
Nocte by Courtney Cole

desertlover's review against another edition

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I finished this book and sat looking into space for a solid ten minutes. Such a unique and mind bending read. To say anymore, would be a complete spoiler. Just read the book!!

So happy I don't have to wait for months for book 2!

sarkamatty's review against another edition

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No, co na to říct. Ten konec mě totálně dostal, pravděpodobně nejsem příliš všímavý čtenář, což mě mrzí, ale asi jsem si to o to víc užila. Celý příběh sklouzává k podivnosti a nadpřirozenu, ale jak to je doopravdy, to vám nepovím.
Calla mi trochu lezla na nervy, jenže v jejím postavení jí to prostě nemůžete vyčítat.
Dare byl zosobněné klišé, takže přestože charakterově je mi celkem sympatický, nedokázala jsem si ho oblíbit.
Ale Finn, postava, od které bych to nejméně očekávala, si mě získal. :)
Ani nevím, jak na tuhle knihu čtenáře nalákat, protože anotace neprozradí mnoho a kniha sama vlastně do poslední chvíle taky ne. Prostě jestli se vám, stejně jako mně, líbí anotace už jenom proto, že je tak temná a nicneříkající, přečtěte si to. Dostanete mnohem víc. I když asi záleží na tom, z jakého úhlu pohledu na příběh budete nahlížet. :)

williamz4lyf's review against another edition

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So this book was a mess. Really I felt like I visited the crazy mind of a horny teenager. And it was just as I expected it to be. Stupid, while thinking its deep. I'll say though, that what makes this book "dark" is the fact that the weather is always dark. In my mind, it just seems like it's always raining. Which is weird because it supposed to be summer. At the beginning, the book tried to be dark by being abrupt and short (incomplete?). Afterward it just felt cold.

I was interested though even if I didn't want to accept it. It's a drawing book. What I can't figure is if it was all worth it in the end.

And now, on to Verum...

babs_reviews's review against another edition

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I'm not even sure what I can say about this book without spoiling it.

It kind of just blew my mind.

(FULL review to come later)

mordiadarkblade's review against another edition

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Uau... just uau

devansbooklife's review against another edition

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Wow what an incredible, twisted, confusing ride. I loved the suspense and the thrill of this book. And fortunately for me I don't have to wait for book 2. I cannot wait to see what secrets and illusions await for Dare and Cal.

camibookish's review against another edition

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I can honestly say that I never saw all of that coming. I had so many theories of what "the secret" could be, I thought something similar, but it wasn't exactly what I thought, it was more complex. And, there's another secret for next book!
This was an interest story, I liked it a lot. But I didn't like the start of it, or maybe I wasn't convinced of what I was reading because I was too aware and trying to analyse everything, I mean with that synopsis all you want is get ahead of the author and try to discover things by yourself, so I guess that was my mistake, trying to over-analyse.
At the end of the book, however, I was really invested on the story, couldn't stop reading last night until I finished it at 3 am, I was so invested in it that I ended up sobbing along the leading character and honestly, I love when books make me feel that much.
The male character and love interest of our protagonist was interesting, mysterious and I can't wait to find out what is HIS secret.

I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review

ahaffery1030's review against another edition

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Holy wow didn't see those twists coming

luciearan's review against another edition

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Zvláštní kniha. V prvních 2/3 knihy čtenář tápe a natěšeně čeká, kdy už to přijde - a hlavně co. Mě v téhle části plné vzdychání, fňukání a hledání, nějak chyběla atmosféra. Snaha o ni asi byla, ale výrazněji se mě nedotkla. Ani pohřební ústav, to nedokázal zachránit. Na to, aby z knihy dýchla temnota, prostě potřebuju víc. Musím jí ale přiznat, že i když jsem tak trochu tušila, kam vše směřuje, ten konec se skutečně povedl. Uvidíme, jak na tom bude další díl. Šanci mu určitě dám, protože jak se zdá, knihy C. Cole mají určitý potenciál.

alliieavi's review against another edition

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I don't even know where to start. I need time to process. This is my first suspense, thriller, dark book and I don't know how to feel. I'm not used to not happy endings and this book had an ending. It wasn't sad or happy, it was a cliffhanger ugh!

I need time to process.

I do know that I enjoyed and devoured it. Debating between 4 and 5 stars because one on hand I did guess the plot and on the other hand I ate it up and still cried and I was still shocked even if I was right.