
Apple Cake: A Recipe for Love by Julie Paschkis

_reading_with_kate_'s review

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Person always has nose in book so suitor decides to bake a cake to get their attention. 10/10 would work for me. Also, suitor mixes in three wishes, one bitter and two sweet. Wonderful.

bribeemajorlee's review

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An adorable read. Want to know how to get your girls nose out of a book? Bake her a cake!

I’m here for this message.

maidmarianlib's review

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I give this five stars for the illustrations alone. They are unique and stunning, and the story is sweet to. (Although my copy had pages falling out so the construction has something to be desired.

line_so_fine's review

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Super sweet little love story with cheerful, imaginative illustrations. Plus there's a recipe. Extra points for having it be an interracial couple.

greenbeanteenqueen's review

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A beautiful imaginative tale about Alfonso who really wants to get Ida's attention, yet her head is always stuck in a book. So he bakes her an apple cake, but it's not just any apple cake. It's a very special magical apple cake. This is where the illustrations really add to the story. The text is simple (he adds apples, sugar, flour, etc) but the illustrations tell you how he got each ingredient and lengths he will go to make sure Ida's cake is perfect. A charming tale!

booksandbosox's review

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veganemelda's review

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Leave the damn girl alone while she's reading, you aren't that interesting.

Even the kids didn't ask for a reread.

bibliogirl's review

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So sweet! And maybe we'll have to bake an apple cake...