
Destiny Rising by Siobhan Davis

z_bookfluencer's review

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Another great addition to the series with plot twists and an amazing outcome. I enjoyed reading this just as I had the others in the series. Overall, it was well written and nice work.

caszriel's review

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~I received a free ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review~

Wow. I loved True Calling from the start, and Beyond Reach took off exactly where True Calling ended, leaving no room for questions. Destiny Rising slowly revealed what the last chapter of Beyond Reach meant, piece by piece with lots of hints. The first two parts of Destiny Rising accented this as well as starting off the Cal/Zane feud right where it stopped in Beyond Reach. The ending of Beyond Reach was both a conclusion and a cliffhanger, which proves that Siobhan Davis really is the master of endings. Her conclusions of everything, from a paragraph to the end of a book, have been spectacular and have made the length well worth the read.

When Siobhan finally revealed the secrets hidden in Beyond Reach, she did so in a different way; instead of thoughts, she revealed using conversation, and this maximised the effect of her hidden hints. True Calling was great, and Beyond Reach was awesome. But Destiny Rising definitely took the series to a whole new level. The True Calling Series definitely deserves to become as well known as popular series such as The Maze Runner, The Hunger Games, Divergent, etc... It's that good a book, and I definitely recommend reading the series.

At first, I was a bit nervous about how the ending of Destiny Rising would turn out. But Siobhan Davis overwhelmed me with happiness as I finished the book; she gave every deserving character a happy ending, as well as resolving the love triangle completely. I'm sad that True Calling has ended, but Siobhan Davis hasn't, and I can't wait to read more by her, including her upcoming Saven series.

casseyt's review

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I loved this series, but Beyond Reach was most definitely the star of the series.

I was beyond eager to read this, I mean it was the end of an amazing story. The hitch though, was that there was just far too much story to still cover. We'd meet so many interesting characters that were treated with such care in Beyond Reach, that not giving them their moment - well and letting us know what happened to them - would have felt lacking.

I think that it would have felt less rushed had there not been a lot of time spent on a fight between Cal and Ari that was quite frankly, unnecessary. That said it was great to get more time from Cal's perspective. [Remember, I'm team Cal ;)]

A great story moment for those who have read Saven Deception already, was that you can see where a lot of the idea for the city came from - the new base that our heroes find themselves in. The character development of all we meet, and care for, has been wonderful to read. I enjoy that none of the characters remained stagnant. Getting to learn more about what makes the characters who they are was wonderful to read.

If you've not read any of the short stories that are tied to the series you should check them out. They add more to your enjoyment, even though they're not necessary reading. Oh, I almost forgot. The epilogue was great, mostly because I'm a big fan a tied up endings where you're reassured that your book friends are doing well.

*Another lucky fish moment for me, as I received my copy from the author.*

momwithareadingproblem's review

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I received an eARC of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of this review.

Destiny Rising
by Siobhan Davis is the final book in her True Calling series that follows the story of Ari, Zane and Cal as they fight for freedom on Earth under the tyranny of Novo. Ari and Cal are safe in an underwater facility after Novo bombed their headquarters in Florida. Zane having been left behind in the Connecticut facility in a coma after being shot, his heart failing him. Can Ari save everyone she loves AND free Earth?

Please note that if you have not read the previous books in this series that there are minor, unavoidable spoilers in this review!

Oh Ari! What am I to do with you? She grew up SO much this book. I had found her a bit annoying with her immaturity during the last two books, BUT that changes in this one. She makes huge headway with her psychic ability and she finally chooses between the two guys. Her memories are back too and boy does that not help her decision or her heart! I ached for her in this book and the choices she had to make.

Cal, who if you've followed my reviews you know he's not my favorite, grew on me as well. He's got a better hold of his temper as his hormones start to settle after everything that was done to him on Novo. On top of that his memories are back as well. His love/obsession for Ari is still there, along with his insecurity in her love for him. BUT he does a big thing, or maybe a rash thing when he tells her he's making the decision for her. Read the book and you decide ;)

Zane....oh Zane. I shipped you from the beginning :D Zane has a rough go in this book. And I feel like he gets the short end of the stick as well. Maybe that's just in my head though. His love and devotion to Ari and her family come first in ALL his decisions, but a choice that Ari makes at about halfway will change his character drastically!

So the plot of this book is more romantic than action I felt. It centered on Ari and the two guys and then during the last chapter you get the explosive all-out action scene. One thing I do like, even if I personally didn't agree, is that the author has Ari choose between Zane and Cal early on (at like 30-40%) so the love triangle is gone and there is more focus on the other guy rebuilding his life AND the actual romance between Ari and her choice. This I liked! I hate it when a triangle is dragged out too long.

My only dislike, and this is why it received 4 instead of 5 stars, is that I felt like there wasn't enough explanation to the war between the rebels and Novo. Also there really wasn't much on the actual rebellion. There was a lot of information about the romance, but little focus on the war and what led to it. As I already stated, the last two chapters of the book are explosive (figuratively and literally) and are the only time the book focuses solely on the bigger plot point.

