
Home by Clementine von Radics

livrawds's review

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caramels's review

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3 1/5 stars.
I was disappointed with her last book because I thought I was too old to fully appreciate it, but this one, on the other hand, made me feel young again, for some reason. I don't how that works but I guess that's just the magic of poetry..

mugren's review

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I was torn between giving it 2 or 3 stars. There are some horribly cheesy bad poems and there are some really good poems.

Many of these poems are also in her book "Mouthful of forevers". Why weren't they all just published in one book?

mailenguyen's review

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Top in the list of poetry books everyone in their late teens and twenties should read. In my first year of college, I used to carry around my signed copy with me everywhere I went. This collection of poems really speaks to what it's like to be young, to love, and to be afraid. The poems are just so honest and intimate. I actually think about Someday I Will Stop Being Young And Wanting Stupid Tattoos on a regular basis. I can't wait to get my hands on her latest book, Mouthful of Forevers. (orig. 5 stars)

haazziiee's review

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2.5 / 5 stars

chashahj's review

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I love this book because it's smaller than their other books and thus easier to fit in my purse. This is more a collection of poems in their other poems, although it's published earlier so they are earlier versions.

markandcover's review

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"Bruce Banner was not always The Hulk."

readingwithk's review

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Quite lovely.

findmeinabookshop's review

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I've had this book on my TBR for quite a few years now, so I decided to finally pick it up! I enjoyed this and found some of the poems to be really hard hitting and beautiful, but it was a quick read and after reading some of her newest work, it reflected how much she'd grown as a writer/poet from when this was published. I recommend this if you like poems by poets such as Lang Leav, Trista Mateer, Michael Faudet.

'Your body is a map
I know every inch of,
and if anyone else
were to kiss me,
all they would taste
is your name.'

'Everyone else isn't you.
It turns out that's a huge problem for me.'

'When he shows up in
your nightmares,
don't offer your forgiveness.

When he offers you his lips,
go for the throat.'

'She will understand why
you do not look in the back of closets.
Why you are afraid of every groan
in the cold sweat of night.
She will know
every corner of you
is haunted by me.'

'I don't know how to be beautiful.
I don't know how to be gentle.
There is a right way to be this gender.
It has been taught to me
since birth. I have failed every class'

'Getting everything you ever wanted does not make you want less
... When will I stop belonging
to this hungry thing inside me?

What no one ever talks about
is how dangerous hope can be.
Call it forgiveness
with teeth.'

'You keep trying to turn
your body bulletproof.'

'I drank you like the cure,
when maybe
you were the poison.'

bengines's review

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when will i learn not to read poetry on my lunch break

especially on days i'm already a bit weepy
