pokhran Nuclear Tests. Due to nuclear radiation, he was born without hands and legs. Also, his mother died due to the delivery. But he still had a loving sister and a father who cared for him though in his own way. What followed was a life full of ups and downs. He was fortunate enough to find loving people but also had to face the unfortunate incidents of losing them one way or the other. His life ends with cancer but more importantly, he leaves very important messages through his actions.

What I liked-
(1) The idea of covering the life of those who were unfortunate to face the wrath of nuclear radiation is a concept new to me. So, kudos to the author for that.
(2) I loved the cover page.
(3) I also loved the fact that fonts and page settings are such that it makes the book easy and fun to read.
(4) The character development of Chaitanya, Radhika, and their father was indeed impressive.

What could have been better-
(1) I just felt that few lines of the blurb do not feel right. For example But when fate snatches Zara away from him, he is consumed by revenge. I could not find anything of that magnitude in the following pages.
(2) For me, death is the easiest tool to progress a storyline. Here, there are plenty of those. This is sad because a bit more effort would have made the book lot more enjoyable.
(3) At some places, the narration felt too fast and lacking logic. I mean in the summer of the late 1980s, Chaitanya was shown as a weak normal boy and between 1985-1990 he is accepted at MIT and working on a project that resulted in his father's death? Even at other points the dates and years felt messed up.
(4) Many things were brought in as a part of the story but left unexplored.

So yes, while I liked the book...It could have been a lot lot better. Recommended to those who like to read books with extremely realistic characters.

sassybooksquirrel's review

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This story is set in Pokhran and hence gets its name from it. This is a place near Rajastan which is famous for the nuclear tests particuarly the Smiling Buddha project which helped India emerge as a nuclear power. Everybody talked about the succesful tests but the failed tests and what happened to the lives of the affected inhabitants of Pokhran were tragically buried secrets .One such person is Chaitanya the protagonist of the story . He and many other such children born during the period had disabilities caused due to the radioactive fallout from the nuclear tests. The struggles that he goes through in life for survival and the hurdles he faces how he finds a motivation to live is what this story is about. His father is one of the other important characters of this book. This book has a lot of emotions in it. The author has done a great job indeed.

Eventhough this is an imaginary story its based on true life happenings and quite well researched. It is very well narated and thoughtfuly written. Also fact paced which was good except for a rushed up closure. Definietely an eye opener on diff issues in the society and a must read . I am a sucker for historical fiction and really liked reading the forgotten history of Pokhran .

My Rating:  3.5/5