
Alpha Unit One, New York by Chris T. Kat

xanthe87's review

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What a great take on human/shifter society by Chris T. Kat.
Shifters have been apart of the general population for around 50 years now but there is a stigma against small animal shifters and baby shifters - when someone shifts, their animal is still young in age, regardless of their human age.
Nick has made it to his dream job, as a part of Alpha Unit One. He just needs to keep calm and ensure no one finds out about him. Which is fine, until he meets his Team Leader, Sam Black - Lion shifter, and the rest of the team which is made up of shifters and humans.
Sam needs to figure out what it is about Nick that is getting to him. He's human so there's no reason for him to be feeling so much around the human. With the team becoming more hostile, he's struggling to understand what's going on.
Events eventually lead to the truth coming out, as it inevitably does, and Nick and Sam allow themselves to accept their connection and become mates. However, because of the laws in place, will Nick be able to stay in his job or will Sam keep his promise?
I really enjoyed the change up in the shifter story line and found it intriguing as to the baby shifter dynamic in the community. It leads to secrecy but also the basis of the criminal element of the story.
The characters are introduced very well, we get an overview of the team and enough details to intrigue, wanting to know more about them all. I'm hoping for a follow up with others on the team or with Nick and Sam and how they adapt to their relationship whilst at work.
Nick has a lot to worry about while at work, the possibility of revealing himself bringing more stress than the work could ever do. He knows he's capable and a good fit on the team but he's fighting against years of oppression towards his kind. Sam you just instantly know is a big man physically but also with his presence. He loves the members of his team like a family but it's amusing reading him trying to work out his attraction to Nick. His reaction to finding out about Nick, however, is not good. It's a good thing he comes across as the caring alpha, wanting to love and dote on his mate. The best parts for me, is when they are both shifted. Freaking adorable! The supporting characters bring such a lot to the book. They have fun but are serious about their work and the safety of the ones that need protecting on their team.
The other part of this story regarding drugs and a previous attack on a separate Alpha Unit, brings the team to the edge. Fighting against each other and the bad guys gives us a good story alongside the mating of Nick and Sam.
I definitely recommend this book and am hoping that there is a book two for Alpha Unit One, New York.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher in return for an honest review.

haunted_by_humans's review

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Too similar to another series in the same genre.

kumabear's review

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Alpha Unit One, New York is a new book by the wonderful Chris K. Kat. Nicholas Reed is a new member of Alpha Unit One, an elite law enforcement team that is made of both humans and shifters. It's his dream job but while applying he leaves out a very important piece of information. The leader of said team, Sam Black, is a lion shifter and Nick's mate. Nick has to make an important decision, his mate or his job?

Nick's character was very cute. He was funny, good at his job and while in his second form, adorable. I started off not liking Sam but with Nick he was so sweet and caring. I loved the rest of the team, too. I liked how while not main characters we saw a lot of them.

This book reminded me a lot of another well-known series. Even the main character somewhat reminded me of it. While it was somewhat similar, it was also very different, the whole baby shifter's situation was both odd and unique. How can one have a different age while human and shift? But the author made it work. It was insta-love, though, which kind of brought the rating down for me a bit.

*** Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure, a review wasn't a requirement. **

atheresa's review

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DNF. Very different PNR. Instead of adult omega shifters, there were adult BABY shifters - adult shifters who turned into BABY animals. They acted like BABY animals in their animal forms. They exhibited infantile behaviors in their human forms Their pheromones caused other shifters to treat them like BABIES. It was NOT sexy.

bookpauper's review

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**** 2.5 ****

I couldn’t get over the baby shifter part. It doesn’t sit well and I wish the prejudice could have instead been towards small animal shifters. An adult changing into an baby? (In this case, a 3 month old.) Also, as far as I know, he will ALWAYS be an infant shifter.

One other thing that might have had me hoping for more...the story line is very similar to another M/M romance where a guy comes into a special “shifter unit” of law enforcement and he also happens to form a relationship with the leader of his squad. Just sayin’.

ld2's review

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This book had all the tropes and cuteness I adore in my fluffy reads. Nick is a baby shifter, which means, Nick, and adult male, shifts into the baby form of his shifter animal. Nick himself is not a baby and is not underage, but his shifter is a baby and will always remain a baby. To me, this sounded like an interesting take on age play and I really liked the concept.

Nick has to keep his baby shifter status hidden, but of course his secret comes out. Soon, he’s in a relationship with Sam, a lion shifter and alpha-like man who is the team leader of Alpha Unit One. Sam’s over protective tendencies towards Nick, and Nick’s determination to work as an equal member of the team, lead to some tension and conflict that all comes to a head when a domestic terrorist group targets Alpha Unit One.

Overall Rating: 4 Stars. I had a lot of fun reading this story and was so happy to see a sequel was written. I think the entire concept is really cute, and the author really wrote Nick’s and Sam’s relationship so well. This is a fluffy, action packed, cute story.