
Welcome Back Vol. 1 by Christopher Sebela

daynpitseleh's review

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I received this from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Okay, I really enjoyed this one. I'd probably give it 3 1/2 stars, so I rounded up to four.
It's not perfect, so let's talk about the negatives first - 1) the art style changes mid-issue, and it can be confusing to figure out at first who everyone is after the change. 2) it can get confusing with a lot of internal monologues.

Now, onto the positives - it's a unique story, the writing is actually really good, and the characters are awesome. There are a lot of interesting details that help with the world building, and it raises a lot of cool questions.

I really liked this one and will definitely continue reading the series.

spiderkid's review

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Short books mean even shorter reviews. Oops. I was pretty confused, but like pretty art??? Idk fam. I was actually looking for romance for once and there was none and I am confuzzled. I want to read more though.

ljrinaldi's review

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This is a very violet graphic novel about two people who are fighting each other through-out time. Each time they are reincarnated, they have to go after the other.

And each time, they have to "wake up" to remember their past.

And that is it. This is the story of the most recent waking up, and the character deciding she doesn't want to be an assasine, but how can she stop.

And if you want to find out, you can get this issue.
SpoilerThey decide to become lovers instead.

If would rate it lower, as it was a slog to get through, and I'm not into violence, but, hey, some people like that sort of thing, and it is what it says on the tin, so I can't rate it down for being that.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.

kyapw's review

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4.5 ⭐s

elturko64's review

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I'm so conflicted on this. There were so many great moments and so many 'meh' ones. The premise is fascinating and its what really kept me going. Except for the progression over the volume was muddled and didn't turn out really well in my mind. The writing and the art are great even when they change artists halfway through it. I didn't feel like it broke the story/immersion which was nice. I was sort of bummed that I guessed how this book would end. It tried to pull a twist but you could see it coming a quarter into the story. Though it was pretty good, I'm still looking forward to the next volume.

carroq's review

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I wasn't  sure what to expect from this book. It starts out more like a typical slice-of-life book with the exception that Mali's father is rumored to be a serial killer. Then it brings in an assassin and things quickly spiral into some weird territory. Mali and Tessa are soldiers on opposing sides of a millennia long war and are destined to fight each other forever, being reborn each time one of them dies.

I like the story and the set up for the book. The slow progression from Mali's seemingly normal life to this life that is beyond belief is awesome. It lets the reader adjust to this strange world along with Mali. The ending to the book feels right even though the characters are seemingly going in a different direction up to that point. It sets things up nicely for the next arc of the series. I also liked the art a lot. There are some cool scenes that incorporate the idea that these characters have experienced multiple lives.

My only real complaint is that there isn't enough explanation about this battle that the girls are involved in. It sets up the structure of the world and the war, but leaves a gap as to why these factions are at war and what it means for the girls. I enjoyed it a lot and would like to see these issues addressed in the next portion of the story.

gotoboston's review

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This was a lot cooler than I was expecting. The art is awesome and I love the idea of reincarnating soldiers on opposites sides of a war with no real purpose. Gave me some real This Is How You Lose the Time War vibes.

kerost's review

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not my thing

urlphantomhive's review

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Full review to come!

melziereads's review

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I am ashamed to admit it but I have never really read a graphic novel before. So, when I saw We(l)come Back Vol. 1 by Christopher Sebela I was intrigued.

I could not put this book down once I started. I loved the artwork and the coloring. It was beautiful. The story was very intriguing and it kept me turning pages. I love the premise of their forbidden love during a never-ending war. I also a sucker for big dopey dogs and this book has a cute lab as one of the characters.

The only thing I didn’t like about the book was the shift from one drawing style to another. It took me a little while to realize it was the same girl that was talking just drawn differently.

I would recommend this novel to anyone who likes graphic novels. There are not that many graphic novels with lesbian characters so that make this book unique. If you’re looking for a classic romance this is not the book for you. But, there is a love story intertwined into the bloody war.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.