Overall I love the series and this is a good conclusion....even if I didn't agree with Ari's choice ;) I do wish the battle between the rebels and Novo was explained more but really all in all it's a great book! If you're a fan of the series, I doubt you'll be disappointed. If you enjoy sci-fi, fantasy, and dystopians go get the books!

karleighreads's review

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This is the third and final installment to the True Calling series by Siobhan Davis. I was very kindly given all three books as arcs to read and review. You can see my other reviews for the first two below
True Calling
Beyond Reach

First off, these covers are amazing! They are SO beautiful!

Spoiler Alert!

Siobhan Davis writes this amazing dystopian novel with just a little bit of everything you want, action, love, friendships, and sadly loss. She does this perfectly in this page-turner series. I found myself up rather late at night just wanting to get a couple more pages in until my eyes were literally falling out of my head, or I would be thinking about what happened or what was going to happen when I should have been studying for class.

This book picks up right where we left off on the second one with the unknowns of what is happening on Novo and on earth, who to trust and just who is Ariana going to pick? A major point in the books is the love triangle between Ari, Cal, and Zane. I, by the way, am team Zane all the way. But not only are we dealing with a love triangle with so much history, Ari is pregnant as well - with Cal's baby or....?

Sometimes I felt like America Singer from The Selection and Ariana were the same in the way they just couldn't make up their mind on who they wanted. It was such an emotional rollercoaster, one minute I was happy with what was happening and the next I was trying to figure out whyyy, why Ari, WHY. I sadly didn't get what I wanted for the future of Zariana, but that is ok.

There were so many gasp-worthy parts in the book and it really came down to not being able to trust anyone because of what happened first on Novo, then with Clementia, and so many secrets coming to the surface, you never really knew who to trust.

I did enjoy that there was a *four years later* part at the end of the book to completely wrap things up, I just wish that Ari had picked the other guy instead :( This in turn made a little upset with the ending although it was a great ending just not the people I wanted together haha.

potaytaspages's review

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I received a free book copy for an honest review

Rating 3.5

I have very mixed emotions about this book.

First of all everything just seemed waaayyy too rushed.

The plot seemed to make up for it though.

I really love this series but everything was definitely rushed.

Spoiler since I was team Zane I found myself skimming a lot of the last few chapters. The ending just was just crap lol. If I liked cal I would love the ending but I don't. I feel like everything was like insane and chaotic but then all of a sudden boom happily ever after.

The ending feels similar to the hunger games

rayne's review

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I can’t believe it’s over!!
Just awesome - what a roller coaster of events and emotions. Even had me cursing out loud at some stages. Ari, Cal & Zane were each soooo annoying at different stages throughout the book but to get to the point at the end was worth it.

amymarie512's review

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Most of what bugged me in this book and really the series, were the strange use of contractions, i.e. "We've still to do this" instead of " We still have to do this." Where you would normally talk using a contraction it was spelled out and where you would normally spell it out it had a contraction. it was backwards and I hated it. It may be nitpicking but by this book I could barely muster any sympathy for Ari and Cal and any sympathy I had for Zane died in Beyond Reach. So these things annoyed me much more because of it. I was glad she chose who she did so I must have cared a little but not enough. I'm happy I can finally move on to a better book.

si0bhan's review

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Siobhan Davis is one of my favourite authors, and the True Calling series was the only series of hers I had not read. Thus, I’ve recently amended that issue. Although it was a decent series, I can honestly say it is not my favourite Siobhan Davis read. Without a doubt, Siobhan Davis has come a long way since writing the True Calling series.

Even though I was not crazy about the two prior books, I did give them both three-star ratings. A part of me considered doing so with Destiny Rising, but I couldn’t quite bring myself to do so. There were times when it was a three-star rating, but as a whole it wasn’t quite all there. It was more of a two-point-five-star read, yet I opted to round down.

I think my biggest issue is that I never found myself invested in the characters and their stories. I’ve been over the love triangle thing for a long time, and the love triangle in this series failed to grab me. Add in the fact we had love triangles across multiple generations with this one and I found myself unable to get into the good stuff.

In many ways, I feel as though the whole love triangle drama overshadowed what could have been a very interesting story. I expected lots of action and plenty of twists with this one, yet things came together too quick and too easily for my liking. It seemed like bringing together the main storyline took a backseat to dealing with the love triangle, and things were resolved in the most basic of ways.

Overall, the True Calling series was a decent series even though it was not my favourite Siobhan Davis read. It kept my attention throughout, and I was happy to continue reading. I know there was a planned spin-off series, which has been put on hold, but should it be written I’m interested in giving it a read.

myntop's review

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I was given a copy of the first two books in this series by the author in exchange for an honest review. After reading the first, I just HAD to buy the novella that comes between 1 and 2 and read that first. After reading 2, I HAD to buy the other novella as well as book 3 when it came out. I'm not disappointed that I did either. This series is extremely good! It combines my love of dystopian fiction, along with my love of paranormal things. And we even get a bit of tech nerdiness and Sci-Fi as well. The only reason I gave this book 4 instead of 5 stars is purely because my own desires and wishes as far as Ari's choices in the book were not met. That is selfish, but hey, I had my ship and I didn't get it! I have to admit, however, that the way the book and series ended was well done, and while not the way I'd have liked things to play out, did make sense within the story. I can't thank Davis enough for enticing me into this world of hers with the first two books and I definitely recommend this series for lovers of the genres I've mentioned.