
Alchemystic by Anton Strout

keberwick's review

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Well, this was horrible. If I could give it zero stars and have it affect the rating, I would.

I honestly don't even think I can write a fair review of it, because it was so bad.

In terms of romance, there was none. Absolutely none. Not even a hint. Stanis and Lexi's relationship had no feeling whatsoever. I've seen better chemistry between a sack of hammers.

The plot was slow. To be frank, I don't even really remember what the plot was, it was so nonexistent. It took me forever to read it, and the switches in perspective were awkward and were jarring.

I can't even begin to imagine who would read this book and actually enjoy it. Definitely don't pick this up.

cosmith2015's review

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This book was not for me. The plot seems interesting, but the writing fell flat. I stopped around page 100. For whatever reason I couldn't connect to anything. Not the characters, not the plot, not the world (it was NYC), nothing . The main character, Alexandra, was one dimensional and boring. Her emotional reaction was too minimal for the events of the book.

I didn't like the secondary characters either. It's like Anton Strout picked a few stereotypes and just ran with it. None of them are dimensional or even remotely interesting.

It's a shame that I didn't like it. It really did have a great plot line and I did buy the sequel.

_snowy_m's review

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Good start for the new series. Waiting....

brichneyfloss's review

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DNF. This book will infuriate you if you have a basic knowledge of any of the following: bats, stomach placement, Manhattan, Brooklyn, itches, grammar, Patrick Swayze movies, drying clay, police procedures, handling evidence, Dungeons and Dragons, basements, accents, and European Counties.

There are probably more things, but it was impossible for me to finish this book. None of the characters are relatable and the plot was nonexistent. Plus, for as much description as the author included, he manages to say absolutely nothing of relevance.

kitvaria_sarene's review

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Oh dear... It has been long!
I can't really go into details anymore, but I definitely enjoyed it.
It was a very easy read, and the characters sometimes not as "real" as I would have liked, but overall I was very will entertained, and read it in just two days.

book_whispers's review against another edition

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Gargoyles, gosh how I love them! So I was only too eager to toss my money out and buy this book! No, really their was begging. Even though Anton Strout's writing hasn't been my flavor in the past. I figured he was just underdeveloped at the time and now he'd be A-mazing!

Boom, always trust your gut instinct. Chapter 2, and I was living in a world of disappointment. Lexis (AKA Alexandra) was annoying. Weak willed, a push over (though I believe this was supposed to be taken as kindness, but no she had her bitchy moments), not independent, and lazy. Now she's a hard worker when it came to learning about her Spellmason/Alchemy skills. However, when she has to step in to help out the family business, she does nothing but complain. There's a lot of avoiding and—oh, yeah—complaining. She's had her whole life to do whatever and now when she needs to help out the family it's woe is her. Stanis, the gargoyle, was the only thing that kept me reading, I just knew why his memories had been stolen! And I had to confirm it.

Now the character connections, nothing felt real. Which is something I always find myself experiencing in Strout's work. It was like a fog was covering they're interactions. Most of the time it felt like Lexi, Rory—the best thing to happen to this book—and the nerdy Marshall where at each others throats! They're all supposed to be friends. Rory has been Lexi's bestie since forever! Lexi is bringing her friends into this whole new world and simply expects her friends not to have minds of their own.

Rory steps up and saves their asses from danger!
Lexi: what have you done! Monster!

The gargoyle suddenly attacks poor Marshall. Rory and Marshall get worried and question Stanis.
Lexi: He doesn't deserve that, he's our hero!

Really!? It felt like they were hating each other constantly. Marshall is bullied non-stop, even when he comes in handy. Nerds are funny, they make wonderful comic reliefs. However, I don’t like to read about bullying. Even if it’s trying to pass as affectionate friendship. Phew, I'll stop.

