
Brightly Woven by Alexandra Bracken

krissasaur's review

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I decided that I would drop this book after reading 100 pages and... still having no idea what was going on. It was just really really terrible. I mean, the idea of the book was really nice, but the execution? Terrible. And it is sad because I really loved the whole opening, and the idea.

Basically what got to me what that there were so many instances, more than I can count, were something would happen, out of nowhere, and I was CONVINCED I skipped PAGES or even WHOLE CHAPTERS. Things would just happened with no explanation and... I... did not... understand. Here are some reviews I found that summed up my thoughts:

"Even though much of it was overwritten, it seemed to leave out important details and was so confusing that 100 pages in, I still had no idea where they were going or why. " - Liz

"I liked the first chapter okay, but sixty pages in this book is a lost cause. Nothing is making any sense -- plot, characterization, dialogue, magic. It just isn't good." - Emily

"I just kept saying "What?" "Where the hell did THAT come from" "What? What? What?" "O, Srsly!" Had to stop before I broke my brain & shot my mood even further. Just not working for me. At all." - Simba

Anyway, yea. Definitely dropping. I am not having good luck with books it seems.

lassarina's review

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I am not quite sure how I feel about this book. Sometimes I felt like it was a slog to keep reading. (I wanted to punch North an awful lot, too.) I loved Sydelle and her weaving, and I really liked the contrasts between Salvalan and Astraean living styles (as well as the synchronicity in beliefs.)

I do have to say that the obligatory YA love triangle felt rather tacked-on, though.

alyram4's review

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Once again I'm clearly in the minority, but this just did not intrigue me in the slightest. I was bored...oh so very bored. Main character was super generic and one-dimensional. Romance was very...lackluster in development. The plot and world building just left way too much to be desired. I seriously disliked this book. I didn't hate it, but I really didn't like it at all. I've had this book for a while and wanted to read it before any of the author's other books. It definitely seems like a generic 2000s YA novel that got lost in the bunch.

ianthe_the_unicorn's review

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I bought this book on my ereader about 3 months ago, halfway through I realised I HAD to add this to my physical collection. Since then I've read it 5 times, no lie!

mmchampion's review

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A good book for girls. A bit of wizardry and magic that does not come close to Harry Potter, but it's a good story about strength, courage and loyalty.

brideshead's review

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3.5... no... 3.7... maybe a solid 4? I'm conflicted.

I think a more accurate rating would be along the lines of:

First 70 pages: D

Last 50 pages, C


Review to come (like I ever mean that). If I have time. And once I've caught up on sleep.

ginnikin's review

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Removed 1 star for casual rape reference. So very not necessary. Otherwise, I enjoyed it.

scribesprite's review

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Finished this book in one day around 3:30 in the morning. Closed the cover, sighed with a smile and felt all gooey inside. Haven't read a romance like this in so long if ever, and the adventure had me turning page after page into the night.

Sydelle is a girl who is chosen by a young wizard to accompany him to Provincia and carry a message that might save their kingdom from a disastrous war. Having little choice in the matter Sydelle goes but not without some resentment. Having never left her small town of Cliffton she is in for the journey of her life. Full of adventure, magic, romance, and terrible curses. It's a perfect recipe for a great read.

Sydelle as a character is rash and stubborn but in a way that is good. She is very into doing the right thing (being noble I guess) and not being a burden of any sort. If I were her and North told me to stay behind while he did something dangerous I would say "Okey dokey" and have some lemonade but Sydelle isn't like that, and if she were then the book would definitely not be as exciting with her just sitting pretty. The pacing of the story was good with a wizard duel and some near misses with the bad guy. I guessed at what Sydelle’s powers were about halfway through but you don’t get the full picture until later on.

The romance in the story was excellent and I was pleasantly surprised at how much was in it. I could just feel myself get all warm and fuzzy as I read some of the parts where they are together. Wayland North does not make a good first impression on Sydelle but that is overturned eventually. And they don’t say over the top cheesy lines all the time either. Okay maybe a few borderline ones. The writing flowed simply and easily, no trouble to follow. It didn’t do a ton of description or background but that didn’t bother me. Some fantasy authors do a whole lot of description and background to the point where it feels like a textbook to me. Some people like it but it’s not something I gravitate towards.

