
Forbidden Obsessions by Jodie Griffin

scorchingnix's review

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FTC: I got this book from the publisher for an honest review. However, to be upfront, I do think Jodie is awesome and chat to her on twitter a lot. I adore her stuff and was super excited for this book. Oh, and I started reading her stuff before I discovered how lovely she is...

This is Gabe’s book. You have no idea how long I have waited for that sexy Dom to find his lady and she certainly makes him work for it.This book was one of the sexiest in the series but it also probably had the least amount of actual sex time. The time was spent getting to know each other and healing; I really enjoyed this very surprising book.

Gabe has been the consistent character in all of the books.The owner of Bondage and Breakfast, he is currently struggling with the renovations on the building after the fire of the last book. He prides himself on being a master of control and a mentor to those in the lifestyle. I adored that he landed himself a woman who tested both his self control and skill as a Dom. I thought that it was a very brave thing to take the most experienced Dom of the books and then give him to a woman who had never even thought about BDSM as a sexual lifestyle before. The problem is that, before they get to the stage where they start a sexual relationship, he starts to care about her in a way that causes him to treat her with kid gloves. Yes, he is one of THOSE Dom’s who think they know best...I was a little disappointed with him.

I LOVED Liv. She is exactly like me; strong-willed,pig-headed and an impatient git to boot. She wants to be healed yesterday and so pushes herself beyond the limits of her body and refuses the assistance of everyone. I enjoyed that she submitted so easily to Gabe (she blatantly needed the mental time off) and I understood her frustrations with the way he treated her; she was a strong woman who could make her own decisions and mistakes outside of the bedroom. She was willing to be everything he needed sexually but he was holding back on her and not trusting her; in this book I would say it was the Dom with the trust issues and not the sub.

As previously stated, I loved the sexual chemistry in this book. There isn’t a whole lot of sex but there is an amazing amount of sexual tension between the two of them; from fleeting touches to full on hickeys,there is a large amount of time spent on amping up the heat in the book. The BDSM is limited to bondage and dominance, with a lovely shibari scene, and I liked the way the author showed them working around her physical difficulties.It is very hot stuff!

This is a fantastic addition to a fantastic series. The more badass the Dom, the harder he seems to fall and I loved this glimpse we got into the head of a very in control Dom who found himself totally off balance.It is hot, sexy and fun... a 5 star read.