
Starlight, by Mimi Strong

shaztwirl's review

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I liked the first...I loved this, the 2nd and I'm already well stuck into the 3rd. Funny and sexy. A great combination.

lulureviews's review

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What a fun 2nd installment to Peaches' story! Where will the last chapter of this story lead??

kimmiereadsalot's review

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Note. DNF. I just couldn't get into it. I'm rating it anyway because it pisses me off that the first is a cliffhanger and this one starts off already annoying me that it appears to be turning into a love triangle. I HATE love triangles. I purposefully avoid books with triangles. If I had realized that's where the series was headed, I would have never downloaded the first one.

macknapp's review

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DNF at 10%

I tried, boys and girls; I tried. NO, NO, NO! I can see where this is going and it's basically jump from one messed up relationship to another, all the while never getting full closure on the previous 2 relationships and harboring a big "secret" which I am pretty sure has to do with her younger "brother."

At least it was FREE (via Kindle Unlimited)

I've got better books to read. Off to find a good [a:Kristen Ashley|2958084|Kristen Ashley|] book.

cocktailsandbooks1's review

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I started this one, but couldn't really get into it. I'll save it for another time.

lifeandliterature's review

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"You've got something people want. You have a spark. You know who you are. People will always be attracted to that"

Starlight is the second book in the Peaches Monroe series and picks up right where Stardust finished. I really enjoyed book one but I think I would have to say that I loved this one even more.

Peaches Monroe is witty, sarcastic, mouthy, charming, fun, curvy and full of awesome. But she's just been dealt a blow when she finds out her hot superstar actor boyfriend was using the lines from his latest script on her. Whats a girl to do but jump into a rebound with Keith, the sexy underwear model that she's going to be working with shooting ads for her new line of underwear. Oh, it's such a hard life!!

When I first finished reading Stardust my first thoughts were why? Why did you do something so douchy Dalton? And that was how I referred to him for a while. Douchy Dalton!! Yeah the name fit. But as the story went on I found myself really missing him and all his quirky, and sometimes cheesy one liners. He had a real sense of fun about him that I loved. He does pop his head up a few times throughout this book though but he's by no means one of the main players this time around.

Keith's super-slow lovin' fried out some of my dopamine circuits, and now I craved him like a chocolate addict craves the good stuff from Belgium.

And while Peaches has moments thinking about Dalton she has Keith to keep her very well occupied. Can you all say steamy sex? Well, just as in book one, this book is jam packed with steam. Keith and Peaches spend a lot of time making each other feel good. But where Dalton had that sense of fun, Keith was much more grounded and stable. And I think that Peaches needed that after feeling so betrayed by Dalton.

And while this book had me laughing a lot of the time, there was also some deep moments to balance things out. In the first book there were a few times that Peaches eluded to a secret that she was keeping close to her chest, but we never actually found out what that secret was. But she reveals all to Keith which went a long way in showing how much she trusts him. And what a secret it was!!

The Peaches Monroe series would have to contain the quirkiest set of characters that I've had the pleasure of reading about for a long time and I loved them all. I hadn't read anything by Mimi Strong before this but I know that I will be a huge fan if all her characters have this level of individuality and humour about them.

Going by the ending of Starlight, I think we are in for some fun and games in the next book. Bring it on!!

4.5/5 Hilariously Sexy Stars.

jrt5166's review

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I didn't like this one as much as the first one. There were a few genuinely funny moments, but a lot of it was kind of cringeworthy. I liked Peaches a lot in the last book, but in this one she was pretty selfish and often mean. I found her a lot harder to connect with. It also felt like the author changed her mind at the last minute about what she wanted the big reveal to be.