There could possibly be a sequel to this book and I would probably read it but I think it could stand on its own just fine. Just as a side note North is supposed to stink because he doesn’t bathe very much troughout the story apparently. Now I need sanitizer when someone does not wash his hands after going to the restroom, so in my mind he is nice and clean by the end. Nowhere was it put that he still stinks so…

Would definitely read again.

lumos_libros's review

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That cover is just marvelous honestly. Just one look at it made me so excited to read this book. I mean the detail in it is just on point. The reflection of lightning on her face, you can just feel the magic already. You just know (and hope) that what's inside will give you as much of a thrill.

Sydelle Mirabil has lived in Cliffton her whole life, but has always felt she needed to get out to see what lies out of her little town. She gets that opportunity sooner than expected when a young wizard, Wayland North, comes to town in a whirlwind of much needed rain. The town had been in a drought for years and to show their gratitude Sydelle's father tells North he can have anything he wants for his great service to the town. Strangely he choses that Sydelle accompany on his journey to the capitol to stop the oncoming war. But why her? Well you are going to have to read it to find out.

I was so wrapped up into this journey that Syd and North were on, my mind would wander to their story while I'd be doing other things. I'd imagine the book sitting where I left it just begging to be picked up again. Well, I of course couldn't resist. I had lots of nostalgia reading this book because it reminded of books that I use to love to devour. Tons of action, peril, mishaps and nice moments between the two main characters. I liked the take on wizards, though I would have liked if it had been explored more and if there is a sequel I think it would be. What sealed the deal was the romance, which is really the core of the book.

I see other reviewers seem kind of disappointed with the book and I was wondering why. I'm guessing they had certain expectations. This really isn't geared toward hard core fantasy fans that love world building and feeling immeresed in a totally new world. Don't get me wrong I did get a good sense of the world, but it didn't have dictionaries of words or list of character names. I love those kind of books too, but for this story I was glad it wasn't bogged down with all that. It kept true to the growth of the characters and the events happening around them be important catalyst, but not overshadow them.

So go ahead and get trapped into this book's trance of colors, power, magic and most of all sense of adventure with traces of real human warmth that oddly come from wizards too.

belles_bookshelves's review

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Wow, I’ve waited way too long to write a review for this. From the very beginning I was beyond excited to read this. It was even compared to Howl's Moving Castle! So I couldn't wait to finally get my hands on this. Plus the cover looks so cool.

Quick Overview: Sydelle's small village has been plagued with a seven year drought. Then one day, out of nowhere, the rain comes. Along with the rain comes a young wizard named Wayland North. Sydelle's father, the village elder, offers him anything he asks for as thanks for bringing the rain. North chooses Sydelle. She serves as North's assistant on his journey to deliver a message of the coming war. Sydelle is not happy about how North seems to be keeping secrets from her, about both himself and about why other wizards seem to have a strange interest in her.

I think most of the negative reviews for this book are because of all the hype that was revolving around it. Sometimes it can be good, but then sometimes it makes you have unfair expectations. In reality I am rating this a 3.5, but I just saw so much potential in this. It could be that there was too much editing, but I think what was most lacking in this book was further description, mostly with transitions between scenes. A lot of times you had to catch up with what was happening in the story. Characters would do something and you had to go through some thinking to understand the characters thought process. Sometimes you would be in climax mode when some action would happen and then before you know it things are already resolved. It’s bit like a roller coaster. I seriously think that if some description of the places and characters thinking were added then this would have been gold.

I really liked that the story was so easy to read. A lot of times fantasy books will be spiced up with some formal medieval-esque language, or with their own lingo which requires handy little dictionary in the back. North is such a funny character even if he does have his overly mature moments (never thought I’d be saying that about a boy). Sydelle is sometimes so hard headed that it turns into being plain stupid, but I have to admire that she doesn’t take anything lying down. Plus, I don’t want to give anything away but I really appreciate the fact that any possible love triangle is dealt with minimal drama and tears. I HATE and don’t understand the need to make big drawn out soap-opera-esque tear fests out of love triangles. A major (MAJOR!) plus.

This was a good and mostly quick read. With a little more description it would’ve been easy for me to get sucked into the story. As it is though it’s still a really interesting and action filled story with a good dose of romance. I’ll definitely be looking out for a sequel (please!) and other books by this author.