
Clam Jam by R.C. Boldt

dontgrumble's review

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I really wanted to love this book. It had an amusing title, a great premise and good characters. However it just didn't hold my attention for long periods of time and i found myself not desperate to pick it back up and carry on with the story.

I think it was a fab idea for a story, but it kinda got a bit samey after a while and i just lost interest. Overall it was a good story, but just not can't stop reading great.

lifeinthebooklane's review

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I wish I could give this more than 5 stars. It made me ugly cry so much. I ugly cried at sad parts and I ugly cried at happy parts. It left me feeling that strange mix of happy and sad that you get from a really good book that steals your heart - or from watching Bridget Jones' Diary (which this book has shades of).

The book is written with such a real humour it is something else. Even though Ryland is 'only' a character in a book I am definitely a bit in love with him. He is one of the most caring, gorgeous, witty and wonderful book boyfriends I have had the pleasure of knowing. I would hate Maggie, the heroine, for having him to herself except I can't because she is such a real, natural and lovely person too.

This is a unique book in so many ways, from the plot, to the characters, the witty humour and the emotion. I have read quite a few good books lately, that I have been happy to award 5 stars to. This makes me want to go back and change them all to 4 as this is one of the best written books I have read in a while. There isn't a single thing I would critisize. The love scenes, and I use that word because they were written with such a depth of feeling, didn't rely on crudeness or poor language. The tension was well maintained throughout, and the pace was good. When the story 'jumped' the time gap was made very clear and there wasn't even the tiniest hint of instalove - the story take place over a year.

I simply don't have the words to tell you how amazing this book is - but RC Boldt would because she is an amazing word smith.

amanda_siegrist's review

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Great story!

I really enjoyed this story! The blurb made me laugh, and the book didn't disappoint, I laughed many times. The only thing that bothered me was Maggie and how oblivious she was that Ry really wasn't gay. I mean, everyone figured it out but her seemed a little ridiculous. Other than that, it was a great story that kept me entertained from start to finish.

ameserole's review

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OMG I loved this was so funny and I loved the characters. I couldn't not stop laughing during some chapters. So, Clam Jam starts off with Maggie (aka Mags) coming home from work for lunch to spruce up the house for her fiancé. Lo-and-behold she walks in on him with another girl and kicks him out right then and there. At this point I'm already liking Mags because this character has some common sense and is already kick-ass. Then she starts looking for a new roommate, now this is where you meet Ryland (aka Ry) and of course Mags is skeptical of him 'cause she doesn't want an attractive guy for a new roommate. So what does he tell her, that he's gay. So of course throughout the book, he's starting to fall in love with her and she just wants to date guys again...but he keeps getting rid of them one way or another. Of course with the ending is with them finally together, after she finds out he was never actually gay, she kicks him out, and then like a month or so they get back together. Cute book. Very Funny.

rme2020's review

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Loved this story! Super cute and funny. I liked that it was dual POV and that made the story for me. I like being able to see into both characters' heads!!

justjoannak's review

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I don't review books very often but this is one of the funniest books I've read in a while. Maggie and Ry's dynamic was amazing and I loved both of them as individuals as well, which is saying something since it's really hard to find books like that these days. I may read more from R.C. Boldt in the future because this was an amazing read.

jscarpa14's review

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Loved This

Okay the one thing I disliked is how I'm going to start because that's what I do, then I'm going to gush because that's what I want to do. The thing that bothered me with this one is parts of it were familiar. Like there's this scene where he goes home to see his family and brings her with him. There's the old girlfriend who split with him because she wanted the small town and he wanted the bug city, but who still wants him because she keeps hoping he'll come home. There's this huge conflict between his father and himself because even though he's successful in the city and doing well there his father believes he needs to stop playing around and come home to run the family business. Anyone else ever watched The Proposal with Sandra Bullock? Any of those subplot scenarios seem familiar? And that's not my only example nor are the familiar scenarios from the same place, it's different things scattered here and there that I remember from books or movies I liked because I did enjoy those parts. It's one thing to allow other forms of media to influence your work but there are scenes in this that are right on the line of crossing from influence to exact copy and it saddens me because subtracting that Boldt is a truly talented writer.

I spent so much of this book laughing out loud I probably sounded like a lunatic that was driving my spouse insane since he has no clue what I was laughing about. It's one of those can hardly catch your breath funny books. The sex scenes are steamy and we'll written but don't overpower the actual plot which 9 loved. The characters are funny, likeable and jump right off the page.

Overall the book is highly recommended to anyone that loves a good romcom. I look forward to seeing more of this writer.

ladycivic's review

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I loved this book about Ry and Maggie! Ry knows as soon as he meets Maggie that she's the girl for him. Too bad Maggie is done with guys. So he does the obvious thing...he pretends he's gay. OMG the antics Ry got up to!! I haven't laughed so hard at a book in a long time. Loved it!

lisaluvsliterature's review

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Okay, my first book by this author and I'm hooked! Loved so much about it! It had so many pop culture references that are right up my alley. Like a reference to one of my favorite kid books, Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, and then a reference later on to Pretty in Pink, about how Duckie should have got the girl in the end. Vocabulary such as the word "stabby" which made me think of my favorite tv show of all time, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. This book was not only perfect for me personally, it was hilarious, the whole clam jamming idea, so funny! The way that he did it, I laughed so hard at that. And then, later, it got so darn steamy! Loved this story and characters so much. I got to meet the author and get it signed at Book Bonanza last year, hope to read more soon!

This review was first published on Lisa Loves Literature.

msmathy's review

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I really enjoyed this book. The narrators brought it to life. I listened desperate for Ry to reveal himself to Maggie, dreading it at the same time. I usually hate books where people keep this big of a lie going for a long time. But their relationship was so cute. I really enjoyed it.

I will say that this book went way longer than it needed to. Toward the end, I actually started rolling my eyes because it kept going on and on.