Stanis and Lexi had to have romance. That's what us Gargoyle fans want! Forbidden love of the ultimate beauty and beast variety! Lexi thinks of Stanis as a servant or toy at the beginning. Which I found strange considering that despite his lack of emotions and his missing memories, it's clear that Stanis is more then a lump of rock. Plus, if Lexi is as sweet and kind hearted as readers are being led to believe, why would she just assume he was a lump of stone? Why am I still complaining? Lexi starts to fall in love with Stanis! That love had there was no development. Boom! We've jumped to a budding romance, with no stalk to support it. (Yes, flower comparisons.)

There were plot holes. Huge ones! An enemy recognizes Stanis, but then later on in the book no one knows him. How did this random—expandable minion—guy know what really happened? Also, Lexi runs into other stone critters who have once been human. Wouldn’t a logical jump be to think that something as complicated as Stanis and these strange living rock men be related? Sure one is cruder looking then the other, but let's make logical jumps here! Plus a few other issues that I don't want to spoil the book with.

Though I have to hand it to Strout. Despite this book being really predictable, he pulled one over me. Here I am all this will happen next and this—BOOM! Total-awesome plot twist. Loved it! Then I realized that maybe about 72-ish percent in, Alchemystic finally grabbed my attention. (About where the “BOOM!” happens.) It was a fun rush and suddenly boring hunts for gem stones turned into Indiana Johns adventures! Er, with a few really stupid mistakes to make it grind my nerves. However, the last 20 percent was awesome. The emotions started to connect just a little bit better!

When a brick and wire made character becomes the highlight of your reading experience with the lead’s page time, something is wrong. When you like the best-friend more, another bad sign. Though Rory is an amazing character and it's hard to top her—a dancer with fighting instincts—she should have been the main character. Lexi felt like a character created for Lanis to protect. That's his job, but there should have been more depth all around. As said the last 30 percent made this book so . . . cool. Yet, I still feel torn, and I almost gave up. Which I hardly ever do. That last 30 percent can not be what I judge this book by. In the end I will say I have to get the next book, but I might try to find a copy to borrow before I commit to this series. No begging shall occur.

Sexual Content: Pretty clean by book peeps. Heck, I vaguely remember some sexual humor!

2/5- Average/disappointing, library check-out

Originally reviewed at Book Whispers.

emmafromoz's review

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Interesting to see AS writing from a female point of view, after being so used to the Simon Canderous novels. Great world-building, as usual. Great characters. A thoroughly enjoyable read.

lilyelement's review

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Alchemystic is book one in The Spellmason Chronicles. Alexandra (aka Lexi) Belarus, an artist from New York City is greaving after losing her brother. With no one else to take the reigns of the family company, Alexandra must quit her artwork and learn the family business that she has no interest in, real estate.

Walking home in NYC by herself, Lexi is attacked and barely gets away with her life. She was saved by a gargoyle named Stanis. Lexi never knew that magic existed, or that her great-great-grandfather managed to craft grotesques (gargoyles) and made one into a living being. The whole reason Stanis was created was to protect the Belarus family. That's all he cares about, and I'll be interested to see where this series goes. Once Lexi finds all of that out she's determined to hone her newfound magic abilities while figuring out why random tattooed men are coming out of the woodwork intent to kill her. She has two BFFs that help her along her journey, as well as Stanis.

I can't say I've read all that many gargoyle stories, and I rather enjoyed this one! Lexi and the team really got into some situations that had me wondering if they were going to survive. I enjoyed Lexi's BFF's, Rory and Marshall. Rory was there for Lexi whenever she needed it, and I wound up really liking her character. I hope to see more of her in book two. Though there wasn't romance tossed in this installment, I believe there will be some later in the series. I recommend this book if you're looking for a gargoyle read.

mist29's review

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I like gargoyles and was happy to see another one in print. I'm looking forward to the next book to find out more about Stanis and Spellmasons.

caranam13's review

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Ugh. Wanted to like it. Couldn't finish it. Characters were infuriating.