
Believe: A Wanted Christmas by Kelly Elliott

bribookish's review

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Loved this of course! Very glad it was all Amanda and Brad's POV. I was worried it would alternate like the other 3. So I'm glad it was only their POV. I'm so addicted to this series and I've become soo attached to all the characters! can't wait to see Scott and Jessie's story next!

amb3reads's review

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4 out of 5 Stars

Believe is book 3.5 in the Wanted Series. Believe is a quick and enjoyable Christmas novella. Believe follows Brad and Amanda.

thebookishmedialite's review

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Y después de casi 500 páginas al fin termine de leer Wanted jajaja, demonios es el libro que más tiempo me he tardado en leer...

Leí muchas opiniones respecto a este libro, buenas y malas, pero siempre he pensado que no hay nada como que tu compruebes que rollo, porque para gustos se hicieron los colores señores, por lo que clarooooooo me lo leí...

Y, honestamente no es un libro que vaya a recomendar nunca #SorryNotSorry pero es la verdad, y si lo termine fue porque enserio me daba mucha curiosidad, mientras mas leía más increíble me parecía todo. Los protagonistas, oh myyyyyy los más cursis del mundoooooo, y no es que yo sea una insensible, pero ahhh fueron too much!! Ellie fue desesperante y Gunner diomiooooo lloraba cada dos capítulos jajaja, no es que sea malo que un hombre lloré pero lo de él fue muuuuy induhsugdgzgysfugzxbihs no se como describirlo jajajaja.

Toda la trama fue muy hueca, desde ahí se me hizo tonto, las inseguridades de Ellie eran fastidiosas, yo en lugar de Gunner la hubiera mandado a la goma por tanta tontería, muuuuy infantil. De vez en cuando como que Gunner se defendía, pero luego lloraba y decía: WTF este chico no tiene remedio.

La historia de Ari&Jeff que es sobre lo que va el segundo libro, pero que nos dieron una muy pero que muy buena idea en Wanted, me pareció lo más o menos rescatable, la personalidad de Ari era divertida, para nada como Ellie, y Jeff.... buenooooo, él si que estaba como para cachetearlo, pero al menos con los capítulos dedicados a ellos, hicieron el libro tantito más interesante.

Lo mejor de libro: Wanted de Hunter Hayes jajajajajaja.

Solo me queda decir, lea bajo su propio riesgo, le doy dos stars porque me hizo reír con tanta cursileria, y nooo señores, aclaró que no es envidia pffff.

Ahhhh y porque sé que soy bien curiosa, me leeré el segundo si llega a mis manos jajajaja.

gemini907's review

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I have to agree with the reviewers below me, this book frustrates me. The grammar just pisses me off. The sentences are stilted and just don't come across well. I hate not finishing books but the grammar and punctuation made it unreadable.

the_coycaterpillar_reads's review

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5 stars

Awesome book loved Gunner and Ellie but the supporting characters where outstanding too.

Good mix of romance, angst, heartbreak and sex without it being overbearing.

Hoping book 2 will answer a huge question.

My reaction to Gunner's love for Ellie :

staceyfe907's review

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Review from Fairy Tale Ending Book Reviews

Read: 24 February 2013
Why: Number 1 on iTunes chart

Brief synopsis: Ever since she was 7 years old Ellie's mum has told her that she would never be wanted by anyone - something she's finding hard to forget.

When she catches her boyfriend having sex with another girl, her brother Jefferson along with his best friend Gunner come to her rescue. Ellie's surprised to find herself attracted to Gunner and but is even more surprised when her brother, who is extremely overprotective and has purposely not ever allowed her to meet his friends, is the one to set them up.

Can Ellie ever forget her mother's harsh words and let Gunner prove she is wanted?

What I thought: I LOVED this book! I was gripped from the first paragraph and could not put it down - I was awake the whole night reading until I finished the book at 7am!

My biggest gripe with most books is that they condense the soppy stuff (my favourite parts) in favour of the more dramatic storyline. So many engagements/weddings/babies are mentioned in passing or squished into an epilogue. Luckily, this book is long enough to cover the good stuff in plenty of detail - I think that's what I loved most about it.

I also thought the ending was very clever - we know enough about Jeff and Ari to want more but they're not even mentioned in the epilogue. I can't wait to read their story in Saved - I've already added it to my to-read list.

The only downside to this book is that it does contain a few spelling mistakes and grammatical errors but they don't ruin the story.

Favourite quote:
"Holy fucking hell I think I'm going to faint.

Gunner came walking into the kitchen, no shirt on, sweating......really sweating....looking......really H.O.T. I had to remind myself to breathe. FUCK ME this guy was too good looking for his own good. Oh holy hell......his tattoo was so fucking sexy....and...he had two! My eyes traveled up and down his perfect body.

Jefferson walked up and took his finger and used it to close my lower jaw."