
Saving Ayden by Muriel Garcia

bookflutter's review

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I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review
Growing up together Ayden and Anthony spent a lot of time together. Both their dads were involved with their MC. Spending time around the compound was always fun. He was always there for her. Whether it was telling the bullies to leave her alone or cheering her up, Anthony would do anything to see Ayden happy. As they got older Ayden fell in love with Anthony. On her 18th birthday Anthony confesses his love too. The two are happily together. One day that would all change. The events of that day leaves Ayden broken and running off to New York leaving everything behind including Anthony. Six years later Ayden returns and Anthony wants answers but most of all he wants her. Struggling with those events year ago, Ayden is pushing Anthony away. When a new terror is lurking around, Ayden turns to Anthony for safety. Can he keep her safe or will this finally break Ayden for good?
I loved the rawness of this book!! From the foul language to the fine biker men, it had me captivated from the beginning. There were also some sexy scenes that were HOT! If you like hot biker men and a bit of gritty then this book is for you.

eswann's review

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I loved this debut novel from Muriel Garcia.

Garcia has managed to create a romantic story with a dark edged without being over the top. I fell in love with Anthony and Ayden and rooted for them from the get go. As an abused female protagonist, Ayden is strong without being annoying and whinny and Anthony is just amazing! I found this book to be completely refreshing, I wasn’t smacked in the face with clichés and over used symbols and characterisation.

It is hard to believe that this is a debut novel, Garcia’s writing is brilliant, the descriptions are neither too long nor too short, the story successfully flows and the character development was well thought out. This is my first MC book and it has set a high standard for the rest!

It was a genuine pleasure to read this book, I completely lost myself to this book and had to finish the book in an entire sitting. Congrats on your debut novel I hope to ready many many more!

Read and reviewed for The Cosy Reader.

ckthornotb's review

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Best kind of love

A love that last! Through the years of loss, all the trouble, and all of the heartache. Ayden and Ant have love each other for years. Finally made the next step only to have someone rip it away. Takes time to heal, but you have to make the first step.