
Výherce by Michael Byrne

fitzsfool's review against another edition

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I don't think this book is bad when it comes to the premise and writing style, but if I'm going to be completely honest, I thought it was incredibly boring

hellohannahk's review against another edition

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I'm torn between a 3 and 4-star rating. For plot, pacing, characters, emotion, voice--almost everything related to the craft of writing--I'd give this book 5 stars. The writing was stunning, really--grabbed me write away and I could hardly put the book down. The climax was BIG, a little over-the-top, maybe, but was 'enjoyable' in an intense, thrilling, chilling sort of way. The only critique I have as far as craft was that a couple times I briefly lost track of what was going on, or what had just happened--mostly, I think, because of 'British' or street slang terms that I didn't understand. ('Stick him in the boot', I'm like, 'Stab him in the foot'...? What? Until I realize it means, 'Put him in the trunk' :-) )
When it comes to wholesomeness this book doesn't exactly make the cut, though, which is sad considering how great it was in other respects. There was quite a bit of swearing, some 'bathroom' humor/references. Mostly I had a problem with the language. But deeper than that, I finished feeling like there wasn't much of a 'point'. Without God, there was no meaning to the story, and the themes that were there felt weak and meaningless. Bully (the hero) didn't come to a point of change, he seemed largely a static character (albeit a well-rounded and intriguing one), and through all his chasing after millions of dollars and being beaten again and again he didn't seem to come to any sort of real conclusion. So even though the ending was big and fulfilled all the promises, I finished feeling, in a way, empty.
Leaving me torn between stunning writing and lack of meaning when I came to rate the book...

katykelly's review against another edition

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Here's a new one - a homeless kid wins the lottery. Nice one - different, some different characters on the themes of greed and goodness.

Bully (real name Bradley) is only 12 and living on the streets (after his mum's death, he can't stand her boyfriend). Struggling but just about managing to feed himself and his dog Jack, out of the blue he finds a lottery ticket his mum hid. And it turns out... yep, it's a winning ticket from nearly 6 months ago.

Now, if this were a really short (and dull) story, Bully would call up Camelot and get them to meet him. But of course, other homesless acquaintances soon get wind of Bully's good fortune... including Janks, who isn't going to let him keep his luck to himself.

Thus follows a chase and escape story, that takes Bully all over the famous sights of London, little Jack loyally following.

I suspended disbelief ("Don't tell anyone Bully!") to enjoy the story. It's quite exciting, with a likeable hero and his dog to root for, as time ticks down through the story until the ticket validity runs out. There's danger and injury (though not too graphic - he is only 12, it's suitable for the age range), there are issues relating to homelessness and abuse of dogs. There are weapons and violence.

The ending I felt suited, I expected one strand of it to conclude in the way it does, and the other I really wasn't sure how it would end.

This should capture the attention of able but reluctant readers of around 10-12, Bully's own age, and because of the content I would say 9-12 is the best market for it. There are issues to discuss in school from it.

littleelfman's review against another edition

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A fast paced, street kid adventure. With bad baddies, good goodies, and an adorable mutt of a dog.

jillcd's review against another edition

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Got to the part where the author slams pit bulls and, as a dog rescuer, just could not read it. Looks like a thriller for teens and perhaps I will pick up it later and try again.

daisy1999's review against another edition

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I didn't liked it.
I had a bad time reading it because I hated the characters(except Jo, She was pretty cute )
Bully/Bradley was an asshole.
I what I hated the most about bully was the end when their was written that "he is embarrassed to have a three-legged dog" I mean what the heck ?

aidamaria_20's review against another edition

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Cartea asta este un dezastru! Primele 100 de pagini descriere ,doar descriere ,fara actiune care sa te prinda fara nimic. Apoi urmatoarele sunt ok dar nu e o carte addicted, actiunea nu e pusa bine in valoare chiar daca e o idee buna ,destul de populara dar buna si nu cred ca aceasta carte o contureaza bine (my opinion).Cartea se citeste incet ,dar totodata o recomand oamenilor pasionati de aventura pt ca pe la ultimele 20 de pagini cartea are actiune si aventura cam câtā vrei!