
The Unremembered: Author's Definitive Edition by Peter Orullian

ljstrain28's review against another edition

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I thought this book was well written and the characters were really good. It just didn't really grab me. So, don't let my rating dissuade you, check it out anyway.

lordnikon's review against another edition

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Zero stars. DNF.

lyrrael's review against another edition

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I'm honestly not much of a fan of quest fiction. You know -- Robert Jordan, J.R.R. Tolkien, Goodkind to some degree -- the kind where a guy gets an Epic Quest, leaves his small village, travels across the country experiencing trials and travails and usually getting chased in the process. It's a standard story structure. And that's what this is. Standard.

I honestly loved the writing, and it held me a lot longer than most quest fiction normally does -- I doubt I made it halfway through Eye of the World, and the only reasons I made it all the way through Lord of the Rings as a teenager were that I was running out of fantasy in the school library and the three books managed to finish every single one of my reading requirements for the year at once. It was a little darker and held a little bit more of the character-driven fantasy that I enjoy than most quest fiction does.

But it was kind of generic. I mean, it's been done before. All of it. The kids in the weird area that nobody lives in picked up and taken with no explanation across the country, being chased by creatures only out of legend.... I mean, you could hit plot point by plot point Jordan or Tolkien.

When I got halfway done with the book, I shut the covers, closed my eyes, and thought about it. Where were we going? What was going to happen next in the book? Is there any foreshadowing that would give me a clue or mysteries that I needed answered? And all I could see was the abyss yawning open in front of me.

It's an interesting book, but I just didn't give a shit. I've put it down and left it down with only the regret of a book unfinished, not with unanswered questions or a burning need to know what's next. And I think that's a little sad.

mjfmjfmjf's review against another edition

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This was a book I read for the Endeavour awards. There was some interesting and good world-building attempted here. But this book just plain suffered from too much too soon. I never cared about any of the characters, not when they were together, not when they were separated, not when they re-found each other. There was too much stupid-name syndrome and this started from the very first page. And yet there were glimpses of the author's storytelling capabilities - just a couple pages - but these would have made nice short stories. And I guess that's what I would want to fix this overly long book - make it 2500 pages and multiple books rather than almost 700. Slow it down. Learn to actually like the characters and their place. Note - this book is clearly first in a series. Nice cover though.

ghostmuppet's review against another edition

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I am having to stop this. I am just not enjoying this book at all, and after a small break i was dreading coming back to it. So, stopping at about 55% through.
The book is very dry, and i just had zero connection to ANY of the characters. Time is too short to read something you just don't connect with, so time to lem this and move on.

nipomuki's review against another edition

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There was a short story from this world and by this author in a Fantasy anthology that I listened to, and I loved the language and the magic based on music.

Now that I finally read this longer book in the same world, I am sad to say that it just did not work for me. The story is eventful, there are many different characters with a variation of capabilities and backstories, and the bad guys are very bad indeed. I just could not connect to anyone. There is a lot of drama, and I did not really care.

To me some of it seemed quite similar to The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan, with the traveling and the large cast and the self discovery, the romances, the friendships. But it compared badly.

I have a hard time describing the exact reason, but it had something to do with being told instead of shown, I think. For example the main chosen one has a friend along, mostly to have someone to talk to about things, and to save from or lead into danger. That friend is supposed to be a prankster who makes fun of things. But he just never seemed all that funny to me, even though I was told many times that he was.

The good guys were all a little … cardboardy? Very good, very accomplished or at least talented at something… but being good and accomplished does not a character make.

astifel21's review against another edition

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The beginning starts to weave a tale that is fascinating. At first we follow the main hero where he discovers nightmare creatures thought to only exist in stories told around the fire are very real and have arrived in his small town. Several stories emerge as you read further and you become perplexed as to how these snippets could be related to the main group of protagonists even though you know they must be intertwined somehow. Slowly the puzzle pieces start to fit together and the picture becomes clear. Following the protagonists choices leave us guessing how they will reach the final goal and what the costs will be. I hung on the author’s every word and couldn’t get enough of it. Looking forward to reading book two to find out what the characters next steps will be.

themaskedwoman's review against another edition

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Interesting concepts and ideas and so forth, but I was bored by the execution and how certain plot and character developments weren't satisfying. 

raygina's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed the beginning, but after a while it just began to drag. The altering perspectives each chapter and drawn out side scenarios destroyed the flow of the story. It could have been done a lot better. Perhaps if it had been done in more than one book, but as it was I just didn't enjoy it. I'm not inclined to read any others in this series.

seak's review against another edition

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From Only the Best Sci-Fi/Fantasy

One of the most stunning covers I've seen in a long time, The Unremembered is one of the biggest releases of 2011. The question remains, does the book live up to its cover?

