
Nature Abhors A Vacuum by Stephen L. Nowland

johnhcarroll's review

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Have you ever read one of those books where you're instantly interested in the main character? Yeah. This is it. It starts with a prologue of an incident in the Aiden Wainwright's youth. Chapter 1 begins with him as an adult who has been defined by that incident. The city they're in has been shut down and someone has to get through for supplies.

A number of characters join him along the way. Each one of these people have their own personality and are given the time to develop to the point where the reader is invested in what happens to each and every one. My favorite is the cleric, Nellise. (I have a thing for beautiful clerics, but . . . ) Actually, my biggest complaint about these books is that Nellise's life is going to suck. I'm certain it will end badly. *sigh*

The dialogue has humor scattered throughout, the battle scenes are vivid and intense, and the characters make you like or hate them. For the first time in a long while, I found myself staying up late, not wanting to put the book down.

I truly recommend this to anyone who likes high fantasy. At over 200,000 words, it's a tale of epic proportions that reads fast.