In many ways, The Unremembered is a very traditional tale. A couple almost-kids are swept up in an adventure they never imagined they would be in, chased by monsters who were thought to be myth, helped by people who know what they're doing (and have awesome powers). Luckily, even after the many traditional tales I've read, I still very much enjoy this type of story, but I'm sure many will find it a bit of a retreading.

And still, The Unremembered took me a while to get into. There are a few characters who are well introduced, but also a few more who are not, but yet are swept up into this adventure anyway. The author does do a great job of filling you in as the story progresses, through dreams and/or the places they visit, which have their own special power. One of those characters, Wendra, actually became one of my favorites by the end.

This lack of introduction, however, does lead to a bit of a disconnect with the reader...or maybe I should say a never-connect and hampered my ability to really get into the story for a while.

The author also tends to switch in and out of third-person omniscient and third-person limited. This is something that you can get used to, but can also be jarring and confusing at times at least at first, and yet another reason that it took a while to get into the story.

Another thing that grated on me, and this will be the last of my complaints, is that while the characters were well drawn and realized, they still tended to fall into some patterns, some cardboard characterization, that annoyed me.

Almost like Edding's Belgariad (and moreso in the Mallorean) where anytime Belgarath said anything, it was almost like "Oh Belgarath, you're always such a grouch". These types of things continued throughout the story even in the most dire of circumstances, and instead of lightening the mood, bugged me thoroughly.

While I've mentioned some good things, up till now I've focused mainly on the negatives and I'm sorry. I actually did enjoy this book and I think it's worth your time as well.

The world Orullian has created is amazing. It's detailed, it's completely well thought-out, and it has a deep history. There is plenty more to tell and plenty that has been hinted at, giving it a rich atmosphere and a world all it's own.

There are different races, most notably, the Quietgiven and the Far. The former, evil beings from the Bourne, the latter, a short-lived race with certain powers of their own. I sometimes called them "reverse elves". Then there's the League of Civility, a group that has successfully taken over much of the known world and attempting to get rid of history, and really write their own. They are also attempting (and somewhat successful) in getting rid of the Sheason, the magic wielders (for good), who they don't trust to wield so much power.

His writing is epic and fulfilling. It reminded me a lot of Robert Jordan at times - detailed, layered, and not as gritty as a lot of the contemporary works like Abercrombie, Lynch, or Erikson. In fact, The Unremembered is very reminiscent of The Wheel of Time, especially The Eye of the World. It's a coming-of-age tale in a highly realized world full of good and evil.

I mentioned the characters earlier, and while I had some reservations, overall, they're extremely three-dimensional. The main protagonist, Tahn, begins the story as a hunter. Every time he shoots his bow, he has to repeat a certain mantra that allows him to only kill those who deserve it, in accordance with the Will. He struggles to know who he is, why he must always utter these phrases.

Tahn is very close to his sister, Wendra, who when we first meet her, has given birth to the baby she had after being raped. This baby, who is stillborn, is immediately taken away by the Bar-dyn, one of the races of the Quietgiven who end up causing Tahn and Wendra to leave their homes.

They are taken away by a Sheason, Vendanj, and a Far, Mira, and meet some great characters on the way as they go from one dangerous adventure to the next and as they attempt to fulfill their destinies. Whether those are actually destinies or selfishly played pawns remains to be seen.

Why Read The Unremembered?

If you like coming-of-age tales with a different twist and plenty of action, you'll enjoy The Unremembered immensely. It's an epic tale with deep history and plenty of potential to become a very satisfying series ... possibly even the successor to The Wheel of Time.

After saying that, I also think that some might be disappointed because of the hype-machine that's been working on 11 (Spinal Tap reference) for the past few months. Sadly, I think that might kill the book for quite a few people. It was good, it has tons of potential, but it's not quite the next The Name of the Wind.

In this respect, I'd have to say that The Unremembered earned its beautiful cover, but only by the skin of its teeth.

4 out of 5 Stars